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Way too small a sample group. If they had ten thousand respondents it might be more compelling.
We don't completely understand the autistic spectrum yet, so it's not impossible that there's some cross over - dismorphia does appear to have a physical root, after all.
Thing is, it's not that important. We already have a treatment for it, so let's focus on something like prostate cancer.
I'm what they call "thrice" blessed! I have 3 kids on the Autism Spectrum, all high functioning (mostly due to early intervention and my determination to ensure the best life possible for them) and with high IQ's. Son (26) computer science/engineering major; daughter (18) graduated at 17 ready for college; son (16) will graduate a year early and is determined to pursue a degree in computer and game design or computer science. All are totally woke! All are here on Voat or the Chans. None are gender confused. I tend to have a different take on Spectrum kids because my parents, grandparents, uncles all exhibited characteristics of Autism. I see the benefit of not being easily swayed emotionally (i.e., brainwashed by the propoganda) as a positive. We see through the B.S. and are able to think logically, and as such start trying to wake others up, although I can't always say that our efforts are successful. IF Autism was in fact a cabal created condition then I'd argue that it's one that will come back to bite them in the ass, because they are the very people, the Autists who are at the forefront of the Great Awakening. And if it is purely genetic, thank God it runs in my family because I wouldn't want to be lulled back to sleep for anything. I've often pondered whether it was the next logical step in human evolution. Who knows? I'm only saddened my "normal" daughter (26) psychology degree with a specialty in Autism has been lost to the indoctrination of our college system. What I'd give to have her be woke too. Sigh...
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Trans means hypnotic trance - a trance induced by the use of hypnosis; the person accepts the suggestions of the hypnotist. trance - a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing; a state resembling deep sleep.
Roughly 50% of male & 70% of female asperger's are bisexual/gay, and they don't even mention this fact. Even though rates of bisexual/gay would matter quite a bit with respect to discussions of trans-sexuality.
Also there is no such thing as the "autism spectrum", they probably mean asperger's like traits.
They know that they are mentally defective / diseased.
In the past people like them simply committed suicide.
Now we nurture and placate them with hormones and Frankenstein-level surgical procedures.
Only to have them eventually off themselves at some later date when that festering wound won't heal.
It will never be a vagina, ever.
Blame our medical professionals for this one. The Hippocratic oath starts with 'First, do no harm.'
I find it hard to imagine how they think they are improving lives by butchering genitalia.
Fuck those surgeons for even thinking this is a good thing.
I'm autistic and find transgenderism and trannys disgusting, never once have I thought "gee I feel like a woman!". Makes me curious what causes the differences (I mean between tranny autists and non-tranny ones).
No surprise whatsoever. Im autistic and luckily went the extremely focussed in a couple of fields route (which is helpful as both are necessary for my job) but when I was a kid I lived in a household which lacked no masculinity and did lots of fag girl shit and liked girl things that my sisters would. If id been brought up in today environment I would have almost certainly been pushed towards the trans side by someone
Also trannies have massive suicide rates. So do autists. If I recall suicide attempts for autistic males is in 60%s. I can understand why it is too but not surprised theres a connection there
If someone cant effectively interpret social cues, and their family encourages deviant behavior...I can easily see them confusing their sex and behavioral norms thereof.
It's Elsviere publishing so it is at least somewhat a respected journal and OPs headline is not misleading. Clearly a bit over simplified but they do conclude that some Trans persons may merely have un-diagnosed autism.
The full article mentions that it’s more than just trans. “Research suggests that there are higher occurrences of homosexuality, bisexuality and asexuality in ASD samples [14], gender-nonconformity is higher in individuals with ASD [15] and especially so in women [16].” Great read and great find. I wonder what the next step is. How can autism be prevented?
Interesting theory. “The polyvagal theory claims that humans have physical reactions, such as cardiac and digestive changes, associated with their facial expressions” (Wikipedia) I’ve heard of research that examines the gut flora in individuals with autism, which effects the chemical balence of neurotransmitters and alter your behavior. When 90% of your serotonin and 50% of your dopamine is made in your gut, that’s nothing to shake a stick at.
Another aspect is autonomic nervous system . There is sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. Digestive problems may be related to body not healthily appropriatley entering rest and digest .
Having just read the abstract, I'm confused. They seem to conclude that there's some comorbidity of autismic traits in individuals who think they're trans. I'm not surprised at that.
What I wonder about, though, is the ratio of individuals in the study who have physical abnormalities in the ol' Xs n' Ys*--which is to say, actually transgendered--vs. those who have no such chromosomal abnormalities, and only think they're transgendered. I can see those folk having undiagnosed autism. That actually makes sense, and it explains why there's been such a rise in the phenomenon lately.
If the incidence of people with physical chromosomal abnormalities has gone up in recent years, though, that's far more concerning. Being as I can only read the abstract, I have no idea if the study explores that.
Autism’s have difficulty with relationships anyway so are easily convinced that hey maybe the problem is they need to transition, saves them from feeling they are a bad x if they just become a trans y. They maybe get to be the partner they always wanted.
Also have you ever seen an autism on meth omg talk to you for hours like a fountain of truth and if you are on meth too like omg I just listened to this autism guy for hours.
What's missing from this is the rate of auto-gynophelia. Which is rampant in MTF trans people. I would say most modern trans are auto-gynophiles. Not actually trans.
Idk I don’t see many bros that lift turning trans. It’s always skinny nerds and twinks who’ve been bombarded with Arnold and Duke Nukem and The Rock bodies as the masculine ideal they can’t achieve, and probably bullied by niggers bussed to white schools who hit puberty and lost virginity at age 10.
Oh dear. If that means anything like what I think those Greek words say, uh ........ hooooooboy. I'm normally a crunchy pagan scientist, but those motherfuckers need Jesus.
People wonder why emotionally unstable people might choose to identify as trans
Look at the applause they receive for doing mundane things that require no effort or skill
It is very tempting for someone who is unhappy with themselves to suddenly see transitioning as this miracle cure all that simultaneously explains how all their problems aren't their fault and gets them welcomed into a community that will insist they are stunning and brave regardless of whether they are or not.
177 sample size, data collected by participant filled out survey. I’d take this study with a grain of salt. Although there is no doubt that trans people are mentally ill, let’s not insult our fellow autists.
IMAGINE!!!! You're so fuckin retarded you decide to cut your cock off, and because you live in a retarded society, youre doctor has to cut off your functional penis and your insurance has to pay for it!!!
