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srayzie ago

@AR47 why in the hell would you think me and Crensch are the same person? Have you looked thru our comments? Our personalities are completely different. Where are you getting this idea? 🤔

@Shizy I have another alt apparently. 🙄

Morbo ago

You thought me and MissleCopterStoped were the same person just a few hours ago so I don't see why AR47's guesses are any more insane than your own. See what happens when we go looking for shills and alts? If you look for them with fervor, your will find them but they will be falsely accused. Witch hunts work that way. I'm enjoying the schadenfreude on this one for sure.

srayzie ago

Why don’t you stop stalking me. Now you’re getting creepy.


Morbo ago

Oh, so I'm stalking you now? Funny how it's perfectly fine for you and your mod goons to besmirch my name on Voat for pointing out the lies of GodsAngell but somehow posting a comment on a thread where you show a double standard is stalking you. Free speech, do you speak it? You have no power in this sub so go put me on another list of stalkers in the GA sub if that makes you feel better. You and MolochHunter started this battle with me so don't get all creeped out as some sort of female defense mechanism when I call you out.

srayzie ago

Female defense mechanisms? Why does my gender need to be an issue? It is with MissleCopterStoped.

If you look thru this thread, we are laughing. Do you see me flipping the fuck out like all of MissleCopterStoped/BuilderAnon alts have been doing since yesterday? No. You are acting guilty.

@MolochHunter look who’s following me around, desperate to not be seen as a MissleCopterStoped alt. Yet, he’s acting just like him.

Morbo ago

If you look thru this thread, we are laughing.

Yeah, that's why you have to send for MolochHunter to defend you. You're totally laughing. Haha. Typical female hysterics. And I should thank you, as I did MolochHunter, for introducing me to MissleCopterStoped. I wouldn't have known him otherwise so thank you!

srayzie ago

People ping friends too dip shit. Relax.

MissleCopterStoped ago

No cyber bullies call their friends when they stirr up a hornet’s nest they werent planning on to. Like that pussy moloch couldnt handle me and cried for your help, which you couldnt handle, and called all your friends to help, and sadly, you need 95 more of them, because they suck at trolling people, and they had to ping their alts to handle me. 😂😂😂

Morbo ago

Oh, I see now...


MissleCopterStoped ago

My apologies on being late to the party, I didnt get to sleep until noon.

Oh by the way scabies@sraysie, definitely a BIG ASS THANK YOU for allowing me to meet a new friend, @Morbo something you are arent, and this something that Puttitout should never be proud of.