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EdSnowden ago

.06% are transgender but it’s closer to 5% are LGBT.

Honk honk

shitsrael ago

meanwhile lgbt and transgender are larping as lgbt and transgender, as its not a natural biological function!!!

WolfShepherd ago

Kike shill account above.




There's more I'm sure.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

You sure that's Shiva? Doesn't sound like them.

not_saying_a_thing ago

babes... it's simple, every advanced civilization throughout history has figured it up... our Honorable SUN is the true Master of the Universe.... pleAse stOp being misled by dirty-arabian-gypsy-jews... focus and get on with your life... yes it's unfortunate that every caucAsian temple has been subverted with a fake dead jew as a "god"...


BoredomAccount214 ago

Shiva isn't paid to shill, he's just disillusioned with voat and has resorted to trolling. As many have.