brandon816 ago

Feel free to post this over in v/TIL2.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fitting facts to alternate conclusions

lying openly to defame

SaneGoatiSwear ago


please prove that statement

i have banned users from a private sub for abusing the sub to attempt to attack, defame, assassinate the character of, and harass the mod of the sub, me.

because i called them out and proved they are anti-speech anti-voat actors.

you are now

@kevdude defending known and proven criminal anti-voat anti-speech shills

if i were not v/til mod, they would attack me in other subs i mod.

you don't seem to get what's happening (the same shit that killed reddit)

or you're in on it.

with all the other evidence i have against you

it's well known and easily proven

you are

one of the head original shills to embed in voat to destroy it

22 hours.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

kevdude admits to supporting abuse of private subs

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

you really need a pro-speech head mod of v/protectvoat

personal attack

defamation per se

@kevdude confirmed criminal shill

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Joke's on him, I'm 20

Laurentius_the_pyro ago




SaneGoatiSwear ago

these are attacks on me you shill apologist shill.

you have no power over private subs, nigger.

go suck on sbbh's balls some more, shill.

you don't support free speech

you are supporting criminal speech.

all users abusing v/til will be banned.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

all users abusing v/til will be banned.

so who is going to mod it with you banned?

SelfReferenceParadox ago

How does one sue a username?

digitalentity1497 ago



Archiving for proof. Contacting the internet police.

Man you stations!

Close the shops. Cancel the circus show!

TheTrigger ago

He sporadically goes on/off his meds; can probably only afford them half of the time.

Tipman79 ago

There it is folks! The high and mighty "DEFENDER OF THE FREE SPEACHEZ!!!!" Has deleted something because he simply didn't like it. It broke none of the rules of the sub.

CANCER MOD. @SaneGoatiSwear @kevdude

VicariousJambi ago

The fuck is criminal shilling?

Just trying to scare people now?

Tipman79 ago

Cancer mod

VicariousJambi ago

"rule 3. title incongruent with link"

Thisismyvoatusername ago

In what way is that title incongruent with the link? I don't get it.

VicariousJambi ago

That's the reason he gave for deleting it, which as you can tell is bullshit.

Tipman79 ago

It's almost like he has something to cover up.. err. I mean hide.. err.. I mean. Oh nevermind. There's absolutely no proof that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND MURDERED A WOMAN IN 1990.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @atko @kevdude @cynabuns @fuzzywords

criminal attack shill continuing the weak

rumor mongering


they cannot silence the truth

but they will try.

@puttitout we await your benevolent dictator presence.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Public mod logs disagree.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

known shills are being deleted and banned.

the purge is now.

so sorry

but this is a private sub in question. no comments are being deleted.

you can kindly fuck off

or would you like to read some of the attacks on me and understand why they SPAMMED this post.

rumor mongering

by tipman79




Tipman79 ago

The link is right there. You're the cancer mod you warn everyone about.

Also, do you maybe have something to hide?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yeah, I know. It's just that while I often find him annoying and paranoid and other things beside, I've not previously seen him flat out lie. He's said things I didn't think were right, but I felt he believed them and I could understand his reasoning even if it seemed twisted. This one, though, just seems so blatant. If he had a theory as to why there was a disconnect between the title and the link, I'd actually kind of like to hear it. I am having trouble guessing what it would be.

VicariousJambi ago

I'm not the op, and I don't remember who it was or I'd tag them.

@sanegoatiswear y u delete post