because it's beginning to seem @Obrez is an odd little player in this. certain details i'm going to highlighting in bold for their importance
his account is 4 years old, so, 4 years ago the account holder made it then left it to gather dust.
4 quiet years go by. the account is dead during this time, not gaining any score.
then, the reddit weeb invasion kicked in, his account wakes up again, begins moving, posting, voting, and talking alongside other suspicious accounts which are often seen defending loli posts. this is quite relevant because of the reddit weebs. they very blatantly came here because of loli memes
i was one the main guys who raised alarms over the reddit weeb invasion. i thought, like many others that we fought off the reddit-fags.
BUT, soon after that happened, several accounts began stalking me, downvoting me with inhumanly consistent amount of downvotes, and strangely this was always back to 0 or about -1/-2. it actually reminds me lot of how reddit manipulates score. the total sum is always brought back to 0 if the post is marked to be suppressed
@Obrez as ive said was often a player here that appeared. a good amount of the time this was while i was pointing out latent loli posts/posters
so, my questions are as follows. if @Obrez could answer these, that would be just great.
how did you keep and remember log-in information for 4 years straight? how did you even remember this website existed?
are you going to claim that during that time you were over at reddit posting loli memes?
you spent a lot of time failing bot tests. you got told explicitly "do not respond if you are a human", and yet you responded. what was your thoughts on those tests before what they were became apparent, and this became a public issue?
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sguevar ago
I am sure interested in reading the answers.
So far the only thing he has manage to do is to post coward posts about me and others on anon subs without defending himself publicly.
Which leads me to believe that (((they))) are scared.
theoldones ago
the account age is the funniest part to me in retrospect lol
this guy (((apparently))) had the details of a dormant voat account on hand for 4 whole years, didnt forget it existed, and remembered it (((just in time))) to hop over during the weeb invasion and start becoming a consistent stalker and nuisance advocating for loli posts, with a pack of friends in his vicinity who use reddit vote manipulation tactics
i wonder how much he paid to buy it XD
sguevar ago
I hear you there, even I that I not as massive as other users that have my same voat age, it is really weird for me to see an account this old with so little content posted.
Obrez ago
I was an early adopter and preffered 8/pol/ because voat was so inactive until the past year or so.
My posts are consistent in content over the 4 years and most of what post is calling out liars and kikes.
The guy who made this thread has really been exposed as a massive liar and is about to reap what he has sown.
sguevar ago
Ok, fait enough. You put some reasonable doubt on the table. I will wsot for the screen caps.
Obrez ago Album (imgoat is down) I've upvoated everything in this screencap for proof that I didn't post any of those things. he'll argue I'm running other bot accounts or something as refutation but I don't think I can give more proof on my end, if it's reasonable I'll do it, I can only prove that he is an unscrupulous liar. this is where I think he first noticed my username, it's a thread where he is lying about infamous faggot Jack Dorsey CEO of twitter, "doing black face" I called him out as I have been doing with people who lie to attack our enemies, we don't need to lie to attack them and doing so only hurts us. one of my top submissions is a similar style of post calling out QRV for being pretty crazy and filled with trolls tricking stupid people into believing crazy shit and acting like absolute loons with 0 proof, MY position of doing this is validated by the extreme loss of face the MSM, reddit, twitter, et al suffered after the covington kids were proven innocent and that hoax was revealed. I dress him and his subs down pretty hard in that thread. Here is a comment chain of his showing that he isn't going after people because he has taken moral issue with them but because they "crossed him" it's from the same thread where he details his erroneous and possibly psychotic "bot test"
I don't know how he thinks his bot test is supposed to work, honestly I think it's logic trap to get stupid people to line up behind him in a witch hunt, perhaps he thinks I can't see when he pings me from a private sub and so my downvoting him is a sign that I'm a bot running some script to cross reference my name or pings but I do get the pings in my submission mentions:
I'm compiling a longer post exposing him for doing this to other people too and also some really sad shit about wanting furfaggotry and paganism to be compatible.
theoldones ago
dickhead, there's been 5 accounts following me as stalking downvoters, even right into a sting-op
and they all arrived during the weeb invasion, as did most of your activity, and then you get caught involved with the whole pack.
coincidence? i think fucking not.
sguevar ago
Sorry to reply until now but after work had boxing classes and then friday night with my wife, so you know my priorities.
