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Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

There are some real fucking idiots in this thread.

BasedWolf ago

Like who ya faggot?

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

The OP, the brain-dead retards who deny the Holocaust, the misinformation agitprop agents making untrue Fauxlodomir claims. Its a cesspool of obvious idiots.

BasedWolf ago

You realize there is no hard evidence that the holocaust happened, right?

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Somehow holocaust denial went from a face-saving effort by the KGB to deflect from Soviet losses during WWII into being taken seriously by limp-dick morons.

Nobody seriously questions it, they are just trying to one-up each other in sounding retarded.

BasedWolf ago

"Nobody seriously questions it" = I have no ability to think for myself.

Everyone started off believing the holocaust happened, because it's all anyone ever talks about. Countless holocaust movies, countless books written, taught in every school, etc. But, no one actually proves it to you when they talk about it, they just talk like it's an easily observable fact, like the sky being blue. But once in a while someone stops and asks a question, and then, like David Irving, they go to jail. Then you start to wonder, surely this so obvious fact could be readily and easily proven through direct evidence, right? Then you realize it can't be, and the entire thing is based on Soviet claims, spotty witness testimony, and Nuremberg trial testimony (which could have easily been given under duress).

Then you keep digging a bit and realize how outlandish the claims really are. That in order to gas an cremate the number of people claimed, it would have had to be a full scale industrial operation, for which there is absolutely no documentation or evidence. Allied stealth aerial photography of places later determined to be "death camps" had no evidence of the resources or carrying out of the operation that one would have expected.

Then you dig as little deeper and realize the jews have used the " six million deaths" claim at least once before. Coincidence?

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

You don't sound like someone who can think for himself. You could have read first-hand accounts from the Nazis like I did. The Stroop Report is widely available, and the author frankly admits to fighting civilians. But instead you make the same discredited points refuted across time.

Laws against disinformation were made to combat propaganda in East Germany perpetuated by the KGB. The main argument they made was that since Slavs are subhuman vermin they shouldnt count towards holocaust deaths. While its true that non-human savages like Slavs should not be compute into human death totals in tragedies like the holocaust, and its an insult to the dignity of the victims to compare a slave to a human life, its difficult to distinguish bodies once theyre in the mass graves. The GDR used former Nazis, and West Germany had a formal Re-Nazification program, so the KGB glossed over the atrocities, and the West did not.

Morons like David Irving are arrested because what they do is illegal. Tons of European nations do not have free speech for intentional disinformation, and these guys never make any substantial points. They are just contrarians.

I've met enough survivors, they're not lying. They themselves pointed out the enormous credible evidence, eye witness testimony, diaries written by the Germans, the records they themselves kept. Its not a massive conspiracy, it took over a million people to coordinate. They had mountains of teletype messages they used to make it work. They kept minutes of meetings they had. You can't speak German, but the evidence exists, its in archives that you can look up.

And when you talk about the Holocaust, you're including the euthanasia of the sick and retarded, right? How about the open-air shootings of partisians, a ton of those never made it to an archive and are just extrapolated from data, did you forget them? You can ignore Jews altogether and remember that two million Soviet POWs were murdered (even though they should not be counted as human deaths) and yet that's not ever a question made by your type.

Only a pussy would resort to dishonesty, and if its your intention to make people look down on you, its working. Any normal person looks at contempt at cowards that 'question the holocaust' even though you did not ask any real questions. You are weak. If you didn't want to sound weak you would instead say something like 'I don't mind that it happened' but you go out of your way to be a bitch.

BasedWolf ago

Lol link me to one single reputable piece of German documentation that references gassing and cremating thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions or billions or whatever number is claimed, of jews.

Any normal person looks at contempt at cowards that 'question the holocaust' even though you did not ask any real questions. You are weak. If you didn't want to sound weak you would instead say something like 'I don't mind that it happened' but you go out of your way to be a bitch.

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb stupid faggot? Whether it happened or not is completely irrelevant of how I want to look or sound to pencil necked niggers on the internet. It's a matter of truth. Did it happen or not?

You're convinced it happened because you apparently read some easily and readily accessible documentation. So let's see it.