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eongoat ago

I have saved:

  • pdf
  • video
  • doom version
  • benny hill version
  • jpg of pdf manifesto
  • jpgs of weapons/mags
  • screenshot of twitter page (see below)

anything else I'm missing? don't care about copying the facebook, twitter, etc (to note the twitter background was the dead 11 yr old that triggered him) - got a screenshot of that since it's relevant to his manifesto.

obtained most from this link or posted on this page

dassaer ago

Yeah but maybe you could try find the FBI anon thread from the chans a couple weeks back mentioning "something might go down in NZ in the coming weeks", and the timing of Podesta's and Hillary's very recent visit to NZ , it even fits right up with the NZ police calls (esp in the previous 2-3wks) of the need to permanently armed themselves from frequently armed gang members... ticks so many boxes and agendas on all sides, hard to tell the real down low from just the "We live in interesting times"....