First thing: Don't use unless, I repeat UNLESS, it is the only option you have. Use,
Ok here I go with you proofs:
1st proof is unquestionable. It is impossible for you to upvote yourself so indeed you were not the one posting those things. And I see that there is no need for you to post things on Anons because of proof 2. If you want to confront someone you do it in the open which I respect. Anon subs are frankly for pussies and dumb trolls that are too scared they get downvoted.
2nd proof> @theoldones I think you need to rephrase your statements. For the claim that Obrez did about you lying is not far off. And this is because you used a sensationalist title to catch people's attention and still seemed you defended your claim that it was Jack Dorsey after Obrez pointed out it wasn't him.
The point here is that I have interacted fairly with you and you tend to jump into conclusions, which sometimes are not wrong, but your phrasing form puts you in a bad spot. For example on your answer, I would have put it differently: If you had been in the picture, you would have been banned because you would have become guilty by association - which is TRUTH.
Obrez you made your point and you will notice that theoldones did conceded in the "k." that it wasn't Jack Dorsey. So try to have a better understanding of this user and how he writes.
Regarding proof 3 This is a fairly reasonable proof of theoldones stating that if one cross him then he will act upon it. But I do have proof that he can let it go as well:
Obrez, you need to understand that your activity is suspicious to us because of your longevity and the fact that your posts haven't been consistent, not in their nature, but in the frequency. Your justification seems fair but I don't see why you would not stay on voat and 8chan at the same time? If you collaborate in their activity why not do so on voat also? This is a reasonable doubt I have and though your answer stated before that it was because Voat wasn't as active then as it is now, this is something I tend to distrust for the fact that if the users didn't collaborate in the community the community would never grow. See my point there?
Now you did put (Obrez) a fair doubt on my mind regarding on u/theoldones bot test. theoldones care to explain this test you are running?
Obrez please ping me on the post with all presented evidence and I will read it.
These are the things I conclude:
theoldones you may be having users from the recent loli community stalking you. Even the ones already on the site since before the migration because they got triggered by your crusade. One of them is clearly @Aged as you have been after him and another one that you thought is one of his alts. I don't recall his name. So it is reasonable to think that most of your downvotes come from their group.
u/Obrez downvotes until now seem to be a response to your attacks to him. So those are reasonable reaction and not part of a brigading team. I can't agree with you yet that he is part of this group that is against you. But you need to understand that the moment you started your crusade against the loli degenerate community, you would piss some people off about it and downvotes are a perfect response to that. Just take that into consideration. (Once again I ask you not to overreact as I asked when I helped prove that your posting of suspicious links was not intentional - BE OBJECTIVE).
Obrez, my suspicion remains on your activity. This is I explained above. You did behave reasonably so I will be objective here. I will be waiting for your post.
theoldones ago
A. observe bot activity. given OP-access posting and metric activity that's calculable. the last ten posts you made ALL GOT EXACTLY 3 downvotes, for instance? that's not normal. that's inhumanely consistent.
B. try a few things, the weirdness hangs around still.
C. "okay, now here's a weird thought. if this is indeed targeted, how can i bait a response..."
D. do that. tabulate results. calculate, extract conclusions by smoking-gun evidence
E. ???
F. whatever this entire shitstorm turned into. the bots following me dropped in population by at least half, if not 75%. they're intermittent now. they pick and choose posts to target. they're being selective now, but overall less of a problem. there's a delay of several hours roughly before they seem to act as opposed to before, but they still seem to target during the critical first hours of a post existing
sguevar ago
What do you mean by this?
What formula do you use to calculate the results and then how do you interpret this conclusions. Note:you can pm me so you don't show it to the group that is allegedly stalking you.
Sorry I don't get this.
Where do these numbers come from. I need more data to understand your point.
So far what I have understood is that you stay vigilant and then record a certain response and test the possible automatic response from bots by baiting them into action. But how do you calculate this activity and how do you make it work to show that they are automatic responses?
For example are there any trigger words you use? Are there any key words they use to address each of their responses? How frequently this reaction occurs? and under what intervals?
Need more information to understand the core of your analysis otherwise I am blinded and shooting blanks.
theoldones ago
made a public post on it so others on the website can use the method
this post is also of interest, showing an improvement on the method