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user9713 ago

For those that don't know what's going on:

Brave browser allows you to earn crypto by viewing ads (or outright buying crypto) and, optionally, sending that crypto to people on the Internet.

However, you have to be "Verified" to receive the crypto. isn't verified and, thus, Brave users can't send them any money that they've earned.

cc: @Puttitout

Nosfewratsjews ago

Because Brave is a Google project so intelligent users don't give the CIA more data willingly.

user9713 ago

I love how you guys think that you're not being spied on already.

MinorLeakage ago

@Nosfewratsjews Claims to be multiple people, and is only here to tell us how smart "they" are. See, "they" figured it all out, and "they're" just here because they deign to bestow "their" exalted wisdom upon us. We really are quite lucky to be given the gift of "their" superior mentality.

Long story short, just ignore the stupid faggot. You're better off arguing with a wall in your bathroom.

MinorLeakage ago

The easiest way to detect a subhuman if to check if they're named @Nosfewratsjews.

Why did "you all" attempt to steal a known Goat's username? @Nosferatjew

Any idea why "these" faggots are trying to impersonate you? Didn't @Puttitout promise to ban fags who try and impersonate others?

Nosferatjew ago

I do recall something about Putt no longer permitting copycat account names. If you look through the banned account log, you should find several instances of this rule being enforced. At least, I seem to remember finding that when looking through it myself.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Haha. You think Putt gives a shit about Voat anymore. You're so cute.

Nosferatjew ago

Shut up Wesley.

I lost what little faith I had in Putt long ago, when he decided to start selectively enforcing unwritten rules at the behest of a few (((chicks))) on the internet who got their panties in a twist.