@AnnCoulter: Wait until they find out you haven't built one inch of the wall, deported "Dreamers," or signed that executive order on anchor babies. (twitter.com)
submitted 6.2 years ago by tendiesonfloor
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Tallest_Skil 6.2 years ago
"Oy vey goyim Q-LARP is real though and the plan is totally in motion lol never grab your guns and kill the government ever oy vey they're totally already working for you!" – 20,000 accounts' worth of on this website
Meme_Factory_1776 6.2 years ago
2,ooo active. 2o,ooo unique visits a day. And that don't include spiders that 'lurk'.
That makes me feel a little better. Or maybe it doesn't. No one's fucking fighting back at all, anyway.
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Tallest_Skil ago
"Oy vey goyim Q-LARP is real though and the plan is totally in motion lol never grab your guns and kill the government ever oy vey they're totally already working for you!" – 20,000 accounts' worth of on this website
Meme_Factory_1776 ago
2,ooo active. 2o,ooo unique visits a day. And that don't include spiders that 'lurk'.
Tallest_Skil ago
That makes me feel a little better. Or maybe it doesn't. No one's fucking fighting back at all, anyway.
Meme_Factory_1776 ago