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AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

@theoldones prefers 12 yr old boys

pedo scum

Dortex ago

Did you know u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it? Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

theoldones ago

@Cynabuns dortex spam here

BraunF14 ago

Nice. I've seen these before. He's simply manipulative like the Jew he most likely is.

theoldones ago

you saw these yesterday, it was explained to you they were bullshit, and then you explicitly admitted to the intention of "slander" against me.

BraunF14 ago

No no. I saw those months ago. I saw you begging me for srayzies nudes yesterday. Dude you have a profile on a free speech website. Stop worrying about what people say about you. If you can, that is.

theoldones ago

No no. I saw those months ago. I saw you begging me for srayzies nudes yesterday. Dude you have a profile on a free speech website. Stop worrying about what people say about you. If you can, that is.

oh so first right now, second yesterday, then now months ago.


Crensch ago

Dortex is a pedophile-defending user. His description of the links above doesn't actually bear out. He's lying and putting links there so it SEEMS like he's telling the truth. He's not. He's the pedo.