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MercurysBall2 ago

Hmm... interesting coincidence... I made this comment 5 days ago and then deleted it.. it included a reference to John Lewis and he's just died:

Ken Kaiser studied at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio..

Local lawyer Nelson Genshaft can often be found throughout the Columbus area, sharing his skills and his passion with the community-at-large... In addition to focusing on his career at Strip Hoppers Leithart McGrath & Terlecky and spending valuable time with his family, the 1973 graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Law has served two terms on the board of trustees at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Columbus, was a member of the Jewish Community Relations Committee of JewishColumbus, president of Ohio Jewish Communities, and chair of the Ohio region of ADL.

"We were in the first Wexner (Heritage Program) group in 1983. It was a study program for community leaders, very experimental at the time. Les Wexner, Abigail Wexner and Rabbi Herbert Friedman organized this in the ’80s,” he said. “ ... Cohorts of young leaders have been able to learn from scholars, teachers and interesting people in the Jewish world through the Wexner Heritage Foundation...

“They’ve rolled it out across the country. It’s basically a two-year study program. You probably go once a month and then a week in Israel to study. It’s very high-level,” he said.

Giving back for Cheryl Rose means finding ways to use unique personal strengths and experiences for the betterment of others. Among many service experiences and leadership roles, Rose has served on the boards of Human Rights Campaign and Case Western Reserve University and The Ohio State University Hillels, among others. Fighting for LGBTQ rights and representation has been a central and personal cause for Rose, and along with that she has worked to address related issues involving discrimination and prejudice.

As one of my personal heroes, U.S. Rep. John Lewis, said: “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something, you have to do something.” I have had so many role models in my life show me the importance of doing something. Working at Forest City in Cleveland for the Ratner family, I had mentors who showed me the best way to do something is to get involved. They encouraged my participation in (the Jewish Federation of Cleveland) and United Way...

..My Jewish background provided me with exposure to some incredible Jewish community leaders as mentors. The Ratner family in Cleveland and Les Wexner and other leaders at L Brands in Columbus encouraged my participation in nonprofit work.

..As mentioned above, I had mentors in the workplace, but also had great mentors in the community. Gregg Levine in Cleveland was instrumental in my involvement in HRC and LGBT Jewish outreach. In Columbus, my mentor is Rabbi Sharon Mars. Her involvement in so many different organizations that have missions that are important to me and her tireless devotion to working for the betterment of our community continues to motivate me to be a leader.

MercurysBall2 ago

More on Case Western:

The labyrinth of companies linked to SMITH CORONA -

So, Pubco Corp owns the "Bobbie Brooks" trademarks which are licensed through Garan, Inc


BOBBIE BROOKS, INC., a leader in the production of women's apparel, was established by MAURICE SALTZMAN and Max Reiter as Ritmore Sportswear, Inc. in a loft in the Bradley Bldg. on W. 6th St. in 1939. Beginning with a $3,000 investment, they built the company into a multi-million dollar operation within the next 15 years.

Maurice Saltzman

SALTZMAN, MAURICE (25 May 1918-21 Jan. 1990), businessman, civic leader, and philanthropist in Cleveland and Israel, received the Human Relations Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews (1966) and the Charles Eisenman Award from the JEWISH COMMUNITY FEDERATION (1974). A "zillionaire" by age 48, Saltzman, born in Cleveland, was orphaned at age 4 and lived at the Jewish Orphan Home (BELLEFAIRE) until he graduated from CLEVELAND HEIGHTS High School at 16. He worked in the shipping room of Lampl Fashions, Inc. for 5 years, when he and Max Reiter founded Ritmore Sportswear, which later became BOBBIE BROOKS, INC.

His philanthropy soon reflected his business success: between 1941 and 1966, he and his wife donated more than $2.5 million to institutions such as MT. SINAI MEDICAL CENTER and the University of Notre Dame. Saltzman led the dress company until 1987. He maintained a life-long relationship with Bellefaire, serving as benefactor and honorary trustee and hiring student employees. Among many community activities, he was founder trustee for life of the CLEVELAND JEWISH NEWS, vice-president of TEMPLE EMANU EL, president of both the Jewish Community Federation and Mt. Sinai Medical Center (1976-79), and a trustee of the University Circle Development Foundation, Inc. (predecessor of UNIVERSITY CIRCLE, INC.), Brandeis University and CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, among other institutions. In Israel, he established a senior citizen center, a library and a museum.

