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ruck_feddit ago

You're not wrong, kev.

I don't have any skin in the GA game around here. At best, 1 in 25 submissions is actually "BREAKING" or "IT'S HAPPENING" and not total bullshit. I keep the Q stuff unblocked just in case something does break or happen. You guys enjoy it, and that's great.

I have been paying close attention to the drama over the past few weeks (really, always). That being said, I've never seen such a hivemind of 9 month old accounts.

@crensch, I've never had an issue with you, but you're being ridiculous. The tighter you grasp, the worse it's going to get for your people. The tighter you grasp, the more your folks talk like actual nigger loving faggots. You spoke of "old goats" and free speech like we're/it's a bad thing. You and the Q-ers found a home here, you're welcome, but I speak for more than myself when I say I look forward to the shit storm you're bringing upon your sub. If you want to calm down and let things calm down, super.

I'll be over in the stands with the other old goats, like kev, watching and listening.

Crensch ago

You and the Q-ers found a home here, you're welcome, but I speak for more than myself when I say I look forward to the shit storm you're bringing upon your sub.

Check the votes there.

I'll be over in the stands with the other old goats, like kev, watching and listening.

You all will, like you did with Zyklon.

ruck_feddit ago

@zyklon_b swooped in and saved the day for a lot of us. He broke eggs and gave me a bite of an omelet I didn't even ask for. If anything, I owe him, and I won't forget it. I'm going to turn a blind eye to that glorious bastard's antics like the good cops do for Batman.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

@Zyklon_b is the hero Voat needs and deserves

ruck_feddit ago

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Welcome to the club! ah ah

ruck_feddit ago

I tried being polite and reasonable, but that didn't work. I'll be adding this to my memoirs, I guess!

zyklon_b ago
