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Obrez ago Where is that 4 year gap, liar? I just don't submit posts so often. I have 19 pages of public comment history it would probably be 21 or 22 pages with the posts I've made decrying the idiocy on QRV but those retards hide posts and user names. You probably will find a few different gaps that exist for months at a time maybe even the better part of a year back from when voat was young and there just wasn't much content here, I was talking about kikes, niggers, etc on 8/pol/, I still do.

It was really this easy faggot.

You did bot "tests" over like 24 hours people have obligations, when they aren't living in their mother's basement and pissing in jars faggot. my not downvoting you in that period is simply because I was working then sleeping

Any faggots going along with this retard should be ashamed of how dubious his consept of testing actually is and realize this is just him targetting people who have corrected him and disagreed with him, this all stems from me pointing out Drawn porn (loli) is not illegal, which it isn't, @puttitout even reiterated this when the same faggot asked him to censor it for no reason other than his personal predilections, this witch-hunt to prove me and others as "pedos" and now as "sleeper bot accounts" is proof he doesn't care about loli or any of that shit, he's just power tripping and trying to get his critics banned; look at this thread on his own subreddit, where he lied in the title of his post and I called him out, from about the time of the failed r/animemes raid: this post made it onto my feed and I called him out just like I've called many others out for lying, being irrational, and making the right look like a bunch of idiots.

Allowing him to continue harassing me and these other accounts (I haven't taken the time to dig into them to see why he's targeting them, for all I know he could be lumping me with known bots to try to get me banned or harassed for calling him out.) is the opposite of protecting Voat, it's protecting a retard who wants to abuse his "power" by getting other mindless individuals to go after innocent accounts.

Read MY posts, if something looks sketchy read the context for that post, It will probably make more sense but if you are just upvoating this shit without knowing why YOU are the problem.

theoldones ago

your post frequency IS scarce, and that's a problem. it's a red flag.

19 pages of comments really isnt a lot. it's actually quite low compared to some users, also, how the fuck do you know the exact count of those pages?

my testing blatantly involved the warning "do not respond if you're a human". the failure condition is responding, or pressing either vote button. you failed, repeatedly. all you had to do was nothing, you didn't do that. did you even read what the text said?

this witch-hunt to prove me and others as "pedos" and now as "sleeper bot accounts" is proof he doesn't care about loli or any of that shit, he's just power tripping and trying to get his critics banned;

oh you have no idea how wrong you are on this one.

Allowing him to continue harassing me

there's been bot accounts following my ass for days. you suddenly talking about "harassment" seems like projection. very conveniently timed projection too, might i add.

Read MY posts, if something looks sketchy read the context for that post, It will probably make more sense but if you are just upvoating this shit without knowing why YOU are the problem.

everything has context, what's your point here? bouncing guilt back at me will not work.

kneo24 ago

Their posting frequency coincides with Reddit invasions.

Obrez ago

you are the guilty party I was able to just browse the last 19 pages of YOUR post history, which only goes back 11 days, I'm not saying you are an 11 day old account, simply that you post way too much and are clearly unstable if you think lurkers are a bad thing for voat, this is how all content agregate websites work you're just a nut with too much free time.

You haven't made a test, it proves nothing, I just downvote you when I see your name because you are a retard that spends all day accusing strangers of being bots and pedos without any proof.

theoldones ago

the comment record only goes back that far. anything older then that, it's not in the system, also how does a 4 year old account not know that's the system works?

you are the guilty party I was able to just browse the last 19 pages of YOUR post history, which only goes back 11 days

you idiot, you just admitted to stalking through my post history.

Obrez ago

I've caught you now.

theoldones ago

at what? operating like every other account does?

your trolling at this point, it's quite funny