Saltzman married his secretary, Shirley Rosenberg, in 1944; they had three daughters, Lorrie Fromson, Judith Bea-Taylor, and Terry Saltzman. Saltzman died in Palm Beach, FL.

Garan, Inc. History

Garan, Inc., is engaged in the design, manufacture, and sale of men's, women's, and children's apparel under the Garanimals, Garan, Bobbie Brooks, and private label names. Most of Garan's output is sold to mass merchandisers, major national chain stores, department stores, and specialty stores. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. accounts for over 85 percent of company sales, while nearly 10 percent of sales stem from the company's relationship with JC Penney Company Inc. Garan was acquired by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. in 2002.

..By 1992, burgeoning Wal-Mart was accounting for 45 percent of Garan's annual sales. A licensing agreement in 1990 gave Garan the right to carry the insignias of various colleges and universities on sweatshirts and knit shirts. In 1991, it became one of the few apparel companies allowed to use characters from Disney movies. After a strong first quarter in fiscal 1992, Garan, holding $30 million in cash with virtually no debt, declared a $1.20-per-share annual dividend on top of the quarterly payout. During 1988-92, the company earned an annual average of almost 18 percent on equity.

.During fiscal 1995, children's apparel accounted for 72 percent of Garan's net sales, with women's apparel accounting for 18 percent and men's apparel accounting for 10 percent. Sales of sports and colleges licensed apparel accounted for about 12 percent of sales and Garan's own label accounted for about 6 percent. The Bobbie Brooks label accounted for another 7 percent, and Disney characters, scenes, and logos accounted for about 8 percent. In addition to Wal-Mart, JC Penney was an important customer that provided 20 percent of Garan's sales. Some 3,500 or so clients took the rest of the company's output.

MercurysBall2 ago

Niraj Shah is also on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Dr. Gary Gottlieb of Partners In Health and Phillip Clay, Ph.D. designated chair and deputy chair; Wayfair’s Niraj Shah and Boston Medical Center’s Kathleen Walsh join Bank’s board

Related voat post:

Partners in Health, Clintons and Haiti... and

Relationship science website shows high level connections to founders of PIH: Ophelia Dahl, Paul Farmer, Todd McCormack and Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank

Interestingly, the links between Jim Yong Kim [of the World Bank], Paul Farmer, Ophelia Dahl go way back as highlighted in this documentary : Bending the ARC

Thirty years ago, as much of the world was being ravaged by horrific diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, three remarkable young people, barely out of their teens—Jim Yong Kim, Paul Farmer, Ophelia Dahl—came together in a squatter settlement in Haiti.

They managed to bring together the resources to build real health clinics in areas that had been ignored by everyone else—where patients were as likely to arrive by donkey as by ambulance—and stocked them with the same medical supplies that could be found in places like Harvard Medical School. (Indeed, in some cases, supplies that were found at Harvard made their way to Haiti.)

So, they are painted as heroes. But let's look further.... apart from the fact that Ophelia is directly related to Roald Dahl of MI6 and suspected satanist...

..Under the leadership of the American NGO Partners In Health, led by Dr. Paul Farmer, the largest post-earthquake health project has finally materialized: the construction of the University Hospital of Mirebalais (HUM)...

Mirebalais you say?

ORGAN HARVESTING - HAITI!topic/tout-haiti/D4t2Algj3qY

For many years, the children in the town of Mirebalais; located 34.4 miles from Port-Au-Prince, have been disappearing; and most of them have fallen victim of rampant organ harvesting; constant flow of kidnappings; and child exploitation, after the January 12, 2010 earthquake.

