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MercurysBall2 ago

Another approved adrenochrome drug: Cadisper C, manufactured by Cadila/ Zydus Health Care India

In 2009, Cadila Pharmaceuticals acquired a significant stake in Novavax Inc., USA, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company to form a joint venture, CPL Biologicals, which develops and produces vaccines based on virus-like-particle (VLP) methodology.


Novavax, Inc. is a clinical-stage vaccine company headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland with additional facilities in Rockville, Maryland and Uppsala, Sweden. Novavax received a US$89 million research grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for development of vaccines for maternal immunization.[3] It has an ongoing Phase III clinical trial in older adults for its candidate vaccine for seasonal influenza, NanoFlu. The company positions NanoFlu for the unmet need for a more effective vaccine against influenza, particularly in the elderly who often experience serious and sometimes life-threatening complications. In January 2020, it was granted fast track status by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for NanoFlu.

..In March 2015 the company completed a Phase I trial for its Ebola vaccine candidate,[9] as well as a phase II study in adults for its RSV vaccine, which would become ResVax.[10] The ResVax trial was encouraging as it showed significant efficacy against RSV infection.

ResVax is a nanoparticle-based treatment using a recombinant F lipoprotein, aimed at stimulating resistance to respiratory syncitial virus infection, targeting both adult and infant populations.[10] In January 2020, Novovax was given Fast Track status by the FDA to expedite the review process for NanoFlu, a candidate influenze vaccine undergoing a Phase III clinical trial scheduled for completion by mid-2020.

2020 Coronavirus vaccine candidate

In January 2020, Novavax announced development of a vaccine to inhibit SARS-CoV-2,[17] in competition for vaccine development with other biotechnology companies, such as Gilead Sciences, Vaxart, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, and Moderna.[18][19][20] In March 2020, Novavax announced that it was collaborating with Emergent BioSolutions to develop a coronavirus vaccine.

Interesting. Adrenochrome is used in the manufacture of nanoparticles and I've been wondering about the use of nanoparticles in vaccines.

So Bill Gates wants a flu vaccine for the elderly, does he? Riiight.