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IquitzuOcha ago

Meh. It's not like you can hold an employer accountable for everything the employees do.

IquitzuOcha ago

You mean, connect the dot? As in one?

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah... pedos hang out together and higher up pedos hire other pedos so they can be trusted

It's like you have no fucking idea what shitbag politicians are up to.. lol

IquitzuOcha ago

It doesn't sound like you've got an idea either... At least not a substatiated one. And don't refer me to the pizza infographic. There were a few interesting and suspicious pieces of evidence there, but just because you draw pretty colors around things doesn't make them related.

So, in your connect the dot analogy, there's a total of about 3 dots on a page that fits 100 and they aren't evenly distributed. Kind of ridiculous for you to act like it's a 4K image.