I tried to make a post to Great Awakening and received a message that, "You are not authorized to submit links or start discussions in this subverse. Please contact subverse moderators for authorization".
What the fuck is up with that? Free speech? Apparently Not.
Open exchange of ideas? Not in that verse.
Is this to control content or is someone just too lazy to monitor the content posted?
Seems antithesis to a "Great Awakening".
So I will make my post here:
Is The Current Global Experience Birthing Pains For THE Great Awakening?
Metaphysical Pro Tip - Everything happens spiritually first and then that energy manifests physically.
Are we currently experiencing birthing pains of a great global awakening and a global rise of consciousness?
It is unclear where our current trajectory is leading to.
1. Post-modern Mad Max scenario?
2. Complete breakdown of ages old systems of control or is the old guard shoring up and taking control to a degree we can't even imagine?
3. Is this just a hiccup and when it's over (if it ends) will things just go back to they way they were?
I am not predicting a hippy-dippy, all we need is love scenario but I think a lot of people's paradigms are being challenged right now. I am hoping that those that perpetrate evil upon the world are seeing their control slip away.
Hopefully people are using this time for self reflection and contemplation of what brought us here and where we are going. I doubt it as from what I see around me the younger generations do not have the training or self awareness to do so.
I am hoping for the manifestation of a new awareness and a return to self governance, self determination, community, and faith.
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Look at their mod log, it is a pro-censorship subverse. You must be approved to post there because it makes censorship easier when you just set the default for everybody to "censored". If you value free speech then you should block v/greatawakening and use other qtard subs like v/theawakening or v/qrv.
Also, please keep the qtard posts to those ghettos
Joe_McCarthy ago
In my observation there has been a good bit of deliberate disruption of that sub. People attacking it with porn, off topic submissions, etc. If that sort of thing happens enough it is predictable that submissions would be set to mod approval. There are a lot of trolls on Voat. There are also a lot of people that don't like QAnon a/o @Crensch. And in essence some are trying to cause trouble.
There is probably more to it than that. But there most definitely is that.
I don't know why you would defend censorship. There's no excuse for it. Furthermore, censorship invites those sorts of disruptions. Your post sounds like you assume it's the non-qtards that disrupt that sub, but why would you assume qtards would tolerate being censored? People on /qrv/ hate /greatawakening/ with a passion. One is the 8chan crowd and the other is reddit hugbox crowd.
It's also stupid to assume that the censor deals out censorship fairly and dispassionately. Nothing breeds resentment within a community as strongly as censorship does, and the censors always end up trampling on their own community.
Joe_McCarthy ago
@Crensch is not the most rational person I've met - so I'm sure some of his actions are excessive. But I also run a sub myself and know that sometimes there is a need for 'censorship'. You seem to be ignoring, or don't care about, the fact that we have a lot of, shall we say, psychos on Voat. They come in, they hurl insults, they deliberately post crap to disrupt the sub. You mentioned QRV. That place is continually plastered with tranny porn. No one wants to see that shit.
So the upshot is that if sub restrictions are put in place - there is probably some reasonable reasoning for it being placed there.
I have qrv blocked but sometimes I stop over there to see what they're talking about. When I visit I sort by "hot" and have never seen tranny porn. If people have been posting it there then that must mean that /qrv/ is an example of things working correctly by letting the community use upvotes and downvotes as quality control.
Joe_McCarthy ago
I'm not going to spend all day digging around looking for tranny shit from QRV - but here are a couple of the threads:
It all gets heavily downvoted. But in that sub downvotes have no effect on SCP and CCP and are otherwise irrelevant as it is an anon sub. There's no 'censorship' there - so some jagoff disrupts the place with that stuff.
The main purpose of upvotes and downvotes is quality control. Punishing the person who posted it by taking their scp/ccp away was just a side effect of making low quality posts, and doesn't really even matter anymore now that the scp/ccp thresholds for new posts are gone.
Joe_McCarthy ago
Are you saying having negative CCP no longer limits how much one can post?
In any event the voting system is basically irrelevant in QRV because it has no impact on thread visibility as it's an anonymous sub.
It certainly isn't stopping the spammers like it did 9 months ago