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srayzie ago

You're losing your reputation. Look at your support. You have none.

MissleCopterStoped ago

He didn't lose support, he just doesn't call for backup like pussies like you do because you cant handle the art of shilling on your own. ๐Ÿ˜‚

So amusing to see you all tough when there is 6 on 1, reminds me of those niggers in the hood taking on 1 white guy and thinking how badass they really aren't, you know, just like you.

I noticed you pinged a PizzaGate mod too, making the cybergang a total of 7 people. You really are pathetic.

Oh btw srayzie the trannzy, thanks for letting your facade to drop, with the langauge you used in this thread, there is no doubt in my mind you are NOT A WOMAN! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Hey did you let Morbo know about the tracking robot you are going to implement from that programmer to control and stifle free speech in GA? No, well what in the actual fuck? So much for transparency...

@StarAnon look at srayzie the trannzy now he is stalking Morbo. I wonder how srayzie the trannzy found out where Morbo was?

Ooooooo I know he opened Morbos comments or submissions in Morboโ€™s profile, how else? These people are really creepy.

Shizy ago

He didn't lose support, he just doesn't call for backup like pussies like you do because you cant handle the art of shilling on your own.

Oh, do you mean like how you were pissed that @srayzie didn't take your side when you were a mod here and called her into your "fight" with @drunkviking? You engage in name calling with him, and then call Srayzie in to back you up (like a pussy does right?), and then got pissed off and resigned when she saw you were in the wrong!

You cite her not "supporting" you as the reason that you resigned from being a mod. You said so here;

Did you really expect her to back you up by taking your side when you harassed another user? I think we have discovered with this who temper tantrum from you is all about! Quit throwing around the word "pussy". It just might stick to you!

Gothamgirl ago

Gee lapdog, Is that comment edited?!? The answer is YES!

argosciv ago

Gee lapdog, Is that comment edited?!? The answer is YES!

  • Doesn't want their named dragged into this. Wants their name left out of this.
  • Pathologically injects themselves into that which they don't want to be dragged into. Pathologically injects themselves into that which they don't want their name to be in.

I wish every single one of you, would leave my name out of it.

Edit for clarity: Bulletpoints changed, same premise though.