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Crensch ago

@Peaceseeker @dismember @sguevar @bopper

This is the guy that owns the subverse you mod. This is him. The principles of PV were shown to have a Reddit origin, and here he is claiming he's going to keep attacking me after the users of GA have spoken.

This is the guy you wanted me to sit down and have a talk with.

The guy that thinks dragging another user's name through the mud will somehow give him leverage over me in order to keep me under his thumb.

Your leader is a bully. He's not a nice guy. He can't leave a subverse that declared its independence alone.

You abuse mod powers. And YOU had made a post against him. I figured you were running point on it. If you'd PMd me for help I would have given it.

In /v/whatever.

"The subscribers never got off of reddit in their minds and now I am modding like it's reddit". Wow that was a fast conversation. Already voted and decided? Rush that through.

Look at the votes. What, are you waiting for BuilderAnon to come in and change them for you?


I kept warning you. I kept trying to show you how you were wrong and how you were hurting Voat.

Pick one

I knew you wouldn't back down. I tried. I really, really did.

Really? Are you going to hide it?

You have no leg to stand on with it. They want you and your ilk gone.

I don't need to find other people. The mud dragging isn't over.

Yeah, I figured. You really don't have any morals. You'll do that just to spite whomever, just like zyklon does.

Says the guy who just appointed himself dictator of a major subverse. Alinsky's rules there? Accuse the enemy of what you're doing and hope no one notices? Were you a jew all along?

Back at you, mr. dictator of all mods of all subverses. Why don't you keep ESOTERICshade in play a little longer? Or was it Hojuruku that you forced the mods to not ban? There are so many of them, I forget.