I dont understand those who protest against trannies getting surgery. Think about it, its evolution in action! With any luck, the sex change fucks up the retards sex organs so badly, that at a later time when the retard has a moment of clarity and wishes to return to normal and have a child, they wont br able to! And their retarded Gene's wont infect the gene pool.
Psychopathy is a superpower also. If you have aspergers, (autistic psychopathy) you are god mode.
Lol here’s how ‘science’ ‘proved’ psychopathy is a real thing and ‘bad’: they showed people emotionally loaded words while doing brain scans and the psychopaths had less brain activity response.
You understand? It is ‘bad’ and ‘abnormal’ to not have an over emotional response to emotionally loaded words like nigger faggot racist sexist transphobic evil ugly blah blah whatever words the education system and media and news load up with emotion to manipulate normies into supporting agendas designed to destroy them.
Fucking WORDS.
Being ‘normal’ means having emotional reactions over a word, not even like a break up letter or death threat from a real person, just a single word like ‘nigger’.
To be normal, when you see the word ‘nigger’ you have to get mad at whoever wrote it, or you are a psychopath.
Lower levels of empathy, diminished theory of mind ability and literalness
Wow, interesting, literalness. Have you ever noticed how these people are completely incapable of understanding nuance, irony and sarcasm and then chimp out over it? Love it.
On the other hand I've had retards try to interpret my meaning rather than take my words at face value. Too often I have to tell people: no, I meant only what I said.
Homos and bis are constantly sexually abused as children by people of the same sex
Homos and bis are constantly sexually abused by anyone as children (how being molested repeatedly by a woman, according to the previous theory makes you same-sex attracted is beyond me)
Homos and bis are the result of physical childhood abuse (no shit - beat the gay into them)
Homos and bis have distant parents
Homos and bis have helicopter parents
Homos and bis have dominating mothers and weak fathers
Homos and bis have dominating fathers and weak mothers
Homos and bis have dominating parents in general
Homos and bis have watched any kind of porn in their prepubescence (jigglin tits makes 8 yo Timmy gay, guys)
Homos and bis have never watched porn
Homos and bis have never watched straight porn (if they're only watching gay porn, then, maybe, they might be faggots?)
Homos and bis have never been breast fed
Homos and bis have were breast fed too long
Homos and bis have never played sports
Homos and bis have played too many sports in close intimate contact too long with other males, especially in the showers (gym showers turn you gay, guys)
Homos and bis have seen too many men without shirts on
Homos and bis have never seen a naked woman (usually with the addendum that if they do, they'll turn straight)
Homos and bis masturbate too much, lowering their T and making them effeminate (what about the glut of masculine gays - or do they exist?)
Homos and bis don't masturbate enough, leaving them pent up which will make them turn to other males for sexual release, thus turning them gay
Basically ANYTHING that isn't a 100% Voat-approved idyllic & idealistic childhood will make you same-sex attracted, if not full homo - so most of the people in the world, ven most of the people in an actual idyllic setting will have cockthurst. If everything is gay, then nothing is gay.
There is actually a huge overlap between trannies and auties - in fact, trannies have been using the fact that auties are generally, how do I say it... disassociated with themselves to convince them that they are transgendered. I can see transgenderism as being yet another symptom of autism.
Good observation. Medicalisation of every conceivable abberation is a modern problem. Also, what constitutes a "disease" isn't very easy to define. Especially in the psychiatric field, the scientific validity of diagnoses is extremely questionable. Look up "Rosenhan experiment".
I hate how they say drug addiction is a disease. I’m a drug addict but I’m by gonna say it’s a disease it’s where I fucked up. Maybe addictive personalities can be a problem but Iv practiced self control before. A disease is something you can’t help.
That's interesting, the literalness they approach their unnatural impulses fed to them by society would definitely enable an autist identity to become completely ass backward.
Would certainly explain the increase/rise in "trans" individuals. The increasing number of autists from our vaccines are being told/manipulated into getting hormones.
I'm not too familiar with that crowd tbh. I did watch a video where one of them breaks down mid-stream and just talks about how all the speed runners are basically wasting their life, that was a tad depressing... I think he was speedrunning goldeneye at the time.
The whole thing is a socially coercive sterilization program. Trying to erase autistic people from the population thinking it is genetic, when artists are the only people capable of not being controlled by MSM.
Vaccines don't cause autism. This has been beat to death. Regardless, it's an interesting conclusion, and hopefully these people can eventually get the support they need for their mental illness.
The fact that Kr3mlin can post a wall of links, most of which are totally unrelated to his claims of vaccines causing autism and the fucking conspiratards at voat will upvoat it and downvoat anyone who points out he's full of shit.
“Wall of links”? What is your counter argument instead of spewing attacks on reputable public data that I’ve provided. I’ve done mountains of research on this subject and this is the best you can come up with? I’ve questioned so provide me a more logical answer than pure attacks.
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
All the good Goyim conspiratards will just take your word on this because you posted a bunch of links and they already believe that vaccines cause autism.
He found a total of like what...200 cases total, out of 30 million people vaccinated? And you call that "fuckin destroyed"? Jesus fucking christ you people on voat are a bunch of uneducated niggers.
Most of these fucking links have god damn nothing to do with Autism at all...
It's also a common spammer tactic to post like 50 links most of which are totally irrelevant to generate false credibility.
I bet not one person who upvoted him read all those links he posted, most probably didn't read a single one at all, they saw "vaccines cause autism + link" and just immediately decided he was right while ignoring the supposed evidence, because confirmation bias.
The rabidly pro-vax prople are just as bad, neither side gives a shit about the actual science they just blindly support their team, so it makes it fucking impossible for reasonable people to say "maybe we should look into the effectiveness and/or safety regulations on these vaccines which may not be up to standards" without the provax people going "WHY DO YOU WANT TO KILL BABIES???" and the antivax people going "You don't believe that vaccines created diseases? Nobody got sick before vaccines where we all lived to 600 years like in the bible, if you disagree you're a satanic vaccine shill!"
Fuck both pro and anti vac people, they're both retarded.
Have you requested and read all the vaccine inserts and questioned why these aren't routinely given to parents?
Do you understand there is absolutely no science behind the times/ages vaccines are given? (You will see the schedules vary around the world)
Have you researched each individual ingredient, why they are in the vaccine,what they can do to you and all the problems they are linked to?
Do you find it strange that many ingredients on their own outside of vaccines are considered deadly poisons but apparently become magically safe once added to a vaccine?
