Silverlining ago

George geets to ask Laurel Everly questions directly on CSTT - not sure I'm any the wiser.

Freitag Friday

Silverlining ago

Day 339 - Sunday September 24 - Tuesday 26 2017

Day 337 Friday September 22 2017

Silverlining ago


The Infiltrator 2016

@ 1:22:30 The Federal Reserve is the biggest launderer of drug money

I have heard this before - probably here - Karen Hudes - Whistle BLOWER- Secret Plot to NUKE parts of the USA Exposed! -

Well worth 30 minutes if you want your mind blown.

17:00 Let me tell you how the tax payments work I guess I couldn't believe in the beginning but it's absolutely true um you knowyou send a check one place and you send the tax form another place the check that you send those directly to the Federal Reserve and they take that check and they send it to the United Kingdom and the UK keeps not the government the UK banksters keep forty percent and then they send sixty percent on to the Jesuits in the Vatican that's what's happening to our tax dollars

Wow how are we financing our government ?

We're selling drugs we're selling the drugs that we grow in Afghanistan we never had any poppies there until the war in Afghanistan you think with all the satellites flying over they couldn't see where the poppy fields are no that's how we earn our our money

18:00 The money that's being fed into the IRS ends up at the Vatican sixty percent of it except for the 40 percent cut that goes to the United Kingdom now let me tell you how that happened that happened because in 1200 the King of England borrowed a lot of money from the Vatican because of wars and signed a treaty that he would agree to keep repaying the money to the Vatican and of course he never caught up so he was in trouble and then do you remember when our capital building was burned down in 1812 by the okay yeah okay we have been having to pay war reparations to the United Kingdom all these years and nobody has bothered to tell the people about it

The Federal Reserve also operates its own financial Laundromat for troubled, in some cases criminal banks. The Fed’s loan laundry and downscale resale consignment shop first takes in the wash by purchasing non-performing, and therefore largely worthless financial assets (loans and loan-backed securities) to remove them from the books of private banks. (Another variant is for the Fed to swap the banks’ bad paper at face value for federal debt instruments, which replaces the banks’ non-performing assets having little, if any, resale value, with safe, interest-paying and highly marketable assets.). The Fed then launders the loans by reselling them back to the same group of banks at a fraction (10 percent or less) of the face-value price it paid the banks for them. Once the banks repurchase the spiffed up dirty loan laundry, it not only has turned a nifty 90-percent-or-more profit on the turn around, it also has a new asset it can put back into the stream of financial commerce at a price reflective of its true value.

Like hedge funds, the Fed is a perfect vehicle to transform bad assets into good. It is weakly overseen without an independent audit and thus is able to intermediate the transformation of bad, illiquid assets into money (and near money) and then back again into valuable financial assets, all done secretly and anonymously. Unlike the polite, don’t-ask-don’t-tell fiction of private hedge-fund money laundering, however, the Fed says outright, “Don’t ask, because we aren’t telling,” even when asked again and again.

"the only thing that will make the banks properly vigilant to what is happening is when they hear the rattle of handcuffs in the boardroom".

QE∞ is no mere financial Laundromat; it is a full-service loan laundry and downscale resale facility that not only cleans the banks’ balance sheets but also sterilizes the entire operation to prevent it from producing immediate price inflation. It illustrates the way the Fed’s loan laundry and downscale resale facility works:

[this might explain why QE hasn't massively boosted inflation - sl]

It comes up again from Senate Insieder Anon on 4Chan

The federal budget relies on CIA drug-dealing. That's where the bailout money came from. If Trump drains the swamp while he's running huge deficits, it's over.