At the center of the organ harvesting business is a hospital in the town of Mirebalais. That hospital has rapidly become the focus of a growth organ transplant industry center; an onsite health service; a sort of slaughterhouse; where the organs of unsuspecting Haitians are harvested and sold.

and Ninos de Cristo Orphanage Near Casa de Campo Resort

MercurysBall2 ago

In that message Monette was writing to Roberto Musi who is a medical equipment specialist at UNOPS Haiti

Leadership Grete Faremo

She has a checkered past. Was forced to resign from government in Norway

During her first year, UNOPS continued to grow its services and continued its work with a range of international partners, including with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in Syria, where UNOPS plays an important role in supporting the verification and monitoring activities of the OPCW. UNOPS has also worked closely with the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response, the World Health Organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Governments of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia to address the needs of communities and health workers affected by the Ebola Virus Disease, as part of larger recovery efforts in the region

volunteerwork2020 ago

Bloods and Crips traffick. There could be a possible connection given that it's Chicago.

spiffyaintit ago

Found out about this the other night from seeing an actress post about it. Think she might be one of the Woke celebs. Evan Rachel Wood was the actress, and she posted it on her stories on Instagram (and since I don't know how to view past ones I can't get the info she shared, to share it here sorry). I know she got hounded off Twitter because she was starting to speak out about child sex abuse and celebs that rape and get away with it. (went to go get screengrabs to archive back at the time, and that's when I found her twitter had gone dark)

MercurysBall2 ago

Ken Kaiser studied at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio..

Local lawyer Nelson Genshaft can often be found throughout the Columbus area, sharing his skills and his passion with the community-at-large... In addition to focusing on his career at Strip Hoppers Leithart McGrath & Terlecky and spending valuable time with his family, the 1973 graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Law has served two terms on the board of trustees at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Columbus, was a member of the Jewish Community Relations Committee of JewishColumbus, president of Ohio Jewish Communities, and chair of the Ohio region of ADL.

"We were in the first Wexner (Heritage Program) group in 1983. It was a study program for community leaders, very experimental at the time. Les Wexner, Abigail Wexner and Rabbi Herbert Friedman organized this in the ’80s,” he said. “ ... Cohorts of young leaders have been able to learn from scholars, teachers and interesting people in the Jewish world through the Wexner Heritage Foundation...

“They’ve rolled it out across the country. It’s basically a two-year study program. You probably go once a month and then a week in Israel to study. It’s very high-level,” he said.

Giving back for Cheryl Rose means finding ways to use unique personal strengths and experiences for the betterment of others. Among many service experiences and leadership roles, Rose has served on the boards of Human Rights Campaign and Case Western Reserve University and The Ohio State University Hillels, among others. Fighting for LGBTQ rights and representation has been a central and personal cause for Rose, and along with that she has worked to address related issues involving discrimination and prejudice.

As one of my personal heroes, U.S. Rep. John Lewis, said: “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something, you have to do something.” I have had so many role models in my life show me the importance of doing something. Working at Forest City in Cleveland for the Ratner family, I had mentors who showed me the best way to do something is to get involved. They encouraged my participation in (the Jewish Federation of Cleveland) and United Way...

..My Jewish background provided me with exposure to some incredible Jewish community leaders as mentors. The Ratner family in Cleveland and Les Wexner and other leaders at L Brands in Columbus encouraged my participation in nonprofit work.

..As mentioned above, I had mentors in the workplace, but also had great mentors in the community. Gregg Levine in Cleveland was instrumental in my involvement in HRC and LGBT Jewish outreach. In Columbus, my mentor is Rabbi Sharon Mars. Her involvement in so many different organizations that have missions that are important to me and her tireless devotion to working for the betterment of our community continues to motivate me to be a leader.

MercurysBall2 ago

Jay Liberman receives RBC Wealth Management’s 2014 Dick McFarland Award -

Good wishes to Jay Liberman, financial advisor with RBC Wealth Management, who recently received the company’s 2014 Dick McFarland Volunteer of the Year award.

The RBC Foundation — USA Dick McFarland Volunteer of the Year Award is named for the former CEO and chairman of the firm. Through his personal involvement with various nonprofit organizations McFarland impacted local communities and set an example of volunteerism within the firm.

