DarkMath ago

"Nice sleuthing."

Nice Armyseer, I think I may have been wrong about you. Anyone who's not a friend of @AreWeSure is a friend of mine.


DarkMath ago

And there you go. I just showed how my Peanutgate comment by no means proves I'm a shill. What does armyseer do? He moves on to a new reason I'm a shill.

I'm now a shill because

1) I upvoted 71 and downvoted 69 submissions.

2) I upvoted 73 and downvoted 21 comments.

3) I have a low voat to comment ratio.

Armyseer I don't vote here for the same reason I don't vote for President or any other higher office in America: I don't really give a shit anymore.

We have no Democracy. We only have Big Brother.

DarkMath ago

You're InfoWarFailedPsyOp?

DarkMath ago

And there you go people. I'm a shill because I "defended the conclusion of the poster and commenters that a lack of facility at a mailing address was evidence of trafficking.".

Armyseer that justification is about as tight as a soup sandwich. You wouldn't happen to be a descendant to the infamous Nazi judge Roland Freisler would you?

DarkMath ago

To anyone reading armyseer's comment directing you to the /v/pizzagateshills subverse. Armyseer set that up himself so he could put people on it he didn't like and have it look like the pizzagatemods did it.

Armyseer and I have talked many times about why he thinks I'm a shill. His answer changes a lot, it seems as soon as I address his objection he changes it to something else. As of now I think it's he thinks I gave someone shit over PeanutGate.

What's "Peanutgate" you ask. Why it's very similar to Ricegate. Here's Bill Clinton apologizing for that one.

Peanut gate is slightly different in that it's goal was plain money laundering instead of setting up a sweat shop. We'll know for sure when they finally do a FINANCIAL audit of the Clinton Foundation and "go to ground" on the entities inside the limited partnerships.

As always armyseer thank you for giving me the pleasure of kicking your ass again.
