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oiseaulibre ago

You guys are such fucking faggots. Let him have his Minecraft sub.

TheTrigger ago

Not if he's gonna be a cunt about it. It sets a bad precedent. It's like how if doctors find even a teensy benign tumor in your boob, they'll still cut it out when it starts to grow a little, just to be sure. Who knows, maybe it never kills you. But it's there. And it's growing.

CameraCode ago

He wasn't being a cunt about it. The first post he deleted that started all of this was this one.

Totally uncalled for to post that. He wasn't doing anything to warrant that post. And he said he deleted it because he didn't want a sub with only two other posts to have spam on it, nut just because he was butthurt. That post absolutely WAS spam, the claim that it was a test to see if he was a corrupt mod or not is just dumb.

Then you guys (or PV, idk if you specifically were included) dogpiled him, started mass downvoating him and the sub, and insulted him. He wasn't trying to subvert voat or anything, he had been a user for 5 months with no problems and the only reason he was mod of that was because he created it because no one else had. I guarantee if %90 of goats had been in that situation they would have done the same thing. I'm not saying it was the right thing for him to do, but I understand why he reacted the way he did.

PistonRingFinger ago

Yeah that's some bullshit, I was seeing this also. This is how you kill a young platform before it ever takes off, there's no need to be so hostile towards new users and communities. /v/DestroyVoat is a cancer