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AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

@theoldones prefers 12 yr old boys

pedo scum

BraunF14 ago

Oooh this is tasty. Show me your proof :) I'd love to help slander him as well as Crensch.

AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

He pm me looking for kid pics. Thought I was hecho??

theoldones ago

the fuck are you even talking about.

AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

You know what I’m talking about you pedo scum

zyklon_b ago

@theoldones fuckimg raped srayzies youngest son

AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

@theoldones raped kids in 1990

zyklon_b ago

@theoldones 1990 make 1000 posts condemning theoldones