Have you researched each disease thoroughly and weighed it against the potential harm of vaccines?
Do you understand that some vaccines claim to provide protection for a disease when they actually only protect against certain strains or types of the disease? (HPV is a great example here).
Do you understand a child would have to be between 54kg and 212kg to cope with the amount of aluminium in vaccines based on those safe limits set by health organizations? (this is an example of how poisonous only one adjuvant is).
Have you read any peer reviewed studies for both sides?
Since studies have been done showing a huge decrease in adverse reactions and death following vaccines if vaccines are delayed to begin at 2 years old, why haven't' there been any amendments to the schedule?
Isn't it strange we are encouraged to give our children pamol following vaccination when this is shown to increase the risk for serious reactions? (This is because glutathione is required to detoxify viruses, heavy metals, vaccine ingredients, pesticids etc and pamol depleates glutathione in the body when the body needs it most.)
Why is the flu vaccine pushed when it has such a low efficacy rate and causes spreadable illness in so many recipients?
Do you understand the difference between immunization and vaccination and how a natural immune system actually works?
Do you know the efficacy rates for each vaccine?
Since no vaccine has a 100% efficacy rate why is immunity not routinely tested once an individuals vaccinations are complete?
Do you know vaccines aren't independently tested and that if your child is injured or killed the manufacturers cannot be held responsible?
Are you aware some vaccines are heavily fast tracked and get even less testing?
Have you looked into how many outbreaks are caused by vaccinated individuals (it's a large number)?
Do you know that for most of the diseases we vaccinate for, the vast majority will be asymptomatic or have very mild cases?
Have you looked at vaccines during pregnancy and the lack of testing/severe dangers/reported reactions? (including miscarriage and stillbirth).
Have you looked into how many deaths occur each year from each disease?
Have you researched the history of each disease and noted how things like hygiene play a huge part in the decrease in occurrence?
How do you feel about chicken pox being marketed as a deadly disease when up until recently it was considered a normal childhood illness?
Have you compared the current schedules around the world to the schedules 10/20/30 etc years ago, seen which changes have been made and why?
Are you ok with the fact there is no adequate testing of vaccines being shoved together into cocktails?
Does it concern you there are no longterm studies (from vaccine manufacturers and health organizations) comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children?
Do you understand that vaccines are a multi billion dollar business?
If so does it concern you that there are pages dedicated to coercing parents who question them or have concerns?
Have you had your child checked for an MTHFR gene mutation (which affect a huge number of children nowadays) or mitocondrial disorders? Because vaccines have been
proven to be even more dangerous to people with these conditions.
Furthermore why is MTHFR not part of routine infant testing since these mutations affect a large number of people?
Have you spoken to anyone with a vaccine injured child?
Have you looked at the correlation between the dramatic increase of vaccines in the schedules and the dramatic increase of health problems? (for example, allergies, skin problems, gastric issues, asd, autoimmune disease to name a few).
Do you know how much training doctors, nurses and other medical professionals actually have regarding vaccines and what their training in this area actually consists of?
Have you questioned why further improvements and testing aren't constantly being made to vaccines once they're on the market like they do for many other things?
If vaccines are for our health and safety why is there no fact based literature (that isn't vague) readily available that doesn't discount reasonable questions like this?
What is the reason why in 2018 it is acceptable to research things online from reliable sources, credited medical websites and other sources, yet you are ridiculed and discredited if you research vaccines online?
Do you find it strange that things like antiseptic and panadol have easily accessible information, possible side effects, drug interactions, dosage information etc but the same isn't provided for vaccines?
Isn't it interesting that we have to sign consent forms for something that is apparently completely safe?
If every individual is vastly different how can they be so certain vaccines do not have the ability to react differently with different people?
Are you concerned that babies under 6-12 months haven't yet developed the ability to create antibodies, making vaccines under that age pointless and dangerous?
Considering science is ever changing. What is the reason those who agree with vaccines are pro science but refuse to look at the huge amount of new science against vaccines, yet will happily look at it with all other things?
Do you know about homeoprophylaxis, a safer alternative to vaccination?
Are you aware that some of these diseases are very beneficial to a childs immune system and can greatly lower the risk for cancer etc in the future?
Are you aware that based on today's schedule and the fact vaccines have a short life the majority of adults are considered unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated?This shows how herd immunity is a myth. It also questions vaccine efficacy and makes you wonder why we aren't seeing major outbreaks.
Have you looked into vaers/vaccine injury reporting systems and the court cases/payouts associated with these claims?
Do you find it strange there are thousands of diseases we don't have vaccines for yet these are not causing widespread epidemics and death?
Sure you did dude, sure you did. On the off chance you aren't lying, keep going into her 30s and have 10 kids. Probably won't matter since you're a disarmed and castrated britcuck, but it might.
lol keep telling yourself that as it's clear that younger women must find you revolting. Women's sexual value is based on chastity and youth, good luck finding a 30 year old who hasn't rode the cock-carousel for at least half a decade and can actually manage a functioning relationship after all those break-ups. Haha you'd love for me to be some young kid, wouldn't you; you couldn't stand to think that some men can pick women of any age they want.
Wrong on almost every assumption there. Haha, you sure sound like a married man with kids.
I never said go shopping for 30 year olds, another failed assumption by you. But assuming your "wife" is 24 and you have 2 kids, what's your plan when she hits 30? Stop having kids immediately, divorce her and fuck up your existing kids? See what I'm getting at here?
You seriously think a woman is going to remain a virgin or or stop herself from being passed around by the time she's 30? By the time she's 30 she's probably had 20-40 guys anyway, and already been with the man she'll always consider the love of her life. All the women who actually want to settle down are already gone after 25, then you're left with the R-mating strategists who are just proto-nigger, sluts anyway, who either nobody else wants, or who are so confused/brainwashed that they won't know how to be successful in a family unit. It's proven science that younger women (19-23) are considered the most attractive and have healthier children, why on earth would you degrade your chances at having healthy children and a happy relationship? (unless you can barely get any woman).... You have kids as long as it's not high risk and productive to do so (under 35), if that means only 2-3 then that's the biological price you pay for not being sexually successful earlier or choosing the wrong mate. If she's 24, then you can probably fit another 3 children in responsibly, if so inclined.
Sir, can you read English? I agree with most of what you said, however it is not what I'm talking about.
You got your woman at 22 (I got mine at 21, suck it), when she turns 30 are you going do quit having kids immediately? Divorce her and go look for another 22 year old and fuck up your kids in the process?
