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letsdothis3 ago

Oh, for f's sake, have you not read all our posts on him and his organisation??? Kinda throws a spotlight on you...

argosciv ago

Yes, I have and I've done my own digging on him and THORN in the past too.

Don't come in here having a rage and insinuating that I'm a shill, like ol' resident bullshitter TTT is, just because I'm willing to look at both possibilities.

So far there's nothing that conclusively determines whether Kutcher is good or bad -- there's plenty to suggest that he might be bad, but there's also the possibility that he isn't. I'm personally not sure one way or the other, yet, as expressed in the main post where I mention that I have my own suspicions about him.

letsdothis3 ago

What's your sudden interest in Kutcher? From my own research, it's quite clear what's going on there.

argosciv ago


You do realize I've had his name coming up in my research for months, perhaps even a year by now, right?

Oh, of course you don't. It's okay for you to ignore my work, but the moment you think someone has ignored yours(when I actually haven't), you flip your shit?

letsdothis3 ago

Sorry, if I haven'y followed YOUR work. I'm not egotistical about mine. How about you just post a few links of YOUR links for my reading pleasure that demonstrate why you ask this question about Kutcher? And I can return in kind with a list of my own posts?

argosciv ago

I'm not egotistical about mine.

Bullshit. This attitude-laden comment of yours suggests otherwise.

How about you just post a few links of YOUR links for my reading pleasure that demonstrate why you ask this question about Kutcher? And I can return in kind with a list of my own posts?

I've seen your posts and read similar from other posters and found my own way to some of the relevant elements -- all of this can be seen and easily browsed via searchvoat.

As for what you're asking of me, well, that's kind of the point; his name has come up countless times(published and not published) with regard to suspicions against him; even my own suspicions are not conclusive at this stage and for this brief moment in time, I'm giving credence to other possibilities despite my own suspicions and those of others -- do you ever bother to challenge your own beliefs? Or do you just rage at people who challenge their own and yours even if for a brief moment?

letsdothis3 ago

I ask for links because I don't indulge in blah, blah, blah.. which is what your post essentially is. I'm not going to engage with anything else .. I'll say it again- you're just exposing yourself if you don't want to put your money where your mouth is.

argosciv ago

And what is it you want links to? I can easily run a search for all hits of Kutcher in my work, but those are suspicions against him(based primarily on Scientology being so damn close to him).

Are you after links to suggest he might be good? Well, there's the main post here which might be an indicator that his heart's in the right place(or it might not), the point there being:

This submission is not meant to be conclusive of anything, it merely poses some questions and food for thought based on recent events.

So I'm not concluding anything based on the facebook post, nor do I find my own suspicions and those of others to be conclusive evidence against him, yet, either.

There's still more being taken into account by me, which I could share, but that's stuff I'm digging into literally right now - lo and behold, it looks neither good nor bad for him, just poses more questions and curiosities which happen to be in line with my aforementioned suspicions against him.

you're just exposing yourself

Again insinuating that I'm acting with some sort of maligned intent, just because I'm looking at things a little differently for the moment, to see where it leads... yeah, you're totally not driven by ego on this matter.

letsdothis3 ago

Okay, I'll get out of attack mode and address the question you've posed with the links in this main post:

More interesting than that -- in a morbid kind of way, though, is The Dead Girl. Looking at the plot for this movie(and having taken time to watch it), in retrospect, it reads almost as if a thinly veiled threat toward Brittany. If nothing else, it's a bit of a sick joke that the surname of the character she played(who ultimately is killed by a sex predator) is Kutcher -- keeping in mind that Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher broke up approximately around April 2003. Incidentally, one source, supposedly close to Kutcher, allegedly claimed that Brittany's mother, Sharon Murphy, played a small role in the break up...


Nothing there.

Again, what point are you making?

My posts:

Ashton Kutcher, a Thai Massage Parlour, Studio City in North Hollywood, military connections, an Indian orphanage and the Clinton Global Initiative : 6 degrees

The Thousand Oaks shooting and Governor-elect Gavin Newsom. Family ties with the Getty family, Nancy Pelosi, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore.

PEDOGATE- Weird Footage of Demi Moore + McCain institute, THORN, Ashton Kutcher

The Thousand Oaks and Las Vegas mass shootings, the California fires, a proposed high speed rail line which links Vegas to SoCal, and a human trafficking corridor

Daily Mail Watch: Guy Oseary renews wedding vows in Brazil. Madonna, Bono, Kutcher and Moore..let's remind ourselves of their voat pizzagate credentials

The THORN issue. Problems with their technology report on sex trafficking victims ? Calling TechNews Taskforce

Another new Ashton Kutcher PR article. But don't forget his business partner Ron Burkle is a buddy of Bill Clinton who together flew around on "Air F--k One"

Daily Mail Watch: Guy Oseary renews wedding vows in Brazil. Madonna, Bono, Kutcher and Moore..let's remind ourselves of their voat pizzagate credentials

THORN Tech Task Force participants involved with the emerging wiretapping scandal. We need to be very concerned that they are tasked with developing child trafficking systems.

The THORN issue. Problems with their technology report on sex trafficking victims ? Calling TechNews Taskforce

McCain Institute, THORN, cyberwarfare and the military : 6 Degrees of Separation

THORN board member and Palantir co-founder, was banned from Stanford for 10 years on sexual assault charges. The charges were later dropped.

Okay, I got bored listing the threads.. those are some and with that little exercise I didn't realize how many other threads there are about Kutcher and Thorn.. which makes me question even more, why would you pose a question like this?

argosciv ago

Okay, I'll get out of attack mode

Confirming that you were indeed in attack mode, because how dare anyone think openly... but hey, good on ya for dropping the bullshit.


Try using words. What part of the quoted text are you having trouble with exactly?

Nothing there.

Scroll down a bit, and facebook don't always work well together. Content of the facebook post is described in the main post of the submission though.

Again, what point are you making?

Are you really that dense? The subject at hand here in this submission is Kutcher's apparent response to the situation unfolding regarding the recent abortion bill - that article and the link to the bill from it, are just some supporting material to establish what is being discussed.

My posts:~

~Okay, I got bored listing the threads.. those are some and with that little exercise I didn't realize how many other threads there are about Kutcher and Thorn

I've already seen your threads and several of the threads from other people. Fun part? One of the connections made by someone else, was to point out an association between THORN, Project Vic, ICMEC and Jeff Koons, who just happens to be a major element in the entry of mine linked at the very start of this submission; so don't presume to think that I have reached any conclusion as to Kutcher's allegiance at this time.

which makes me question even more, why would you pose a question like this?

Because I'm considering the possibility that we've got Kutcher pegged wrongly, despite that THORN has very questionable associations. I am not disregarding anything that has been put forth prior, by yourself, others or myself -- I'm approaching the possibility that we might be partially wrong and partially correct at the same time. If it's too hard for you to contemplate different angles and broaden the scope beyond looking exclusively at THORN, then save us both some time.

If you can't engage without assuming the worst, then there's no point in continuing.

What I'm currently looking at, may not lend any further credence to the possibility of Kutcher being a good guy in a shit position, but it may also do just that; I'm not sure yet.

letsdothis3 ago

On approximately January 25th, 2019, Ashton made the following facebook post sharing a "powerful" 2017 speech about Down Syndrome and Eugenics on Capitol Hill, from a man, named Frank Stephens, who himself has Down Syndrome -- Ashton captioned his post with "Everyone's life is valuable."

Planned Parenthood would think so too.