Danger avoidance can be genetically encoded for four generations, biologists say (phys.org)
submitted 5.5 years ago by not_drunk
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TheAntiZealot 5.5 years ago
I've been exposed to niggers so my progeny will probably have a natural aversion.
For those of us not exposed directly to niggers, they will have a fatal attraction, just like these worms.
SearchVoatBot 5.5 years ago
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Base311 5.5 years ago
A lot of us have taken the nigger "vaccine".
NiggerGuy 5.5 years ago
IsaacJan 5.5 years ago
Only if we allow the kikes to continue. By the time I have kids I expect something to pop somewhere.
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TheAntiZealot ago
I've been exposed to niggers so my progeny will probably have a natural aversion.
For those of us not exposed directly to niggers, they will have a fatal attraction, just like these worms.
SearchVoatBot ago
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Base311 ago
A lot of us have taken the nigger "vaccine".
NiggerGuy ago
IsaacJan ago
Only if we allow the kikes to continue. By the time I have kids I expect something to pop somewhere.