ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This is so heartbreaking! This kind of evil needs to Stop! Thank you for sharing and praying that our Creator continues to expose this evil. Little angels, very sad that was their experience here on this earth filled with so much wickedness!

carmencita ago

If you can stomach it someone just sent me to a thread. It is not pretty but I believe it to be the truth. It also leads to another thread that is even uglier. Alefantis Brock and Podesta connected to Pig Farms. I won't go farther you can check yourself if you want to

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you Carmencita! I believe you. I had a commenter almost a year ago now who said this was going on. it is horrible. Many have said we all are goyim and are taken advantage of through much of what we consume. I think about this at times because it is another way the cartels and MS-13's get rid of bodies. I will take a look. These poor children.

carmencita ago

What some evil humans do to their fellow humans is beyond belief. I have had to stretch my belief system. I now have to realize that these horrid things are real. I wanted to not believe them, but yes, unfortunately it is true. They were always in the back of my mind. What I cannot believe though, is that they will not in some way be punished. I fault many people as well, for not even listening when told of these horrors. They turn away and ignore. We must spread these truths to others. The stories get buried and the poor get erased like words on a blackboard. As if they were never here.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes! At this point it is maddening! Only been fully awake to this level of evil for a little over a year and a half. It's refreshing to find those like you out there (rare actually) who see the big picture. So many even who claim to believe in pedogate attack fellow exposers. Odd! You are completely right, it is as if they are erased from the timeline of history. So very sad. I have stacks of stories I wish I could share more of as I am sure you and the other genuine exposures wish they had time to share more. I will keep sharing what I can even though people even in the truth telling community are attacking my character. Can't help but think they are paid opposition and try to appear to be one of us. Like wolves in sheep's clothing is how a commenter on another board put it. These stories need to be told and these victims not forgotten.

There is One who will make these vile monsters culpable. They may escape in this lifetime, but their maker Will Judge them according to their works and he abhors their wickedness.

It absolutely exists, and those who turn a blind eye. . .I wonder what the Creator sees as their responsibility for lack of doing nothing and feeling like they don't have to know. God's people will be destroyed for lack of knowledge. Sadly, it is these children paying the price for people's cozy, safe life filled with distractions. I get sick to my stomach when I think about it!

You keep doing what you are doing Carmencita! You are one of the avengers and exposures. Godspeed!

carmencita ago

The most important phrase in your comment is: these children paying the price. Which children are paying the price? The poor children. The most important thing we can do besidhes exposing these evil doers is to help the poor. We can donate food to food pantries, volunteer doing anything with poor children. Reading programs after schools. We are the ones that can replace those Fakes that are abusing our children. I don't know where they are, but there are programs that provide free after school care. Those are the children falling through the cracks.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Very true! We have food pantries set up in our town and I know others do this too. Sadly, in many of these after school programs there are predators. They prey upon all groups in our town though because they are looking for children, even those whose parents may have means, but are busy working or are pursuing their own interests i.e. distractions so the kids are not receiving neither the attention, protection or security that is required. Much of society believes and are brainwashed to believe kids at a younger and younger age can make decisions for themselves, can take care of themselves and are independent. It seeks to remove the responsibility of parental supervision and seeks to put kids in charge of the decision making process.

For example, many of my daughter's teachers starting as early as 6th grade were saying things like, "we don't care if you do the homework or don't do it. Doesn't matter to us because you are the one responsible." Now I get the point where kids should take responsibility for their actions, don't get me wrong at the same time, the teachers would get rude and defensive when parents see kids slipping in grades and try to get to the bottom of it to be met with statements and attitude that we should stay out of it. Even letting the kids know if their parents wrote emails and would mock or make the child feel like this was problematic and the parents were a nuisance.

That is a danger because it sends a message to the kids that they are on their own, and can make their own decisions good or bad because those teachers they spend a great amount of time with, said so. This removes the guidance that is to be in place to help the children when they start to go astray. Their brains are not even fully developed so God never intended for them to make their own decisions. This all simply leads into the agenda of lowering the age of consent eventually which groups like Heart Progress, PIE (pedophile exchange network) and NAMBLA which makes you throw up a little in your mouth just saying the name North America Man Boy Love Association. Many of these groups want the age of consent down to 4 or younger.

Back to the story of the schools. The school my daughter went to and a teacher she had was having girls over to "study" while wife was gone and gave the girls alcohol. He was indictd, but no one will ever no the truth about how many he preyed upon. My daughter knew who the two girls were after the fact (not friends with them thank God) but she just thought he was a nice guy and funny. Guess what he taught Health. Guess how much of that health should be left in the parent's hands. These people are Sick!

I agree with good programs with good people. Added help for these kids could make a big difference. Also being allowed to call out pedos and actually get through the red tape, would be a huge breakthrough as I used to teach in that public school system as was met with red tape from the school district and local law enforcement anytime we tried to get help for a child. It is very hard in many districts to make headway in removing a child from an abusive home. Sometimes when they are removed they are put into a pedo foster home as was the case of this child from AZ. Too many horror stories to count for these poor victimized little ones.

carmencita ago

I know about all the children taken and put into those abusive homes. I get messages from Medical Kidnap all the time. Their agenda is just as you have stated. Separate the child from the parents. Yes, I even remember when I was in school Oh how I loved my teacher. I wanted so to please her all the time. I cried if I thought she was displeased with me But they never tried to get us to think bad about our parents. Quite the opposite. All those sitcoms we have been seeing on TV making the parents seem dumb and the kids mouthing off is part of it. Yes, the teachers too. Anyone with free time should try to help the poor children. No they may not hire us but volunteers will be accepted at most places.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Agreed! Good people must do all they can to help. You are spot on about the sitcoms. Before I fully woke up, and even now in between the little we record and watch of shows like the Middle, we see some of the previews for up and coming sitcoms and have seen how they try to make the kids appear sharper than the parents. Constantly giving them scripts that make them seem more mature. It has been apparent for some time that they push for a breakdown in the family.

