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MrBoutros ago

He's a shit-poster. What do you expect in the land of Misfit Goys?

For what it's worth, if you've ever interacted with him personally, you'd notice that he's very polite.

KosherHiveKicker ago

...and by "polite" you actually mean a liar that refuses to simply back up false claims with his "proof"?

As seen here -

MrBoutros ago

Again, where do you think you are?

And also again, speak with him personally. Not in a thread.

This public flogging shit is out of control. Just move on.

Civil_Warrior ago

Public flogging is for people that can't flame or meme. You know...

KosherHiveKicker ago

What's that quote about sunlight and infections?

MrBoutros ago

i'm not your enemy. i bet we have a huge amount in common.

but going after boogeymen on voat will only make you look like a dildo.

it's not worth your time.

KosherHiveKicker ago

It's no boogeyman.

His and the rest of his crew of fag_hags in SBBH are visible and their subversive bullshit is completely verifiable.

MrBoutros ago


good luck fighting windmills, donny.

KosherHiveKicker ago

These "windmills" are far being from stationary, and stoic

You have witnessed their active, and intentionally subversive bullshit during this last week first-hand.