All goats with good women should keep having kids until mid 30s, later than that if you're healthy and so inclined.
The question is why do they think it's a good idea to wait until they are 35-45 to have children in the first place. Treat the source, not the symptoms.
It's still interesting to see how a seemingly "minor" change like "oh, let's have our children later" ends in a thousand new problems. This is the core argument for being a reactionary - that the old ways mostly worked, don't mess with things that you can't understand and rely on the wisdom of your ancestors.
Endocrine disruptors definitely don't help, and those are ubiquitous in our society. From that tea tree oil in your shampoo to the whey protein in your smoothie.
Even the water has bullshit in it from all the pharmaceuticals that people shovel into their failing bodies.
Whey has loads of casein, which can cause hormone issues and inflammation in large amounts.
Mass produced plant proteins (like pea, soy, etc.) are usually outsourced from China where they spray the fuck out of it with shit that ends up in the isolates, which can also cause hormone issues.
You also can't just eat bison meat every day or you'll get colon cancer.
SearchVoatBot ago
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Ken_bingo2 ago
In other words jews target these people who are susceptible to suggestion, by blasting the degeneracy all over the media.
Beancounterflix ago
Way too small a sample group. If they had ten thousand respondents it might be more compelling.
We don't completely understand the autistic spectrum yet, so it's not impossible that there's some cross over - dismorphia does appear to have a physical root, after all.
Thing is, it's not that important. We already have a treatment for it, so let's focus on something like prostate cancer.
Eon-Neveah ago
I'm what they call "thrice" blessed! I have 3 kids on the Autism Spectrum, all high functioning (mostly due to early intervention and my determination to ensure the best life possible for them) and with high IQ's. Son (26) computer science/engineering major; daughter (18) graduated at 17 ready for college; son (16) will graduate a year early and is determined to pursue a degree in computer and game design or computer science. All are totally woke! All are here on Voat or the Chans. None are gender confused. I tend to have a different take on Spectrum kids because my parents, grandparents, uncles all exhibited characteristics of Autism. I see the benefit of not being easily swayed emotionally (i.e., brainwashed by the propoganda) as a positive. We see through the B.S. and are able to think logically, and as such start trying to wake others up, although I can't always say that our efforts are successful. IF Autism was in fact a cabal created condition then I'd argue that it's one that will come back to bite them in the ass, because they are the very people, the Autists who are at the forefront of the Great Awakening. And if it is purely genetic, thank God it runs in my family because I wouldn't want to be lulled back to sleep for anything. I've often pondered whether it was the next logical step in human evolution. Who knows? I'm only saddened my "normal" daughter (26) psychology degree with a specialty in Autism has been lost to the indoctrination of our college system. What I'd give to have her be woke too. Sigh...
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/news comment by @clamhurt_legbeard.
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Conspirologist ago
Trans means hypnotic trance - a trance induced by the use of hypnosis; the person accepts the suggestions of the hypnotist. trance - a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing; a state resembling deep sleep.
Conway2 ago
The vaccines are turning the frogs trans!
soclose_sofar ago
Roughly 50% of male & 70% of female asperger's are bisexual/gay, and they don't even mention this fact. Even though rates of bisexual/gay would matter quite a bit with respect to discussions of trans-sexuality.
Also there is no such thing as the "autism spectrum", they probably mean asperger's like traits.
This is a bad journal article.
moosethenoose ago
They know that they are mentally defective / diseased. In the past people like them simply committed suicide. Now we nurture and placate them with hormones and Frankenstein-level surgical procedures. Only to have them eventually off themselves at some later date when that festering wound won't heal. It will never be a vagina, ever. Blame our medical professionals for this one. The Hippocratic oath starts with 'First, do no harm.' I find it hard to imagine how they think they are improving lives by butchering genitalia. Fuck those surgeons for even thinking this is a good thing.
Zoldam ago
I'm autistic and find transgenderism and trannys disgusting, never once have I thought "gee I feel like a woman!". Makes me curious what causes the differences (I mean between tranny autists and non-tranny ones).
bubby963 ago
No surprise whatsoever. Im autistic and luckily went the extremely focussed in a couple of fields route (which is helpful as both are necessary for my job) but when I was a kid I lived in a household which lacked no masculinity and did lots of fag girl shit and liked girl things that my sisters would. If id been brought up in today environment I would have almost certainly been pushed towards the trans side by someone
Also trannies have massive suicide rates. So do autists. If I recall suicide attempts for autistic males is in 60%s. I can understand why it is too but not surprised theres a connection there
Photosoflife ago
Andrew, you've admitted to failing to an hero plenty of times before, and admitted you are autistic, and now you're saying you copied your sister.
Come out of the closet dude, you're not fooling anyone, especially not your long suffering mother.
thelma ago
Exactly same as chatroom users...
Master_Foo ago
If that were the case, 90% of Voat would be trans.
glugglug ago
The way those of us on the spectrum think is more stereotypically male than NT males. So this idea intuitively makes no sense.
ComradeUseless ago
it cant just be autism, what if: autism + degeneracy = trans
daskapitalist ago
If someone cant effectively interpret social cues, and their family encourages deviant behavior...I can easily see them confusing their sex and behavioral norms thereof.
kenlane ago
It's Elsviere publishing so it is at least somewhat a respected journal and OPs headline is not misleading. Clearly a bit over simplified but they do conclude that some Trans persons may merely have un-diagnosed autism.
uku4u ago
Horrors, you can't bring mental health into this - it's all feels!
Chiefpacman ago
Won't let me load it. Maybe we flooded it.
european ago
whatdaheck ago
The full article mentions that it’s more than just trans. “Research suggests that there are higher occurrences of homosexuality, bisexuality and asexuality in ASD samples [14], gender-nonconformity is higher in individuals with ASD [15] and especially so in women [16].” Great read and great find. I wonder what the next step is. How can autism be prevented?
daskapitalist ago
Largely preventable if mothers stop having kids when they're old. Birth defects, autism, etc skyrocket as mothers age.
whatdaheck ago
I’m considering dropping out of med school to have kids six years sooner for exactly this reason.
european ago
Polyvagal theory might have some answers
whatdaheck ago
Interesting theory. “The polyvagal theory claims that humans have physical reactions, such as cardiac and digestive changes, associated with their facial expressions” (Wikipedia) I’ve heard of research that examines the gut flora in individuals with autism, which effects the chemical balence of neurotransmitters and alter your behavior. When 90% of your serotonin and 50% of your dopamine is made in your gut, that’s nothing to shake a stick at.
european ago
Another aspect is autonomic nervous system . There is sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. Digestive problems may be related to body not healthily appropriatley entering rest and digest .
whatdaheck ago
Very true. Epinephrine and norepinephrine (NE) have big effects on the sympathetic side
european ago
The map is not the territory.
cthulian_axioms ago
Having just read the abstract, I'm confused. They seem to conclude that there's some comorbidity of autismic traits in individuals who think they're trans. I'm not surprised at that.
