SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/politics comment by @JupitersBall.

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MercurysBall2 ago

The school was founded on April 14, 1898, with an endowment by Col. Oliver H. Payne.

Oliver Hazard Payne (July 21, 1839 – June 27, 1917)[1] was an American businessman, organizer of the American Tobacco trust, and assisted with the formation of U.S. Steel, and was affiliated with Standard Oil. He is considered one of the 100 wealthiest Americans, having left an enormous fortune.

He was the son of Henry B. Payne, a businessman, U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator, and Mary (née Perry) Payne. He was named for Oliver Hazard Perry, a relative of his mother. He was the uncle of William Payne Whitney and Harry Payne Whitney. He was also the uncle of Congresswoman Frances Payne Bolton.

Payne began his career shortly after the war, investing in iron and then oil refining. His oil interests were the first acquired by Standard Oil, and he became a trustee of that firm.[3] He was charged with bribing members of the Ohio Legislature to attain a Senate seat for his father (before the U.S. Senate was directly elected), and with bribing the Democratic Party to name his brother-in-law United States Secretary of the Navy, though the charges were dropped.

Payne, who did not marry nor have children, died at his home, 852 Fifth Avenue in New York City, on June 27, 1917.[1] He was buried at Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio.

William Payne Whitney

William Payne Whitney (March 20, 1876 – May 25, 1927) was an American businessman and member of the influential Whitney family. He inherited a fortune and enlarged it through business dealings, then devoted much of his money and efforts to a wide variety of philanthropic purposes. His will included funds to expand the New York Hospital, now called NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital, where the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic was established.

Whitney family

Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney; Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney

Voat post: On the art world, occult groups and military links: SHAEF, Biltmore Estate, Monument's Men, and Psyop Units

The Whitney Museum was founded by a Vanderbilt and that made me think of the recent posts on the Biltmore Estate (like this one). Around that time was a military unit SHAEF, which also dealt with art and psychological operations/propaganda and began the Rainbow Unit of the military.

Just a reminder, Gloria Vanderbilt did an interview with Charlie Rose about the suicide of her elder son (I suppose she trusted him) where she mentions that she was just 13 feet away from her son when he went over the ledge

So I guess it's no surprise that as the Biltmore Estate was used to 'store art' during WW2, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney would go on to found the Whitney Museum of Art.

MercurysBall2 ago

Whitney Museum news:

Warren B. Kanders, the vice chair of the Whitney Museum in New York, said that he will resign from his position after more than half a year of protests against his ownership of Safariland, a company that produces tear-gas canisters and other supplies used by the military and law enforcement.

Vindicator ago

@MercurysBall2, can you put together some kind of TL;DR for this? What are you saying Cornell Medicine has to do with abuse of kids? What exactly does "affiliated" mean in this context? Does that mean they're all under the same ownership? Are you saying the pedo Joel Davis was paid by Cornell? Because it looks like you're also saying he was paid by Soros. Are you implying Cornell itself gets Soros money?

This is very confusing, and as it's written now could easily be used against us as an example of witchhunting. We got 50 new subscribers in the past 24 hours. We need to be clear what is being asserted, and what the support is for the assertion.

Thanks for your hard work!

MercurysBall2 ago

Okay, I've added 'some kind of TL;DR' at the beginning of the post. But for me this is still an emerging picture, so if you still feel the post does not warrant a place on this forum I don't have any resistance to it being deleted. As I said before, I've put a link to it in the pizzagatewhatever subverse.

Vindicator ago

Thanks MB2. By "emerging picture" I take it you mean you're not clear how closely related they are, but they are popping up in the same places when you research a particular topic?

I'm not asking you to delete or move the submission (I didn't even flair it). I am just trying to get clarity about the relevance to abuse of kids, or to those we suspect abuse kids.

MercurysBall2 ago

More pedophile family connections:

MercurysBall2 ago

I take it you mean you're not clear how closely related they are, but they are popping up in the same places when you research a particular topic?

Yup. Thanks.

PizzaGates ago

Bless you!

PizzaGates ago

1 Timothy 5: 17-21

17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.

18 For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.

20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

21 I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.

MercurysBall2 ago

When you first posted this comment it didn't make sense to me at all. Now it does.

After some reading through voat comments doing research for this coronavirus wargame, looking for the ackground to the Red Cross and their role in pandemics and coming across more connections to the Vatican, I also stumbled across Malleus Maleficarum

The Malleus Maleficarum,[2] usually translated as the Hammer of Witches,[3][a] is the best known treatise on witchcraft.[6][7] It was written by the Catholic clergyman Heinrich Kramer (under his Latinized name Henricus Institoris) and first published in the German city of Speyer in 1486.

