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MercurysBall2 ago

Niraj Shah is also on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Dr. Gary Gottlieb of Partners In Health and Phillip Clay, Ph.D. designated chair and deputy chair; Wayfair’s Niraj Shah and Boston Medical Center’s Kathleen Walsh join Bank’s board

Related voat post:

Partners in Health, Clintons and Haiti... and

Relationship science website shows high level connections to founders of PIH: Ophelia Dahl, Paul Farmer, Todd McCormack and Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank

Interestingly, the links between Jim Yong Kim [of the World Bank], Paul Farmer, Ophelia Dahl go way back as highlighted in this documentary : Bending the ARC

Thirty years ago, as much of the world was being ravaged by horrific diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, three remarkable young people, barely out of their teens—Jim Yong Kim, Paul Farmer, Ophelia Dahl—came together in a squatter settlement in Haiti.

They managed to bring together the resources to build real health clinics in areas that had been ignored by everyone else—where patients were as likely to arrive by donkey as by ambulance—and stocked them with the same medical supplies that could be found in places like Harvard Medical School. (Indeed, in some cases, supplies that were found at Harvard made their way to Haiti.)

So, they are painted as heroes. But let's look further.... apart from the fact that Ophelia is directly related to Roald Dahl of MI6 and suspected satanist...

..Under the leadership of the American NGO Partners In Health, led by Dr. Paul Farmer, the largest post-earthquake health project has finally materialized: the construction of the University Hospital of Mirebalais (HUM)...

Mirebalais you say?

ORGAN HARVESTING - HAITI!topic/tout-haiti/D4t2Algj3qY

For many years, the children in the town of Mirebalais; located 34.4 miles from Port-Au-Prince, have been disappearing; and most of them have fallen victim of rampant organ harvesting; constant flow of kidnappings; and child exploitation, after the January 12, 2010 earthquake.

At the center of the organ harvesting business is a hospital in the town of Mirebalais. That hospital has rapidly become the focus of a growth organ transplant industry center; an onsite health service; a sort of slaughterhouse; where the organs of unsuspecting Haitians are harvested and sold.

and Ninos de Cristo Orphanage Near Casa de Campo Resort

MercurysBall2 ago

In that message Monette was writing to Roberto Musi who is a medical equipment specialist at UNOPS Haiti

Leadership Grete Faremo

She has a checkered past. Was forced to resign from government in Norway

During her first year, UNOPS continued to grow its services and continued its work with a range of international partners, including with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in Syria, where UNOPS plays an important role in supporting the verification and monitoring activities of the OPCW. UNOPS has also worked closely with the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response, the World Health Organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Governments of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia to address the needs of communities and health workers affected by the Ebola Virus Disease, as part of larger recovery efforts in the region