What I wonder about, though, is the ratio of individuals in the study who have physical abnormalities in the ol' Xs n' Ys*--which is to say, actually transgendered--vs. those who have no such chromosomal abnormalities, and only think they're transgendered. I can see those folk having undiagnosed autism. That actually makes sense, and it explains why there's been such a rise in the phenomenon lately.
If the incidence of people with physical chromosomal abnormalities has gone up in recent years, though, that's far more concerning. Being as I can only read the abstract, I have no idea if the study explores that.
HatePrincipal ago
Autism’s have difficulty with relationships anyway so are easily convinced that hey maybe the problem is they need to transition, saves them from feeling they are a bad x if they just become a trans y. They maybe get to be the partner they always wanted.
Also have you ever seen an autism on meth omg talk to you for hours like a fountain of truth and if you are on meth too like omg I just listened to this autism guy for hours.
cthulian_axioms ago
Anyone who deliberately plants this idea in another person's brain is--wittingly or not--doing black magic.
LordIntrepid ago
What's missing from this is the rate of auto-gynophelia. Which is rampant in MTF trans people. I would say most modern trans are auto-gynophiles. Not actually trans.
HatePrincipal ago
Idk I don’t see many bros that lift turning trans. It’s always skinny nerds and twinks who’ve been bombarded with Arnold and Duke Nukem and The Rock bodies as the masculine ideal they can’t achieve, and probably bullied by niggers bussed to white schools who hit puberty and lost virginity at age 10.
PHXSunlight ago
Well, all the pervy old dudes "transitioning" are autogynephiles, like "it's ma'am!". They usually like woman and have a lesbian fetish too.
cthulian_axioms ago
Oh dear. If that means anything like what I think those Greek words say, uh ........ hooooooboy. I'm normally a crunchy pagan scientist, but those motherfuckers need Jesus.
HKob ago
Well, doesn’t really surprise me
izzame ago
Interesting study.
irradiated_toaster ago
People wonder why emotionally unstable people might choose to identify as trans
Look at the applause they receive for doing mundane things that require no effort or skill
It is very tempting for someone who is unhappy with themselves to suddenly see transitioning as this miracle cure all that simultaneously explains how all their problems aren't their fault and gets them welcomed into a community that will insist they are stunning and brave regardless of whether they are or not.
Octoclops ago
Spot on.
People who study cults call this "love-bombing".
connecteduser ago
I am so proud of you.
Maroonsaint ago
Plus they’ll probably let you stick your cock in their mouths
AwakeVet ago
177 sample size, data collected by participant filled out survey. I’d take this study with a grain of salt. Although there is no doubt that trans people are mentally ill, let’s not insult our fellow autists.
Wiserman ago
I don't see why retards can't be trans. I guess normies can be trans, as well.
satisfyinghump ago
ROFL IMAGINE!!!! You're so fuckin retarded you decide to cut your cock off, and because you live in a retarded society, youre doctor has to cut off your functional penis and your insurance has to pay for it!!!
I dont understand those who protest against trannies getting surgery. Think about it, its evolution in action! With any luck, the sex change fucks up the retards sex organs so badly, that at a later time when the retard has a moment of clarity and wishes to return to normal and have a child, they wont br able to! And their retarded Gene's wont infect the gene pool.
DrPenguin ago
Naw nigger. Autism is a superpower. Trans is a sin.
HatePrincipal ago
Psychopathy is a superpower also. If you have aspergers, (autistic psychopathy) you are god mode.
Lol here’s how ‘science’ ‘proved’ psychopathy is a real thing and ‘bad’: they showed people emotionally loaded words while doing brain scans and the psychopaths had less brain activity response.
You understand? It is ‘bad’ and ‘abnormal’ to not have an over emotional response to emotionally loaded words like nigger faggot racist sexist transphobic evil ugly blah blah whatever words the education system and media and news load up with emotion to manipulate normies into supporting agendas designed to destroy them.
Fucking WORDS.
Being ‘normal’ means having emotional reactions over a word, not even like a break up letter or death threat from a real person, just a single word like ‘nigger’.
To be normal, when you see the word ‘nigger’ you have to get mad at whoever wrote it, or you are a psychopath.
ConfirmedSRSShill ago
No, that's just called "being a poorly socialized asshole". You dont have superpowers. You're just an awkward faggot.
moarzor ago
Agreed. We have to recognize the power of weaponized autists.
GreatWhiteNorth ago
It's undiagnosed demonic possession.
SonofSuebi ago
christians are every bit as mentally ill as transfreaks. you worship a nailed up rabbi ffs. all because a jewish book told you he was god.
DrShitlord ago
Wow, interesting, literalness. Have you ever noticed how these people are completely incapable of understanding nuance, irony and sarcasm and then chimp out over it? Love it.
Full text here:
moarzor ago
On the other hand I've had retards try to interpret my meaning rather than take my words at face value. Too often I have to tell people: no, I meant only what I said.
Maroonsaint ago
I don’t think Iv ever seen the word literalness in my life.
ButtonQuail ago
Thank you so much!!!
CrudOMatic ago
Waiting on Voat to adapt this into their ever-growing body of retarded theories on homosexuality...
SonofSuebi ago
name a few if you will. so far i have only seen the "all homosexuals are pedophiles" argument.
CrudOMatic ago
Basically ANYTHING that isn't a 100% Voat-approved idyllic & idealistic childhood will make you same-sex attracted, if not full homo - so most of the people in the world, ven most of the people in an actual idyllic setting will have cockthurst. If everything is gay, then nothing is gay.
SonofSuebi ago
well made. i applaud your accumulation of points, I imagine for some devious group out there, Voat functions as a petri dish.
Nosferatjew ago
autistic screeching
tonberry2 ago
Once clinical words like "autism" enter the mainstream, suddenly it magically becomes the root of all that is abnormal in human behavior.
