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Crensch ago

1: Aside from the 3 pictures that @srayzie herself repeatedly put out on Voat,

Repeatedly? Quite the claim. Are you sure she didn't just link her twitter or something?

what IRL info did they really have? There is no evidence at all that they had any clue who she is IRL. As far as I can see this is a bluff and a troll and you fell for it.

Why would anyone tell you what IRL info they really had? So when they mention that info it'll be confirmed to be her, instead of possibly someone else?


Here is @shizy before she deleted threatening to PM a 12 year old's information to pedos because of some unverified bullshit by a confirmed troll. She claims to have this fucker's info.

I'm sure anyone with google search has Zyklon's info. So? She didn't start this, and from what I understand, they had info on her, too. How you think these two are separate, I'll never know. Keep at it though, Trudeau. (rhyme not intended)

Troll or no troll he is making threats. She can file a police report if she knows who he is.

Maybe she is. Doesn't change the fact that he still gets his hero's welcome from numerous accounts, and she gets shit on the moment she turns the tables.

Does she do that? No.

How do you know? Maybe the threats weren't enough to make it illegal? Isn't that what you've been saying all along?

She turns around and threatens a kid herself. She was provoked but I would say there was some moral ground lost.

If you threatened my kid I'd find you and murder your entire family and I'd consider that morally superior to any (((alternative))).

Not that any of that really matters, it's the dog-pile, and ensuing mockery of her for dishing back a fraction of what was heaped upon her. Honk honk.

Again, supposedly had enough info to report him to law enforcement but chose to threaten a child. Sorry, that doesn't fit.

Yeah. She's wrong because you think she didn't go to the cops. Everything that happened here - totally justified because of it.

3: Zyklon's Gab was doxxed (search Zyklon B on the web). Some of us scrolled through the autism and saw zero comments/posts relating to any of the drama. We kept hearing @srayzie and @shizy were being threatened on Gab but when we asked @shizy to produce a screen grab (obviously blacking out identifying info on srayzie) of the Zyklon user making threats on Gab. She deleted.

Who did you hear that from? Shizy?

Care to point out where? Is this an attempt to gaslight why she really deleted her account?

I find it strange that both @Srazie and @shizy who always broke out documentation in the form of archives and screen grabs posted no evidence at all of the external threats and dox that were supposedly happening.

Oh, you mean how neither one of them posted that?

Or did you mean this? And I don't have a twitter, but her old mod i-am-me started looking for her again.

The pizzagate autist hojuruku did the exact same thing to srayzie a year ago. He produced pictures she had linked to Voat and also threatened her kids. Same deal. Only had a couple of pics and knew she had kids.

Yeah, somehow that's OK, too. Not worthy of a ban or consistent downvoting of alts or main usernames because "muh 4chan ideals", right? This is the kind of shit your "ideals" let slide, by design.

Nothing about any of this make any sense. Srayzie was trolled. You were trolled. If someone can show me evidence that Zyklon threatened her outside of Voat or that anything other than pictures she herself shared were posted then I will continue to be skeptical of all of this.

Nobody really cares what you think anymore. You have no power over anyone.

heygeorge ago

Crensch, you are free to have your say. And I want to add the sentiment @caveman_in_a_suit has expressed to you is the same I extend.

If you threatened my kid I'd find you and murder your entire family

I see.

her old mod i-am-me

No, no, no, no.

hojuruku... somehow that’s OK

Comparing threats from the two, hoju’s would be far more plausible. He’s still just some nutbar talking shit on the internet. Did you think he should be banned from the site? How about insanegoat? Where does the line get drawn?

Crensch ago

her old mod i-am-me

No, no, no, no.

Oh, you're right. What was that fucker's name?

Whatever. Uhm... type-o-negative.

mimes4peace ago

Get your blood pressure and blood sugar levels checked. Purge your mind.

ExpertShitposter ago

Or did you mean this?

Meh. That shit on a random ass feminist blog that no one goes to, was all being deleted by the mods there as fast as we could post it. We hitlerposted so hard that the entire website got taken down, and is probably permanently down. I only really made it as a jab at her when trigs was still baned, and i judecensored it for voat.

Crensch ago

I don't know German. I assume many others don't, either.