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Vindicator ago

Thanks for the post, Heisenberg. Do we have any evidence that these Eastern European women were minors? Or that any of those named in this report were involved with potential activities dealing with minors such as "adoption" or children's "charities"? We need evidence of that in order to leave this up per Rule 1. I'll give you our 24 Hour Grace flair in case something turns up.

@MercurysBall2, do any of those named in this report jump out at you from previous research?

Heisenberg123 ago I've made this on QRV, basically linked Biden possible criminal transactions in Kazakhstan to old Pizzagate finding about friend of James Alefantis named Christopher Boutlier contributing to interior design for Biden family and possibly making $$ out of human trafficking in Uzbekistan.

Vindicator ago

Excellent. I'll remove this flair. :-) Thanks for the extra digging!