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GnomeWorks ago

My primary account was banned for "vote manipulation." I don't buy it, and you can check @WhiteMatter to confirm that I didn't do jack to it.

I know that asking for upvotes is fucking stupid, but I'm going to anyway, because this backup account I made a couple years ago has insufficient points to ping Putt directly to get this shit fixed.

RM-Goetbbels ago

So what's your take on why you were banned? Oh wait, you can't defend yourself can you because like the rest of them you either can't make a new account or get enough points to post a reply.

I guess we'll just have to take Putt's word for it.


GnomeWorks ago

So what's your take on why you were banned?

I'll be honest, I'm not sure. From Putt's description of what they look for, I guess apparently I sometimes have voting behavior that isn't "normal."

I am usually fairly stingy with downvotes, but if someone proves to be a complete fucking retard at the end of a conversation, I will sometimes downvote all of their comments in that exchange in rapid succession - which, from an algorithmic standpoint, probably looks funny.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Part 2.

Found it- Kill yourself, faggot.

It more or less stops in that thread. 2-3 posts before it he goes back to 0 DV's.

GnomeWorks ago

As I said, if someone proves to be a complete fucking retard, I'll downvote their shit, which is exactly what happened there.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Me personally? I loved it.

You are a nigger lover! and when I get my 100ccp I'm so gonna downvote the shit out of you.