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ardvarcus ago

Another scare story? Really? How's the ozone layer these days? The Great Barrier Reef? They're fine? But I thought they were inches away from total annihilation of all live on this planet. Oh, that was yesterday. Today, we are losing the bacteria that produce the oxygen we breathe. I wonder what frightening revelations tomorrow will bring? A new pandemic? Threats from instabililty in the Sun? Super volcano activity? Because the media needs to keep the public frightened all the time, every day, waking and sleeping.

Kannibal ago

So "we fixed that now" means "it never was a problem, and the situation was all a hoax."

Dortex ago

All climate Science is a hoax, dontchaknow. Unless it confirms my views.

Kannibal ago

of course.

need to find a proper photo to memify this

Dortex ago

You could always line up pictures of denialists and point out how they cherry pick data. "You can't trust the fossil record. Now if you'll look at the fossil record, you'll notice missing links", "You can't trust NASA. Now if you'll look at these numbers from NASA, you'll see how they show no warming". Rough first draft.

theoldones ago

Dortex, i'm gatecrashing your comment to remind you've been asked nicely to stop being a dishonest shit. your repeated bullshit is inaccurate, slander and a manipulation of words. you're a lying snake.

here's the part you fucking ignore and omit from what i know you're about to say:

Dortex, i ask people to put their money where their mouth is. that test was failed, certain people WON'T put their money where their mouth is.

even other users notice you've been a fucking shit about this.

this reply from @TruthDefender blows your interpretation out of the water immediately, and mumbleberry doesn't like you.

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

remember that time you defended a pedophile who posted a video of raping children? your defense and deflection on this was hilarious and the dumbest shit ever

you lead petty downvoting campaigns against users you argue with after they drop the issue.

shitskin, shady, pedophile defender