Bastionof_freespeech ago
What's your favorite final fantasy game though?
tonberry2 ago
V. Job system was super fun.
CrudOMatic ago
There is actually a huge overlap between trannies and auties - in fact, trannies have been using the fact that auties are generally, how do I say it... disassociated with themselves to convince them that they are transgendered. I can see transgenderism as being yet another symptom of autism.
badruns ago
Makes sense. /b was full of autists and gay traps. Now adays it's just CIA niggers.
european ago
Perhaps autism is a symptom of something
CrudOMatic ago
The answer always leads back to Jerusalem.
Maroonsaint ago
Hombre_Blanco ago
CrudOMatic ago
Maroonsaint ago
Answer my messages you ass
FatBruceWillis ago
Na. Traps!
DrShitlord ago
Good observation. Medicalisation of every conceivable abberation is a modern problem. Also, what constitutes a "disease" isn't very easy to define. Especially in the psychiatric field, the scientific validity of diagnoses is extremely questionable. Look up "Rosenhan experiment".
european ago
Mental Dis-ease is whatever society happens to believe.
Maroonsaint ago
I hate how they say drug addiction is a disease. I’m a drug addict but I’m by gonna say it’s a disease it’s where I fucked up. Maybe addictive personalities can be a problem but Iv practiced self control before. A disease is something you can’t help.
tonberry2 ago
That Rosenhan experiment that you brought up was very interesting. I wasn't aware of it, so thanks for letting me know.
daskapitalist ago
We used to just call deviants crazy. Now they need 30 different words for crazy.
DrShitlord ago
That's because crazy has become so diverse. Literally.
selpai ago
If these people cared about reason, logic, or science, then we wouldn't be at odds to begin with.
M346 ago
Vaccines are turning people trans.
i_scream_trucks ago
and thats the last any of those researchers will ever be heard from again.
daskapitalist ago
To ze gulag comrade!
i_scream_trucks ago
Why the fuck did you get downvoated for that...
Alhambra ago
any who has watched GDQ cringe compilations already knew this.
Maroonsaint ago
What’s gdq Stand for
MurkSquatch ago
Games done quickly. Its a speed running organization. Its so filled with trannies that it earned the nickname dilation done quickly.
MurkSquatch ago
I had this theory years ago for this exact reason.
gosso920 ago
Send them to 4chan. They could use some more weaponized autists.
Suzo ago
Aborted female cells in vaccines.
HybridNerfGuns ago
That's interesting, the literalness they approach their unnatural impulses fed to them by society would definitely enable an autist identity to become completely ass backward.
goatsandbros ago
Traps are gay.
CameraCode0 ago
Is this necessary to state here?
goatsandbros ago
It's necessary to state this everywhere
CrudOMatic ago
The ones that are into dudes, yes. Homo and bi. Not the ones into chicks only, because that's still a male solely attracted to females.
Simonsaysgoat ago
TheSeer ago
If men weren't getting breast implants from plastic surgeons, this wouldn't even be a question.
badruns ago
Would certainly explain the increase/rise in "trans" individuals. The increasing number of autists from our vaccines are being told/manipulated into getting hormones.
Either way I know who is to blame. Do you?
kontroll ago
This perfectly explains the infestation amongst speedrunners.
badruns ago
I'm not too familiar with that crowd tbh. I did watch a video where one of them breaks down mid-stream and just talks about how all the speed runners are basically wasting their life, that was a tad depressing... I think he was speedrunning goldeneye at the time.
kontroll ago
Stunning and brave women.
badruns ago
I think I'm gonna be sick
Trash_man ago
Vaccines don't cause autism
badruns ago
Just like 5G towers don't cause cancer. Just like smoking didn't cause cancer.
Glipglup ago
Its not the vaccines, well maybe a little but its the food and the media and the nigger breeding.
WetHen ago
People were vaccinated for 100 years before the autism epidemic. Most autistic were just diagnosed as retarded.
badruns ago
People were not given 25+ vaccines before the age of 2 100 years ago.
HatePrincipal ago
The whole thing is a socially coercive sterilization program. Trying to erase autistic people from the population thinking it is genetic, when artists are the only people capable of not being controlled by MSM.
ConfirmedSRSShill ago
Don't blame vaccines for your developmental disability.
izzame ago
Vaccines don't cause autism. This has been beat to death. Regardless, it's an interesting conclusion, and hopefully these people can eventually get the support they need for their mental illness.
Laurentius_the_pyro ago
The fact that Kr3mlin can post a wall of links, most of which are totally unrelated to his claims of vaccines causing autism and the fucking conspiratards at voat will upvoat it and downvoat anyone who points out he's full of shit.
Kr3mlin ago
“Wall of links”? What is your counter argument instead of spewing attacks on reputable public data that I’ve provided. I’ve done mountains of research on this subject and this is the best you can come up with? I’ve questioned so provide me a more logical answer than pure attacks.
jewsbadnews ago
The Holocaust happened. This has been beat to death.
Gorillion ago
Who upvoated this cunt?
Laurentius_the_pyro ago
People who aren't fucking retarded.
Kr3mlin ago
"There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism"
Except in all these government published studies which show vaccines cause Autism!
Vaccines caused autism here in this federal court case
And here page 2
And here -
Here are 83 cases reviewed by lawyers
Oh look here's a dead kid compensated
If you ever need a lawyer
Here are 127 separate studies linking vaccines and autism.
Read this about Hannah Brusewitz case and how she was harmed by DTP
Supreme Court Unavoidably Unsafe
A dose-response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy?
Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?
Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity.
DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau. #
Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures.
A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.
Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002.
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.
The plausibility of a role for mercury in the etiology of autism: a cellular perspective
Detection of RNA of Mumps Virus during an Outbreak in a Population with a High Level of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Coverage
A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.
Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity.
Unvaccinated Children are Healthier
Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity
Combination MMRV vaccine linked with 2-fold risk of seizures
Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979 ...
Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine.
Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study.
Speciation of methyl- and ethyl-mercury in hair of breastfed infants acutely exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines.
Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons
FDA concludes vaccines cause Autism
Laurentius_the_pyro ago
All the good Goyim conspiratards will just take your word on this because you posted a bunch of links and they already believe that vaccines cause autism.
badruns ago
... are you going to refute anything or just plug your ears?
QuickMafs ago
You're an idiot, the causes is obviously indirect. Vaccines cause auto immune disease (fucking obviously) which causes autism
Awful-Falafel ago
Great work on this list.
realmonster ago
holy shit, is there a hashtag for this or something? #izzamed moar liek #jizzmeds
fuckin destroyed
thantik ago
He found a total of like what...200 cases total, out of 30 million people vaccinated? And you call that "fuckin destroyed"? Jesus fucking christ you people on voat are a bunch of uneducated niggers.
