The_Raven ago

I'm starting to think that their 1990 joke actually means 1099 because they're paid to be here. They've switched the numbers as an inside joke. It's their wink wink, nudge nudge to each other.

freshmeat ago

Another SBBH user. I would say i have no idea how you losers could possibly spend this much time shilling but they still pay you guys im sure. Good luck living out of your mom's basement on bitcoins nigger.

MadWorld ago

Interesting, so this is spam now?

freshmeat ago

yeah, its a bunch of horse shit that gets debunked everytime you post it, even Putt debunked it and had to back peddle. All you are doing is lying and pushing your SBBH spam. One more time and Im banning you again

MadWorld ago

Show me the proof!


freshmeat ago

@PuttItOut do you still believe im sanegoat or was that just a joke as you later claimed?

@Madworld you are now banned

MadWorld ago

New submission:

Previous submission:

There is a lot of gaslighting going on in QRV with SBBH openly bragging about it and it seems they are trying to advertise this sub in stupid annoying ways that no one here would ever do. They abuse your anon feature which is what they do in all anon subs. Example:

Just a heads up we follow their tactics closely and without me even beginning to try and make QRV aware of their harrassment, they are already trying to scare people off.

Example. No one from this sub would ever behave that way and i would delete a shitpost like that.

Godspeed Qanons is an anon user.

This user joined on: 9/24/2018, made 459 comments, only ~50 are shown in comment history. How convenient talking to an anon account? See this bug report

Dfens censoring:

Freshmeat AKA SaneGoatiSwear:

PuttItOut calling out freshmeat:

You are welcome!

Have a good day Sane!

SaveTheChildren ago

Why am i involved in this? @puttitout is a tranny btw