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Drunkenmoba ago

Alright, time for a come to Jesus moment OP.

Your family of alerted members isn’t enough to stop the targeted killing or ‘random accidents’ that are employed by these asshats. The two hroups you need to watch for are spooks and kikespies.

Learn how to check any vehicle you are going to ride in for tracking and or tampering. Make sure to avoid anyone who has the classic pattern of cargo shorts, polo shirt and raybans. I don’t know what it is about spooks but they all default to this attire eventually. Also, THEY ARE NEVER TALLER THAN 5’10” if doing field work.

Kikespies are more dirty, from now on anyone matching the chart of jewish phenotypes is now a threat to your life. They will all do work for kikespies if asked. Especially if they are informed that you are a threat to jews.

Start a habit of purging your harddrive for all content regularly.

They will resort to framing if they can’t find a good method of accidenting you.

Keep up with what you’re doing, you aren’t making headway until they start intimidation. After that they start acting on it.

God speed.