Laurentius_the_pyro ago
It's also a common spammer tactic to post like 50 links most of which are totally irrelevant to generate false credibility.
I bet not one person who upvoted him read all those links he posted, most probably didn't read a single one at all, they saw "vaccines cause autism + link" and just immediately decided he was right while ignoring the supposed evidence, because confirmation bias.
The rabidly pro-vax prople are just as bad, neither side gives a shit about the actual science they just blindly support their team, so it makes it fucking impossible for reasonable people to say "maybe we should look into the effectiveness and/or safety regulations on these vaccines which may not be up to standards" without the provax people going "WHY DO YOU WANT TO KILL BABIES???" and the antivax people going "You don't believe that vaccines created diseases? Nobody got sick before vaccines where we all lived to 600 years like in the bible, if you disagree you're a satanic vaccine shill!"
Fuck both pro and anti vac people, they're both retarded.
Kr3mlin ago
Have you requested and read all the vaccine inserts and questioned why these aren't routinely given to parents?
Do you understand there is absolutely no science behind the times/ages vaccines are given? (You will see the schedules vary around the world) Have you researched each individual ingredient, why they are in the vaccine,what they can do to you and all the problems they are linked to?
Do you find it strange that many ingredients on their own outside of vaccines are considered deadly poisons but apparently become magically safe once added to a vaccine?
Have you researched each disease thoroughly and weighed it against the potential harm of vaccines?
Do you understand that some vaccines claim to provide protection for a disease when they actually only protect against certain strains or types of the disease? (HPV is a great example here).
Do you understand a child would have to be between 54kg and 212kg to cope with the amount of aluminium in vaccines based on those safe limits set by health organizations? (this is an example of how poisonous only one adjuvant is). Have you read any peer reviewed studies for both sides?
Since studies have been done showing a huge decrease in adverse reactions and death following vaccines if vaccines are delayed to begin at 2 years old, why haven't' there been any amendments to the schedule?
Isn't it strange we are encouraged to give our children pamol following vaccination when this is shown to increase the risk for serious reactions? (This is because glutathione is required to detoxify viruses, heavy metals, vaccine ingredients, pesticids etc and pamol depleates glutathione in the body when the body needs it most.)
Why is the flu vaccine pushed when it has such a low efficacy rate and causes spreadable illness in so many recipients?
Do you understand the difference between immunization and vaccination and how a natural immune system actually works?
Do you know the efficacy rates for each vaccine?
Since no vaccine has a 100% efficacy rate why is immunity not routinely tested once an individuals vaccinations are complete?
Do you know vaccines aren't independently tested and that if your child is injured or killed the manufacturers cannot be held responsible?
Are you aware some vaccines are heavily fast tracked and get even less testing?
Have you looked into how many outbreaks are caused by vaccinated individuals (it's a large number)?
Do you know that for most of the diseases we vaccinate for, the vast majority will be asymptomatic or have very mild cases?
Have you looked at vaccines during pregnancy and the lack of testing/severe dangers/reported reactions? (including miscarriage and stillbirth). Have you looked into how many deaths occur each year from each disease?
Have you researched the history of each disease and noted how things like hygiene play a huge part in the decrease in occurrence?
How do you feel about chicken pox being marketed as a deadly disease when up until recently it was considered a normal childhood illness?
Have you compared the current schedules around the world to the schedules 10/20/30 etc years ago, seen which changes have been made and why?
Are you ok with the fact there is no adequate testing of vaccines being shoved together into cocktails?
Does it concern you there are no longterm studies (from vaccine manufacturers and health organizations) comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children?
Do you understand that vaccines are a multi billion dollar business?
If so does it concern you that there are pages dedicated to coercing parents who question them or have concerns?
Have you had your child checked for an MTHFR gene mutation (which affect a huge number of children nowadays) or mitocondrial disorders? Because vaccines have been proven to be even more dangerous to people with these conditions.
Furthermore why is MTHFR not part of routine infant testing since these mutations affect a large number of people?
Have you spoken to anyone with a vaccine injured child?
Have you looked at the correlation between the dramatic increase of vaccines in the schedules and the dramatic increase of health problems? (for example, allergies, skin problems, gastric issues, asd, autoimmune disease to name a few).
Do you know how much training doctors, nurses and other medical professionals actually have regarding vaccines and what their training in this area actually consists of?
Have you questioned why further improvements and testing aren't constantly being made to vaccines once they're on the market like they do for many other things?
If vaccines are for our health and safety why is there no fact based literature (that isn't vague) readily available that doesn't discount reasonable questions like this? What is the reason why in 2018 it is acceptable to research things online from reliable sources, credited medical websites and other sources, yet you are ridiculed and discredited if you research vaccines online?
Do you find it strange that things like antiseptic and panadol have easily accessible information, possible side effects, drug interactions, dosage information etc but the same isn't provided for vaccines?
Isn't it interesting that we have to sign consent forms for something that is apparently completely safe?
If every individual is vastly different how can they be so certain vaccines do not have the ability to react differently with different people?
Are you concerned that babies under 6-12 months haven't yet developed the ability to create antibodies, making vaccines under that age pointless and dangerous?
Considering science is ever changing. What is the reason those who agree with vaccines are pro science but refuse to look at the huge amount of new science against vaccines, yet will happily look at it with all other things?
Do you know about homeoprophylaxis, a safer alternative to vaccination?
Are you aware that some of these diseases are very beneficial to a childs immune system and can greatly lower the risk for cancer etc in the future?
Are you aware that based on today's schedule and the fact vaccines have a short life the majority of adults are considered unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated?This shows how herd immunity is a myth. It also questions vaccine efficacy and makes you wonder why we aren't seeing major outbreaks.
Have you looked into vaers/vaccine injury reporting systems and the court cases/payouts associated with these claims?
Do you find it strange there are thousands of diseases we don't have vaccines for yet these are not causing widespread epidemics and death?
realmonster ago
hashtagged, dwi kiddo. guys going to prison
badruns ago
The CDC has a vested interest in lying about whether or not vaccines cause autism.
ThrowJewsDownTheWell ago
Oy Vey! Don't go there, goyim.
Obelisk79 ago
Since computing devices are all binary based I suggest we encourage all 'non-binary' autist trans people to boycott their use.