It's loaded with information that I need. Quite an education I'm getting on this forum.

PizzaGates ago

God works in mysterious ways :)

MercurysBall2 ago

He/she/they [choose your pronoun] certainly does.

TheTruthIsForAll ago

There is also a Salem, Wisconsin directly connected with Aquino and the Snake Lady.

How are the Podestas and Emanuels connected to the area?

This may not be the best source, but there is Truth in here:

Fix this link so you can see it - https://

Do not forget that the NXIVM doctor’s family lives in Racine.

Do not forget about FLW, Taliesin and The Fellowship are a model for NXIVM.

Do not forget that The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World was made in Racine.

Do not forget where The Deal was made, and who designed the building where the signing was held.

Who is the most censored and banned of all regarding Pizzagate and why?

We are not a bot. We do not protect any pedos. We expose them and the ROOT of all Evil.

Why would the moderators be so desperate to claim The Truth is a bot?

What is The Truth they could never allow The World to Know?

MercurysBall2 ago

I'm just putting some stuff together and I can see why it can be confusing. I've put it in the pizzagatewhatever subverse for the time being. You can just delete this.

flyingcuttlefish ago

archived this -

3141592653 ago

At first glance, I thought your title said "humanitard" lol

MercurysBall2 ago

On Arthur Sackler / Part 3:

“Dr. Sackler was a psychiatrist who published 140 scientific papers on neuroendocrinology, psychiatry, and experimental medicine.” What they didn’t mention is that the vast majority of these were self-published in journals and “medical newspapers” that Sackler himself had launched as promotional vehicles.

During this same period, his business dealings and associations were secretive and conspiratorial. He created hidden corporations, and listed them under his first wife to hide his own ownership. Behind the scenes, he colluded with his supposed arch-rival, agency head Bill Frohlich, whose company International Medical Statistics (IMS) would marry databases with the AMA physician masterfile, reselling the progeny to pharma companies, and allowing them to track individual physician prescribing behavior. His own secret ownership stake in IMS would be revealed after his death. But while alive, he quietly purchased the near dead pharmaceutical manufacturer, Purdue-Frederick, and mothballed it for future use.

In a single decade, Sackler also invented the pharmaceutical rep – a business attired professional “detail man” that would visit doctors offices with branded trinkets and provide the scientific details and new drug samples doctors needed to keep up; and launch pharmaceutical funded “scientific advisory boards” and speakers bureaus that would assist friends like heart surgeon Michael DeBakey as they climbed the integrated career ladder from academia to industry to government and back again.

In 1957, he aired the first drug advertorial on television, an extravaganza describing a new mysterious condition called “Ataraxia” which kept stressed out business men in a state of psychic distress preventing sleep and relaxation. Sadly, no cure was mentioned in the broadcast. That came a few months later when Pfizer released their new tranquilizer, Atarax.

By 1960, he represented two new drugs that risked cannibalizing each other – Valium and Librium. He skillfully promoted one for nervous tension and the other for psychic stress, making both record breaking success stories. By then, 1 in every 7 Americans were on tranquilizers.

But for Arthur, this was just the beginning. He had a grander vision, and had already laid the seeds that would create wealth beyond his wildest dreams, and eventually threaten the health and stability of our nation.

PizzaGates ago

Kathleen Foley is involved in the "palliative" medicine movement.

She worked with George Soros, Purdue Pharma, and J&J to manufacture the opiate crisis

Palliative Care trades the conventional concept of curative medicine with one that focuses on pain relief (opiates)

She began working with George Soros in 1995 when he founded the "Project on Death in America" in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

They used the term "opiophobia"

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the "charitable" foundation of Johnson and Johnson (PharmaCo)

This project began sponsoring doctors, nurses, teachers, universities, and textbooks to lower the threshold in which doctors would prescribe opiates. They created a "painscale" for patients and doctors, and integrated pain as a "vital sign". It started with terminal cancer patients and slowly opiates became the preferred first line strategy for all pain mgmt.

They even funded propoganda stating opiates were "perfectly safe" and acetominophin and ibuprofen were dangerous due to liver damage

PDIA also supported "right to die" legislation and other euthanasia initiatives.

The Sackler family got the raw material for their opiates from J&J's farms. They too sponsored Kathleen Foley.

Mortimer Sackler and George Soros were tennis buddies and neighbors in Gstaad.

