AnFiorillo2 ago

Link with Belgium? Highly probable that is accurate

DeepStateEnemy ago

Great job! Europe's Royals are a cesspool of filth.

nomadriders ago

Wow see if you can connect him to the Dutroux pedophile scandal that happened in Belgium.

naughty_skunk ago

Nice catch. Do we know of any other places of interest within the US he might have had a hand in landscaping?

Justavoter ago

Gracefxdl ago

Brussels, and Belgium in general have been uncovered as seedy and degenerate. I think you’re on to something there OP. Good work.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Anneke Lucas can tell you all about the degenerate child rapist elites in castles raping and murdering children. Happening since the 60s at least according to her testimony. Belgium is New World Order elite territory.

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

Belgian aristocracy in particular, and it’s a generational thing.

I looked for links with Dutroux, couldn’t find any for him or his ancestral castle. Dutroux and Goffinet are both names of current politicians.

3141592653 ago

Another thing to look for would be any links to Unicef in Brussels

kestrel9 ago

Right. Maybe start with names we've read about. The Monsters of CRIES: The Dutroux file reveals, the Belgian UNICEF coverup let Swiss born Beat Meier off the hook to protect Pedo Elite. 1987 Uncovered: UNICEF links to child-sex/espionage ring Child Porn produced in UNESCO/UNICEF basement 1987: pedophile ring exposed, with secret photographic studio in basement of UNICEF building in Brussels

tokui ago

Somebody landscaped the island. Probably just contract work.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Excellent work. Upvote.