boekanier ago

This comes to me as a complete surprise...

BentAxel ago

Shut it down!

Smokybubbles ago

Our greatest ally had better be last.

NeilCuckmann ago

wouldn't you want your worst enemy to be first?

GovernmentShill ago

Basic stuff. Do you know who PNAC were? What became of their members? The "Rebuilding America's Defenses" signatories? Now bonus question: Who are the CNAS? Who is Victoria Nuland's husband? Why did they all support Hillary in 2016? Biden in 2020? And for the grand finale, who are the leaders in the Transition Integrity Project?

GlobalSouth ago

Michael Scheuer. He's written a couple of books and gave interviews to back in the last decade. He's having a tough time getting media exposure now. His blog is

Interruptedagain ago

Yeah Yeah, we all know that. And we have known it for a long time.

But I'm still glad he said it!

All real American patriots need to be saying it at every opportunity they get!

BlackGrapeDrank ago

you don't need CIA or any other "intelligence" credentials to know this.

just study the influence and money trail of AIPAC and corellate it with the policies and timeliness of those influences.

or even more simply: which state has gained the most from US War outcome? it sure as he'll isnt USA.

PhilKDick ago


Nukeisrael ago

Wow jews start wars. If only we knew this 100 years ago, oh wait.

veteran88 ago

It's on TV that people not woke to the JQ watch.

It should be repeated on all media over and over until we elect Adolph Hitler, and then it should be taught in school.

How the jews set our civilization back 100 years and told coordinated lies, and will come back and try again so never let your guard down.

I have a feeling i'm not the first one in the last few thousand years to write or say that. More extreme measures have to be taken to make it permanent into our nations history and culture.

Sloppy_Joe ago

Right? They only need to defeat Iran and they pretty much won..

Draco777 ago

They will never be satisfied even with defeating Iran. Their endless greed and envy will only consume them.

fightknightHERO ago

No wonder why he's Ex-CIA

CIA is basically an extension of Mossad

cosmicshock1123 ago

CIA seems to be an extension of jewish goyim butchers who think the 'get in' to have a 'seat at the table' eating goyim souls. Losers don't seem to understand that they are just being fattened up to be eaten by the jews later on. There is no gentile that lives in the end. Jokes on the jews though, they'll have the worst hell at the end of the story.

BlowjaySimpson ago

You don't "leave" the CIA.

fightknightHERO ago

is he dead now?

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