Purdue patented a buprenorphine cure

Soros was the first person to bring buprenorphine to the USA in 2006 when he flew french doctors to Baltimore's Open Society Foundation

Soros also lobbied to get methadone and buprenorphine onto the UN List of essential medicines.

These guys are profiting on both sides of the Drug Epidemic they created.

Also, a junkie's organs can still be "donated". And increasing overdose rates are benefitting the transplant industry

Meanwhile, Soros foundation is still using "opiophobia" as a battering ram to bully countries into prescribing more smack

Problem Reaction Solution Profit

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever comment by @MercurysBall2.

Posted automatically (#102842) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PizzaGates: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @MercurysBall2)

3141592653 ago

Good info

MercurysBall2 ago

Very interesting.

PizzaGates ago

Ever looked into the Sackler Family and their secret access to museums?

MercurysBall2 ago

secret access??

TheTruthIsEverywhere ago

The Johnson and Case families were the keys to starting Art in Embassies.

We would provide the link but the moderators won’t allow it.

Do not forget that Cornell also has a location in Qatar.

Vindicator ago

We would provide the link but the moderators won’t allow it.

Total bullshit. You can't provide the link, because you're a bot.

PizzaGates ago

They were such big patrons they were given keys and special rooms to keep their "private collections"

A bunch of art went missing and there were lawsuits. in the 80's. Looking for articles now

3141592653 ago


MercurysBall2 ago

Henry Kissinger, Sanford Weill Honored at 99th Annual Hebrew Home at Riverdale Gala

Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State, Sanford Weill, Chairman Emeritus of Citigroup and Maurice “Hank” Greenberg Chairman & CEO, C.V. Starr & Co. were honored at the 99th Annual Hebrew Home at Riverdale Gala at the Waldorf Astoria.

MercurysBall2 ago

Perelman is currently married to his fifth wife, psychiatrist Dr. Anna Chapman. They are involved with the Child Mind Institute

MercurysBall2 ago

Weill Cornell has a center in Haiti. See : COVID-19 WUHAN lab and the French Connection - Gates Foundation and Nicole Junkermann ?

The Warren D. Johnson, Jr. Medical Center Inaugurated in Haiti -

On February 10, Dr. Warren D. Johnson, Jr., former Chief of Infectious Diseases, and now Director of the Center for Global Health within the Department of Medicine's Infectious Diseases Division, was honored during an inauguration ceremony, in which a new clinical facility was named after him in Port au Prince, Haiti: The Warren D. Johnson, Jr. Medical Center.

..Founded in 1982, GHESKIO is the first institution in the world exclusively dedicated to the fight against HIV/AIDS. The construction of the new clinical facility was sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development and will double the space available at GHESKIO for research, training and clinical services. A second laboratory building was also inaugurated at the ceremony and was named in honor of Rodolphe Merieux, the late son of the President of the French Biotechnology company, BioMerieux, Lyon, Alain Merieux.

The dedication ceremony of the Medical Center was attended by over 300 people including local supporters, international visitors, and Haitian dignitaries. International attendees included Dr. Andrew I. Schafer, Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, as well as individuals from the NIH and multiple universities such as Vanderbilt University, NYU, Dartmouth College, and others. Haitian dignitaries who attended the ceremony included the Minister of Health and Population, Dr Gabriel Thimothee; US Ambassador to Haiti, Mrs. Janet Ann Sanderson, and French Ambassador to Haiti, Mr. Christian Conan.

CDC about the Center for Global Health

CDC’s global activities protect Americans from major health threats, including HIV, TB, polio, Ebola, Zika, cholera, and malaria. CDC, through CGH, monitors disease outbreaks 24/7 around the world to prevent regional and global health crises that affect health, security, and economic stability abroad and at home.

Bio of Dr. Warren D. Johnson, Jr.

The 78-year-old Demarest resident is the director of the Center for Global Health at Manhattan's Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University. On May 7, he will be honored with a gold medal for excellence in clinical medicine by the prestigious Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

"Warren is the godfather of global health," says Dr. Daniel W. Fitzgerald, an associate professor of medicine at Weill Cornell who started working with Johnson in 1998 in Haiti. Over the last five decades, Johnson has visited more countries than he can recall —probably in excess of 60 — and he will be in Haiti for a week in March and in Brazil for 10 days in April to continue his studies of tropical diseases, studies that have taken on new relevance and urgency over the Zika virus. Some 32 nations have reported Zika outbreaks..

Voat posts on Weill Cornell: