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poly ago

Robert Mueller Was FBI Director During Sandy Hook Fake School Shooting and Boston Marathon Fake Bombing

OmarStillComin ago

If you think Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing were fake you honestly need some mental help. Turn off Alex Jones and take your meds.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Ever notice that the terrorists are inept?

No one blows up a power station during a heat wave. No one destroys an overpass. No one knocks down a satellite hub. Just stupid bombings.

Either the sand niggers are stupid due to inbreeding, or it's all a fake psyop done by lobbyists wanting to sell more security crap to the government.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

well 9/11 was elaborate but that was most likely the Mossad with some Saudi support.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim you are insane because i say so ha ha wow you lose now lol no argument

Thanks for confirming that Sandy Hook was a hoax.

OmarStillComin ago

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Tallest_Skil ago

Correct; Sandy Hook is dismissed as a legitimate attack. You’re done here.

OmarStillComin ago

So your view is that there's no evidence that the Sandy Hook massacre occurred? You realize how utterly insane that sounds right? Do you believe the world is flat? Do you believe the government is poisoning the water to make the frogs gay? Do aliens come to your house every night to anal rape you?

Your theory assumes there is a vast conspiracy that would have to involve the teachers, the kids, their families, the police, the investigators, the doctors, the reporters, the morticians, the neighbors, fake physical evidence, fake photos, etc. -- and you choose to disbelieve those mountains of evidence why exactly....? Honestly, how do you go through life deciding what to believe or disbelieve? Do you just figure whatever sounds the spookiest and most nefarious must be true?

Even Alex Jones has backtracked from claiming Sandy Hook was faked when he actually got called on his bullshit and got sued.

And in his divorce case, Jones's lawyer said he's just playing a character:

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey I can’t refute you

therefore I’ll take my PAID JEWISH SHILL WHO EXISTS AS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, associate you with him, and then denounce you through my false association

Okay, don’t care. Come back when you are capable of comprehend the existence of objective truth.

OmarStillComin ago

I do believe in objective truth. And in fact, I provided actual sources, logic, and court documents to back up my position. You just spewed some incoherent anti-semitic babble. Do you think that's really the best way at figuring out objective truth?

Tallest_Skil ago

I do believe in objective truth

Do jews control the media?

actual sources

Okay? No one is questioning the jewishness of Alex Jones.

anti-semitic babble

Wait a minute…

member for 11 months

-48 CCP

Oh! Never mind. You’re just a paid shill who has now admitted that he doesn’t comprehend objective truth.

Fun fact: you admitted that in the wording of your reply, not just the words themselves.

OmarStillComin ago

Uh, that's not what the word "wording" means, chief. And it's not even the implication of what I said. It's easy to win an argument if you just construct a straw man for the other side. I do believe in objective truth. For example, Sandy Hook happened.

Do jews control the media?

The "media" is not a single monolithic entity and neither are the "jews." So no, Jews don't control all media. There are a lot of successful Jews in news and entertainment. Maybe you should aspire to make something of your life instead of whining about people who managed to be successful?

And yeah, I have a low comment score because I guess my views aren't appreciated by the racist masses on here. And on this great bastion of free speech, that means I get a ration of 10 comments and 10 upvotes per day!

Tallest_Skil ago

wording doesn’t mean wording because i say it doesn’t

Holy christ alive, you’re not even human.

the media is not

Okay, thanks for admitting that jews do, in fact, control the media of the Western world and beyond. Your weasel words and pilpul have no power here. You’re done. Go back to reddit and suck kike cock there. This is not your website and you have no place among people who tell the truth.

OmarComin ago

Wording (noun): the act or manner of expressing in words. Examples: What's the exact wording of the agreement? It's important to get the wording of this law precisely correct

So saying the "wording" of a statement is something different from "the words themselves" is totally incoherent. The wording is the words themselves. I think you meant to use a word like "implication" or "inference." But even so, I still have no idea why you think I don't believe in objective truth.

Anyway, I know I won't convince you not to be an anti-semitic knuckle dragger. But I hope you learned something new here today!

Tallest_Skil ago

It's important to get the wording of this law precisely correct

Or your post, so as to keep hiding the fact that you're a paid shill. You didn't, though. Oh, well.

So saying the "wording" of a statement is something different from "the words themselves" is totally incoherent.

Not to anyone literate, no. Words can say one thing while wording can say another, or simply reenforce it.

I still have no idea why you think I don't believe in objective truth.

Because you've admitted it.

an anti-semitic knuckle dragger

lol, cry harder. Your COINTELPRO doesn't work on us, self-admitted paid jewish shill.

bdmthrfkr ago

Mueller has been their clean up man for decades, he was also the one who buried Uranium One. And 9-11.

A rope is too good for that faggot.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Not even surprised.

carlip ago

oh look a Qtard link, this should be good.