Dick McFarland’s parents grew up in two small towns in Iowa. They moved to Chicago where his father was in the investment business. During the Depression, his business went broke and the family came to Minneapolis... While Dick inherited a wealth of core values from his parents, it was a former boss, Wheelock Whitney, who first introduced him to the value of giving back.

..Wheelock gave Dick a month to come up with two organizations where he’d like to get involved. With guidance from a friend, Dick — a novice to the nonprofit sector — chose the United Way and Junior Achievement. “And that’s what started me on my career of being involved in this community,” Dick said.

Wheelock Whitney Jr.

Wheelock "Whee" Whitney Jr. (July 30, 1926 – May 20, 2016) was an American businessman, educator, sports team executive and owner, philanthropist,[1] and politician.

Whitney attended Phillips Andover and Yale University with George H.W. Bush.[2] He and Bush were both members of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Yale. Whitney was a successful investment banker from 1957 until 1972, when he left the industry to teach at the Carlson School of Business.

Whitney was the 1964 Republican nominee for U.S. Senate from Minnesota, losing to Eugene McCarthy, and the Republican nominee for governor of Minnesota in 1982,[3] losing to Rudy Perpich.

darkknight111 ago

Later today I’m gonna share this with 8kun along with the other threads.

This has become a massive new lead. Keep up the good work.

MercurysBall2 ago

I'm really falling over pieces of the puzzle now.. would really be good to get other eyes on this.

MercurysBall2 ago


MercurysBall2 ago

Jay and his wife Julie Liberman believe it is their obligation to commit time to the organizations which help sustain communities.

..Julie Liberman currently serves as an officer at Jewish Family Service where she pioneered an annual community baby shower which has raised hundreds of thousands diapers for families in need. She is also a former board member of the North Texas chapter of the National Autism Association and the Autism Society of Collin County where she received the 2009 Angel Award...

From 2013 - 2015, Jay participated in the exclusive Wexner Heritage Program. This intensive two-year study program, founded by Leslie H. Wexner in 1985, seeks to expand the leadership vision of its members, deepen their Jewish values, and bring a Jewish language of discourse to their policy and decision-making in the community. Jay currently serves as the Dallas representative on the program’s alumni network.

MercurysBall2 ago

he RBC Foundation has awarded the JCC grants from 2010 to 2018 to support a variety of programs consistent with its mission.

Other local organization receiving grants in 2018 include, but are not limited to the following:

29 Acres

Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Lone Star

Genesis Women's Shelter & Support

Neurological Health Foundation

The Arts Community Alliance, Inc. (TACA)

University of Texas Foundation, Inc.

Voat post: Pierce Bush, son of Neil Bush, is running for Congress. He's the chief executive for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Texas by @think-

MercurysBall2 ago

Pam Rubin currently serves on the J Associates Board and the Jewish Light Board of Trustees. Ron Rubin serves on the Jewish Federation Board of Directors and the Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital Board of Directors.

HEATHER PODESTA'S sister Dr Heidi Miller is affiliated with them..

Dr. Heidi B Miller is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Saint Louis, Missouri. She graduated with honors from Harvard Medical School in 2000. Having more than 20 years of diverse experiences, especially in INTERNAL MEDICINE, Dr. Heidi B Miller affiliates with Barnes Jewish Hospital, cooperates with many other doctors and specialists in medical group Family Care Health Centers.

Related Voat Post :

INSIDER TIP: The Royal Order of Jesters run pedophile blackmail rings.. (comments from @Pizzalawyer and @carmencita

...I will tell you something you are right about. While I was researching with @Wolftrail7272 on St. Louis I had touched on Shriner's Hospital and am almost positive they are complicit. There is serious organ harvesting going on in St. Louis..

Coincidentally, Heather Podesta's sister Dr. Heidi Miller, works at the St. Louis Hospital:

DumbBoomerCunt ago

This posting has been reported for anti-Semitism.

The Deep Statetm are not bonded by any shared history or ethnicity. They just sort of met.


MercurysBall2 ago

Voat post : Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock 'considered targeting Lollapalooza festival in Chicago'

'It has now been reported he booked two rooms overlooking the much bigger Lollapalooza festival in Chicago in August. '

Maybe he had other reasons for being there.