When did the Western American woman Jump-the-Shark? ..Feminazi's have succeeded in their insanity...and Why are Men Avoiding Marraige or Marrying Women from Asia and Eastern Europe instead?? (catbox.moe)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3753621?
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23312307? 4.9 years ago
This is a black pill.
Women jumped the shark when men stopped calling women out on their bullshit.
Literally today a boomer woman sent me a nasty gram for saying the 'chinese corona virus' and I told her off.
Guess what. No response.
Women are simple. Find your goal of being a husband and we will win.
23634796? 4.8 years ago
Finding light through the darkness and Always darkest before the dawn? https://voat.co/v/news/3796985/23633358
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23312307? ago
This is a black pill.
Women jumped the shark when men stopped calling women out on their bullshit.
Literally today a boomer woman sent me a nasty gram for saying the 'chinese corona virus' and I told her off.
Guess what. No response.
Women are simple. Find your goal of being a husband and we will win.
23634796? ago
Finding light through the darkness and Always darkest before the dawn? https://voat.co/v/news/3796985/23633358