So important now more than ever to try to help those who don't have a lot of guidance and encouragement. When I taught I had many at risk kids, some had come straight over from Mexico. I would let them stay after school to help organize, clean and grade papers. It was heartbreaking because many didn't want to go home at night, they wanted to stay with me.
When I tried to get some of them help, gangs broke into my barracks and destroyed my classroom, not just once either. Was threatened several times.

We live in a world where the Evil will squash out the good and sometimes those even who claim to be on the side of Good, will try to put our light out. I know God warned us that is how it would be, certainly not easy. Glad you are trying to expose their evil.

carmencita ago

It's hard doing this every day. Husband wants me to cut it out because it sometimes upsets me so. But I just can't. I just can't.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I know how you feel Carmencita! That is how I felt the night of the election! I had was waking up leading up to election night and had started digging around about the evidence surfacing among the alternative and independent media when I came across the spirit cooking photos again. Had seem them before, but had been spending all my spare time interacting with people other forums trying to get people to see the lies being told on the other side. We had so many people turn and say Dem never again. Of course I prefer doing away withe the two party system, but you get the picture.

I, as many others did had worked so hard during the election to get the real truth out there, I was looking forward to my popcorn night and staying up to enjoy the fruits of our labor. I truly believed in spite of all they were telling us (as I still watched the Tell a Vision Box back then) that we all had a fighting chance and God was on our side because so many of us were united in prayer against someone who was so corrupt and clearly had built their career on a stack of lies!

So there was my husband wondering why I was at the table still researching. I figured she was evil, so thought these people must be reaching, it all must be drama. But as I kept looking up articles and verifying photos, comments with my own two eyes, and not just what people were saying, I was floored. I remember going through at least two weeks of not sleeping well, shaking, crying, praying because I never knew evil existed on this level. I knew about weirdos, always followed the bulletins on missing children even as a child when my dad was a police chief, asked then constantly how they weren't able to find All those children Ever. No one had a good answer.

I truly had set out initially to debunk what people originally called pizzagate. After I poured over all that evidence and tried to tell people about it on my channel, I started looking into all the other cases I didn't realize had gone on around us for years. Like the Franklin Cover-up, McMartin Preschool case, then onto Demmink and Detreaux and it was all almost too much to absorb. Like lightening speed compared to what I knew or thought I understood before. That is when God started showing me, it wasn't just a pizzagate problem though they have their piles of corruption spreading it's evil tentacles everywhere, but rather they were all connected in many ways worldwide.

I became hated by regular people for speaking about such horrors they didn't want to deal with and hated by the pizzagate crowd because I wouldn't Just call it pizzagate since I saw the Bigger Picture.

As I covered many pedophile cases including SRA verified by the media I continued to relive and cry about what these poor children have to endure over and over.

It never stops, I finally realized when I get so overwhelmed I have to start praying to God to comfort and help these victims and let them know He loves them and other people know and want their agony to end. I still pray for them daily and ask God to continue exposing this evil to those asleep and to bring justice.

Pretty much every person in my family has told me I should stop. Most don't understand why someone would do something like this. Others simply feel I am too consumed and others including old friend simply despise me for doing something and dedicating so much time to something they don't believe exists. I have family members and friends who no longer have anything to with me. It wasn't like we weren't told this would happen.

I can't stop. I have tried, but the Creator draws me right back in. He is the one who leads me to what needs to be covered. Many times I have to leave research I am working on or corruption I am in the midst of uncovering for what He directs me to. I always know He is behind everything uncovered and brought to light.

God does give peace when I leave this sadness in His hands. The amount of corruption and abuse can be overwhelming and all consuming. Do you feel like you are a completely different person now that you know? Would you go back if you could?

carmencita ago

No I could never go back. Never. And yes, there are people that looked at me like I had two heads when I started talking about such things. I finally figured out that they were never going to do the work I did in order to verify. So now I can't bring it up, only to a few people. I too could not believe it at first but it did not take long. I learned it piecemeal and I think that makes the difference. When it all comes at you all at once, it is just way too much for people to handle. Imagine you think that a lot of the missing children are being fed to pigs on a pig farm. They would lock us up. This is why these criminals have thought of the most heinous things so that no one will believe it. But I must admit we have had quite an effect on the masses because the memes out there on twitter are fabulous and cc of our site!

millennial_vulcan ago

cant even.

carmencita ago

There are many. Set on fire in a garbage can. A Child of God. No matter the age they were all Children of God. Now I am SMH. I got sick when I saw how many. You can just keep on reading and reading.

carmencita ago

Oh TY. My friend just called me to say the news said the missing 4 girls were found BS!!! They are lying again as usual. They will be busy tomorrow pushing their Blood Donor Day. Sad and Sick. Everything is going to Yell in a Handbasket. Your link proves there is Proof in the Pudding that they keep happening over and over. This *rap about the girls found is Baloney!

new4now ago

the one link has many stories

carmencita ago

I know. Is it ok if I post it in the comments of fogdryers post on Rahm? It is on PG main page.

new4now ago

go ahead, I'm on phone and terribly busy