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1Sorry_SOB ago

Gradually, I began . . .

veteran88 ago

Saint Adolf was right

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

"Saint Adolf" nuthin'..

Adolf Hitler and all of the senior Nazis were Jews, post the slaughter of Ernst Röhm and the SA Brownshirts the non Jewish Nazis in the Night of the Long Knives Massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.

The official story is arse about face, Jews perped genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around.

Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the 1915 Armenian Genocide.

Hitler arbitrarily Declared War on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks.

After having declared war on France and England June 10, 1940 Benito Mussolini Declared War on America on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler, thus between the two of them they deliberately caused Germany and Italy to be on the losing sides in WW2.

The word "Nazi" as in Ashkenazi refers to a "Prince of Jewry," the title given the head of the Sanhedrin court which meted out life and death under Talmudic Law. Secrets of Zion.

SparklingWiggle ago

Your link regarding Merkel is literally nothing but a statement that she isn't his daughter.

veteran88 ago

Natsocs didn't even call themselves that N word, kikes made it up later and almost everything you wrote is their propaganda copy/pasted.

Rohm was a gay communist and had it coming.

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

In the video Danger Zone for Trucks in Czech Republic, driver Harry Stam takes us thru deserted towns and villages we say the former inhabitants of which were the Sudetenland Germans, whose ancestors had been sent there by usurper Catherine the Great in the 18th Century.

Who were with the Volga Germans, other pockets of relocated Germans in Poland and the Gypsy ppl the principle victims of the H'caust.

Noooooo .. :(

veteran88 ago

300k died not 6mil

Most weren't Jews. I knew that already.

mememeyou ago

think Joe's got an agenda

does it make sense for Adolf to say about himself?:

the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

There are sufficient similarities in AH's Mein Kampf pdf and the writings of Winston Churchill, more particularly his four volume set "History of the English Speaking Peoples" for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953, to conclude much of Hitler's tract was in fact penned by Churchill.

veteran88 ago

That is their lowest effort and most desperate lie.

The guy who came the closest to defeating us was one of us.

/Shrug then he is an honorary Aryan.

Something like 125k Jews fought in Hitler's army.