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beece ago

Fuck it, I'm upvoating it. Joe, why does everyone downvoat your stuff? BTW, you're still not using the NSFW tag like we already discussed.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Mostly because they're cops. Or if not cops they have an awful lot of time to fuck with people on their own time. I think most people have more entertaining hobbies. And less time consuming ones.

Notice that this porn thread is getting heavily upvoted as we speak:

My porn does sometimes get upvoted significantly. It'd probably even hit all and front sometimes if not for getting buried by this suspicious downvoting.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

And he got banned for not tagging it as nsfw.

Would that I could do the same here.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Probably need to ban all the alts he used to upvote his porn post too. I'll note he made over 12,000 total comments just on that account.

I do find it interesting that the same basic circle of people obviously have a lot of time to post on this website.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I find it interesting you use "proper decorum" as an excuse when you want to ban, then flagrantly violate it everywhere else.

Go ahead assuming everybody downvoting you is malicious, though!

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not sure what you're driving at there. My motives are transparent there in any case. You on the other hand made about 60 posts per day last year. Possible I guess. But I'd opt more for not possible.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Here, I'll make it real clear. I bet you a dollar you get noticeably fewer downvotes if you dog the simple step of marking your pornography as NSFW. Real simple.

And just to be clear, 60 comments, not 60 submissions.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The porn gets downvoted regardless in my observation. Not using the NSFW tag is a calculated decision to make it as visible as possible knowing it'll get hammered anyway. Plus believe it or not showing punani in new also likely gets upvotes that ordinarily it would not get.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sure, that could be.

But I'd stop downvoting you, at the very least.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, fair enough there. But what I'm posting is not even worth downvoting. The thumbnails are not offensive. Though of course that's a matter of taste.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The concept is worth downvoting.

beece ago

Joe, you dumb motherfucker. Clamshell just told you what was occuring and rather than accept it you argued his attempt to straighten you out. What kind of a dumb fuck are you. I just went down this thread and upvoated every clamshell comment and downvoated every one of yours. AND, such you're being such a stuborn dumbfuck, I'm a gonna change my upvoat to a down voat now on you OP. Go ahead, call me a bot and whine about my alts (got none). LOL

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I honestly don't understand his motivation. It's some sort of personal fight he wants to have with voat at large.