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tossyokeys ago

I began to suspect that freshmeat and various alts have been embedded in Pizzagate all along.

Have you considered that pizzagate (the thing, not the sub) is a hoax designed to distract from actual pedo activity going on in government, and is designed to discredit future investigations?

Vindicator ago

Have you considered that pizzagate (the thing, not the sub) is a hoax

What are you, the New York Times?

I've been a mod there for over a year, read the vast majority of every post that has come through. There is a mountain of evidence that the elite use child sex abuse to consolidate their power, trafficking kids from Haiti, the U.S. foster care system and numerous other places. There is also evidence CP was found on the Comet Ping Pong server, was reported to DC Metro Police, and they refused to investigate. Shortly afterward, a second hacker reported a similar story which Infowars failed to fully vet and got themselves sideways with Alefantis' lawyers. This little psyop effectively made the first guy's story untouchable by the media who were afraid to be sued. We've documented it all.

NotHereForPizza ago

And yet you show people how to make their posts not get deleted, endorse other retards who promote the same thing, then change the fucking rules to promote discord.

Good mother of fuck, read the words you type.

Vindicator ago

Not really clear what you are referring to. Our rules are complex; of course I show people how to meet them. Retards who promote what thing? And when did I ever change the rules, let alone promote discord?

NotHereForPizza ago

Dude, I'm not playing this game with you again. posted by a mod, endorsed by a mod, and defended for hours by other mods, all despite being META DISCUSSION from the very beginning. That's the kind of shit I made an account for, you fucking retard.

I would've stayed silent and never have posted a single thing if it wasn't for you retards. But, I saw you lot fixing shit from the moment I came to this site. You're fooling no one here.

Vindicator ago

We have always posted important "meta" stuff that needed to be stickied on the main board -- Rules discussions, how-to, sitewide announcements etc. This thread was requested by multiple people who were frustrated, so when someone wrote it we stickied it. With the new Voat that Putt is working on now, we'll be able to post these in pizzagatemods and sticky them in pizzagate. It was a capability suggestion that I made to him months ago and he liked. Once we can do that, all such threads will go in pizzagatemods.

NotHereForPizza ago

Phrase it how you'd like, it still smells like "this is how you circumvent rules."

Certain people tend to do certain things that alert other people. The key with these kinds of things, specifically, is the frequency.

Beyond that, this was combined with bullshit meta about abortionburger not being a mod anymore or whatever, which I specifically said at the time wasn't front page worthy (which has always somehow been evaded, even when you do this neutral-speak PR shit with me).

The sub drama combined with the meta talk (when there's another sub for that), and the signaling is what makes it stand out.