Simonsaysgoat ago
skruf ago
badruns ago
I'm happy when I don't have to be the one to say it.
CrudOMatic ago
daskapitalist ago
Old fat women popping out babies from eggs so aged they practically qualify as antiques?
ginx2666 ago
Eggs so old and rotten that chinks are trying to eat them.
Hetmann ago
Not to mention 40 to 50 yr old dudes knocking them up people trying to have kids post 35 is a recipe for autism.
GlowWorm ago
Fuck off dude, obviously try not to be old and fat but have kids. Research suggests you’ve got until 39 basically, if you’re relatively healthy.
Quit discouraging our people from breeding, you kike shill.
daskapitalist ago
I prefer to identify as a bigger maggot, you dimwitted son of a goat!
Overdriver ago
lol 39... as if. Women are most fertile at half that age, and the window isn't 20 years, particularly with the extent of modern living.
GlowWorm ago
You’re right the window is not 20 years, it’s much more. Basically, 13 to 40.
The 39 number came from a Northern Europe study but even in America 35 isn’t correlated with much higher risk, only few problems in a thousand.
I could find the scientific studies if you’re too much of a nigger to educate yourself.
Overdriver ago
good luck with your retarded kids.
GlowWorm ago
Good luck being a faggot incel, getting rejected by every single attractive 20 year old you try to mate with.
I'll continue having more kids well into my 30s.
Overdriver ago
I already have kids, faggot. Go back to fucking old women you deluded moron.
GlowWorm ago
Sure you did dude, sure you did. On the off chance you aren't lying, keep going into her 30s and have 10 kids. Probably won't matter since you're a disarmed and castrated britcuck, but it might.
Overdriver ago
I said have, so at least use the correct tense to try and insult me. better a brititcuck than an old fag.
GlowWorm ago
30s is prime, I actually have an fully matured adult brain, unlike teenage incel LARPers like you.
Overdriver ago
lol keep telling yourself that as it's clear that younger women must find you revolting. Women's sexual value is based on chastity and youth, good luck finding a 30 year old who hasn't rode the cock-carousel for at least half a decade and can actually manage a functioning relationship after all those break-ups. Haha you'd love for me to be some young kid, wouldn't you; you couldn't stand to think that some men can pick women of any age they want.
GlowWorm ago
Wrong on almost every assumption there. Haha, you sure sound like a married man with kids.
I never said go shopping for 30 year olds, another failed assumption by you. But assuming your "wife" is 24 and you have 2 kids, what's your plan when she hits 30? Stop having kids immediately, divorce her and fuck up your existing kids? See what I'm getting at here?
Overdriver ago
You seriously think a woman is going to remain a virgin or or stop herself from being passed around by the time she's 30? By the time she's 30 she's probably had 20-40 guys anyway, and already been with the man she'll always consider the love of her life. All the women who actually want to settle down are already gone after 25, then you're left with the R-mating strategists who are just proto-nigger, sluts anyway, who either nobody else wants, or who are so confused/brainwashed that they won't know how to be successful in a family unit. It's proven science that younger women (19-23) are considered the most attractive and have healthier children, why on earth would you degrade your chances at having healthy children and a happy relationship? (unless you can barely get any woman).... You have kids as long as it's not high risk and productive to do so (under 35), if that means only 2-3 then that's the biological price you pay for not being sexually successful earlier or choosing the wrong mate. If she's 24, then you can probably fit another 3 children in responsibly, if so inclined.
GlowWorm ago
Sir, can you read English? I agree with most of what you said, however it is not what I'm talking about.
You got your woman at 22 (I got mine at 21, suck it), when she turns 30 are you going do quit having kids immediately? Divorce her and go look for another 22 year old and fuck up your kids in the process?
All goats with good women should keep having kids until mid 30s, later than that if you're healthy and so inclined.
TheAntiZealot ago
Jews, my friend. It's the Jews.
CameraCode0 ago
The question is why do they think it's a good idea to wait until they are 35-45 to have children in the first place. Treat the source, not the symptoms.
DrShitlord ago
It's still interesting to see how a seemingly "minor" change like "oh, let's have our children later" ends in a thousand new problems. This is the core argument for being a reactionary - that the old ways mostly worked, don't mess with things that you can't understand and rely on the wisdom of your ancestors.
Infearmal ago
Having children later results in population aging, and then the UN popping out craps like that.
daskapitalist ago
Feminist ideology.
TimberWolfAlpha ago
because of all the "don't have babies" propaganda they're bombarded with to try and prevent teen pregnancy.
Rellik88 ago
But teens are suppose to get pregnant. Hence the fertility and hornyness.
TimberWolfAlpha ago
Shame that we've strayed from a society that is structured to support that.
Maroonsaint ago
Has that happened yet? That’s pretty cool though
daskapitalist ago
DasReich ago
This fucking retard and her cuck implanted two 15 year old fully fertilized nigger embryos in her giving birth to literal niglets
Maroonsaint ago
Well it’s not cool the way it was implemented
DasReich ago
No, it's not.
Maroonsaint ago
Why do you have such a problem with it
DasReich ago
edgydude69 ago
Ever since ‘the pill’ was invented Schlomo.
beesmeesmonies ago
it possibly couldnt be that 100% of americans are severly iodine deficient by (((government))) design... nO thAnkS AgAin shitsrael!!!
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
I don't see more autistic people, I see more people diagnosed with Autism. For instance, this character from a Harry Potter spin off is extremely autistic, perhaps the best example of Aspergers in cinema yet to most people he's just "weird".
Simonsaysgoat ago
Huh. I DID think he was just a weird dude. Love the ping pong movie he did haha
gosso920 ago
... Blame it on the rain?
Turkeypotato ago
Or the hormones in the food.
european ago
And the bpa in the water.
redditugee ago
Endocrine disruptors definitely don't help, and those are ubiquitous in our society. From that tea tree oil in your shampoo to the whey protein in your smoothie.
Even the water has bullshit in it from all the pharmaceuticals that people shovel into their failing bodies.
moarzor ago
Whey protein? First I've heard of whey having a health concern.
redditugee ago
Whey has loads of casein, which can cause hormone issues and inflammation in large amounts.
Mass produced plant proteins (like pea, soy, etc.) are usually outsourced from China where they spray the fuck out of it with shit that ends up in the isolates, which can also cause hormone issues.
You also can't just eat bison meat every day or you'll get colon cancer.
dudelol ago
CameraCode0 ago
So forced.
dudelol ago
Flex up