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beece ago

I have no idea on any of that, however, Dissenter seemed too intrusive to me. I won't go there.

ratsmack ago

What is intruding that you don't like?

jollux ago

It requires email, and keeps track of all the sites you're visiting.

ratsmack ago

It does require email... there is no proof that it keeps track of all the sites you're visiting.

The extension is open source, so it would be pretty hard to hide something in there.

jollux ago

If you're commenting on the site, it's pretty fucking obvious what you've visited. Yes, it tracks you. It doesn't even need to try.

ratsmack ago

If you're commenting and posting on Voat, you're being tracked too... Your username, your IP address and the time you visit, just like every other site.

Here is the total of the executable code:


var n = {
        name: "Google Chrome",
        slug: "chrome",
        scriptVariableMap: {
            BROWSER: "chrome",
            MESSENGER: "extension"
        manifestMap: {
            "background.persistent": !1,
            incognito: "not_allowed",
            offline_enabled: !1,
            version_name: "0.1.1",
            version: "0.1.1"
        version: "0.1.1"
    e = "chrome",
    t = "firefox",
    i = "edge",
    o = "safari",
    r = "",
    a = function(e) {
        return !s(e) && !u(e) && (null !== e && "object" == typeof e)
    c = function(e) {
        return "string" == typeof e || e instanceof String
    u = function(e) {
        return !c(e) && !s(e) && null != e && null != e && (e && "[object Date]" === && !isNaN(e))
    s = function(e) {
        return Array.isArray(e)
    l = function() {
        document.body, document.getElementById("popup");
        var i = document.getElementById("popup-iframe");

        function t(e, t) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                var e = encodeURIComponent(t),
                    n = r + e;
                i.setAttribute("src", n), i.classList.remove("hidden")
            }, 250)
        this.init = function() {
            if (n.slug === o) {
                var e = safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab;
                a(e) || (e = {});
                t(0, e.url || "")
            } else chrome.tabs.query({
                active: !0,
                currentWindow: !0
            }, function(e) {
                if (!e) return !1;
                var n = e[0] || {};
                t(0, n.url || "")
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    (new l).init()


var e = {
        name: "Google Chrome",
        slug: "chrome",
        scriptVariableMap: {
            BROWSER: "chrome",
            MESSENGER: "extension"
        manifestMap: {
            "background.persistent": !1,
            incognito: "not_allowed",
            offline_enabled: !1,
            version_name: "0.1.1",
            version: "0.1.1"
        version: "0.1.1"
    n = "chrome",
    r = "firefox",
    o = "edge",
    t = "safari",
    i = "",
    s = function(e) {
        return !l(e) && !a(e) && (null !== e && "object" == typeof e)
    c = function(e) {
        return "string" == typeof e || e instanceof String
    a = function(e) {
        return !c(e) && !l(e) && null != e && null != e && (e && "[object Date]" === && !isNaN(e))
    l = function(e) {
        return Array.isArray(e)
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function() {
        url: "index.html"

jollux ago

Yes, all that is related to this site. Not the other sites I visit. The problem is that dissenter is funneling all the data from all the sites into one site. Instead of each site individually knowing I've been there, instead one site knows every site I've been to, and displays it publicly.

ratsmack ago

Nothing is tracked until you willingly push a URL to the Dissenter website.