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Vindicator ago - sent right before a 2nd PM from her with her boobs. I deleted that PM as well. I have a gf and unlike srayzie's husband we both believe in exclusivity and that applies to strangers sending unsolicited nudes.

So your big reveal is that you deleted the pics ES sent to us to try to get her demodded and stop Q posts in v/pizzagate, and she re-sent them to you? The night she was all whacked out over being groomed and humiliated? A child rape survivor who was trained by the age of 10 to come on to men for survival -- you're taking that as her firting with you?

Excuse me while I vomit.

And you think it legit to use what was done to her against her publicly in your campaign against Crensch?

I didn't actually think you were capable of this level of depraved indifference to human beings, Kev. It's foul.

You are voluntarily and publicly exploiting what ES did to her -- a vote manipulating, site rule-breaking predator who should have been banned but whom YOU knowingly allowed to continue prowling Voat, and continue to allow to do so. You protected the predator, and exploited his target for your own political ends.

You really think you're going to come out looking good in this scenario?

@Peaceseeker @PuttItOut @Dismember @cynabuns: This is the guy "Protecting" Voat.

Gothamgirl ago

You sound pathetic.

"child rape survivor who was trained by the age of 10 to come on to men for survival"

You mean now turned predator @Vindicator.

This woman has been stalking my children for over a year, she has called my childs school pretending to be me, and has been posting their names on here for last 30 days.

Excuse me while I vomit.

You people are the biggest manipulators on Voat. That bitch had 4 alts on 1 pizzagate post attacking me, and you knew they were her alts. Fucking disgrace all of you involved.

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator acts like she doesn't get on Tinder on a webcam and "get her freak on" as she puts it. She is highly sexually aggressive and she doesn't hesitate to go after what she wants. How many women have you dated in your life vindicator? The beta fag White Knight way you act the answer is probably ONE. You act like she is a damsel in distress that I took advantage of @vindicator. Vindicator either you are stupid, or you are a GOD DAMN LIAR exploiting this situation to get rid of people you don't like, such as me.

After reading this thread i'm sick of your faggot White Knight exploitation of this situation. She is a grown ass woman, highly sexually aggressive, and trust me, ain't nobody taking advantage of her thats for damn sure.

She just sent you mods pics and blamed it on me and YOU KNOW IT. You exploited that situation and i'm tired of your goddamn bullshit.

Gothamgirl ago

She was a sneaky one.

HollaKost ago

You're the sneaky one