R2077R ago

God bless you Serialbrain. Stay safe and keep up the good work!

WeGoAll ago

Thank you SB2! My husband and son are not on board and love to put in my face nothing is happening, Especially about 11/11. I said them if I told you what happened on 11/11 you wouldn't believe me. I am ready for some validation but also quite patient that if happens at the right time.

AbjectDynamite ago

Great drop, SB2! I've stocked up on popcorn and am ready for Huber. Belated Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

gr8tinfo ago

Presidents Trump's meeting with Pelosi and Schummer was such a prescious moment. Pelosi and Schummer looked very uneasy like are we in a trap right now....lol Now as you laid out very wekk we can see why the trap was placed.

Eru777 ago

One of the thoughts that I had with the government shut down was that it could effectively remove unwitting participants in the deep state's schemes. The cabal working against Trump now don't have their staff to assist. If they do, their traffic and chatter becomes that much easier to isolate. It would really light up any bad actors that weren't previously identified and take away noise from the rest of the signal.

ArcAngel ago

we need to send the clinton foundation back to haiti.. for a 'vacation' sans-security.

Fin1776 ago

Merry Christmas 😎thanks for everyone!

1NationUnderGod ago

Thank you for great read!

KYanon ago

I also noticed in the troops video the red cross. But what was the golf lingo? Seemed out of putting place? Thank you SB2 Happy New year!!

nzmc ago

what is [CLASSIFIED] ?

MetalThatMatters ago

Excellent as usual ... but ... I had you figured as a "Merry Christmas" guy, not "happy holidays" ... Keep up the good work.


Veryconcerned71 ago

Excellent post. As usual!

Also worth mentioning Drop #2524 "-HUBER FISA(S) [2-way street]" supports the position that Huber is the gatherer of the FISA evidence.

Chakra3 ago

SB2, what kind of Peruvian coffee do you recommend?

DannoPa ago

Great drop. Thanks SB2, I'll have what your having, Peruvian java. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

NaplesTennisDiva ago

I humbly bow to your brilliance SB2... Here's to the pain that's incoming for the Deep State ! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my fellow Patriots ! #WWG1WGA

GolfinGirl ago

Awesome SB2! You made my day. Was wondering when you would show up. This all makes so much sense! The part of the shutdown keeping new congress from coming in is huge! Well, all of it is huge!

Patriotfamilyfuture ago

Thank you.

goatboy ago

Great, so Q can either predict the future, or viva le whatever was co-opted by our guys.

My money is on either a super intelligent computer that can predict the future or we are in a matrix simulation and this has all happened before and we are reliving the same simulation over and over again, with slight deviations to parse our some variable through iteration.

Although le could be code for law enforcement, so this was a signal that the resistance had been taken over by law enforcement.

anotherukanon ago

The decoding is incredible but the thought and planning that goes into the messages and info that needs decoding in the first place is another level..

And it all looks so simple once it's decoded!

GolfinGirl ago

Was thinking same thing! Unbelievable planning and executing. No wonder timelines need to change!

jsmithhomegrown3 ago

Military Planning at its finest.

Qdini ago

Brilliant SB!!

One question for you, Will we need to wait for the gold standard/Fed restructuring before the market recovers? I'm sure the White Hats have precautions built into the markets to prevent it from being wiped out entirely by the cabal. Do we still think the 1Q19 crash is coming?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you!

Q2575 shows their plan is already known by the White Hats. I did not have enough space to share the analysis of the second tweet but I opened a door with:

"By talking about Syria’s reconstruction financed by SA in this tweet, the Maestro is illustrating the general idea of transactions through a proxy and is specifically pointing at the vegetation found in the Middle East"

The capital letters of the second tweet are SA S US S I GC US TSA=197=COUNTERMEASURES. The Maestro is signaling he already has his counter playbook running and this tweet announces the acceleration of the re-structuring (through gold) hinted at in Q2575. This, added to Mnuchin direct contact with top banks (therefore excluding and weakening the FED) to stabilize the market is the sign the FED will become more isolated over time and that the Maestro's playbook comes with the needed market shock absorbers. Conclusion: I believe the re-structuring can be done without too much damage. The private banks existed before the Fed and were about profit, the Fed is about control and a belief system. The Maestro skillfully makes this fundamental difference and this will allow him to make the necessary alliances before structure change.

wealthword ago

Thanks SB I was wondering about that as well!

Qdini ago

Thanks SB for such a thorough response. I missed Mnuchin going directly to the banks to reassure them. Great point!! Geez, this gets so dicey when you think of how much stock the Iluminati holds in our largest banks............

On another note, I just looked at this list of top countries with Gold reserves......... Hmmmm, this could be the key to Trump's trade negotiating position with other countries......... Is this part of the plan SB?



Zammyanci ago

I knew you reminded me of someone. Spencer! Zugzwang! ;)

swimkin ago

My response to this great decode is the MOAB can't come soon enough! Bring on the SEVER PAIN!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you Swimkin, it's coming...

VQTmom ago

Excellent! As usual, your decode is amazing, great brain work. Thanks. Belated Merry Christmas. A joyous New Year to you and yours.

SerialBrain2 ago

God Bless and Happy Holidays! ;)

squestionswhy ago

ThankQ SB2 for the much needed help. God Bless you and Merry Christmas.

SerialBrain2 ago

Happy Holidays! ;)

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Why do you not post to the official subverse, /v/QRV, and only the QAnon subverses controlled by SRS?

Mindshrinker ago


derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=kNt5jdlRcO0 :

Macron 'regrets Trump's decision' to pullout troops from Syria - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=WOrNqRsUx_Y :

Tchad : un militaire de la force Barkhane s'effondre devant Macron après la Marseillaise - YouTube

https://archive.fo/D4VMF :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The Wall is different than the 25 Billion Dollars in Border Security. The complete Wall will be built with the Shutdown money plus funds already in hand. The reporting has been inaccurate on the point. The problem is, without the Wall, much of the rest of Dollars are wasted!"

https://archive.fo/gl1PV :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Some of the many Bills that I am signing in the Oval Office right now. Cancelled my trip on Air Force One to Florida while we wait to see if the Democrats will help us to protect America’s Southern Border!… t.co/kevVLGaR0T"

https://invidio.us/watch?v=CY9gojFu-_U :

ONE BOMB KILLS 40 TANKS us air force CBU 105 cluster bomb - YouTube

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Fatfoot23iK ago

Wow, you explain things well.