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fightknightHERO ago

oh yeah Putt reprimanded that faggot (((Folkov))) for being a faggot (i was unbanned without any explination, but last time Folkov tried to send his henchmen after me and tried to make a sticky over this baseless slander

H3rts said that they promised putt never again to act like niggerfaggots, meaning they certainly got reparimanded for their ban of me and that other dude who got axed for "anti-semitsm"

they haven't unbanned Danial because of his anti-nigger stance, on even the Good Nigs like Thomas Sowell

though the real reaason he got shoah'ed was because he was trash talking good goy Zioniggers like Jesse what's name

and his "ban reason" is basically a projection of what Diggernicks is like

i dunno if Putt really sold us out, if he did, why would he intervene when gigantic faggots like Folkov go full reddit?