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Nosfewratsjews ago

After you remove kebab, make sure you ALWAYS trust the SRS crew over at SBBH. They NEVER lie, they promise!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Your nose is showing rabbi.

Nosfewratsjews ago

How'd you get the short straw from team SRS to follow me around today?

You aren't fooling anyone, but please don't stop trying. Makes you an easier target to paint.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You are a fucking loon im just browsing and your kike face keeps revealing yourself. Rabbi.

MDEneverdies1488 ago


requiescence ago

Shit Reddit Says apparently has a tranny section on this site called SBBH. No clue what the acronym means.

Afterlife ago

Soapbox Ban Hammer

Afterlife ago


MDEneverdies1488 ago

Well I always knew they were fags, just didn't know if SRS stood for something

Afterlife ago

AFAIK it refers to Shit Reddit Says, a squad of Something Awful goons that heavily influenced Reddit into a feminist/SJW shithole

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Oh that makes sense. It goes hand in hand with r/againsthatesubreddits, the sole reason for the night of long noses

Afterlife ago

Funny you mention that, I was just replying to a commie about the night of long knives. But yes, Voat is currently /pol/ turf being fought for by various factions including them

Nosfewratsjews ago

What are the other factions?

Afterlife ago

Lolbergs over at /v/EmergencyNation, they generally are pol adjacent but hate NS because they think it won’t work.

SRS/SBBH as discussed. I don’t really understand their goals.

Qtards / patriots / evangelical qoomers

/pol/ which is mostly NS or at least NS adjacent and jewpilled

And apparently there’s a few Satanist Leftists over in /v/ironleft. They’re just chilling on their island.

Chiefpacman ago

Meanwhile 99% of the community doesn't give a fuck.

Don't play into it, just call them faggots and move on. They feed on attention. Good thing about you Q boys, you generally haven't played politics here. Keep it up.

Afterlife ago

Don’t ever call me or my wife’s son a Q tard again.

Chiefpacman ago

You must hate that tag

Afterlife ago

What’s worse is I have couple alpha accounts that got locked