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PuttitoutIsGone ago

I dont see a link here either. @vindicator

argosciv ago

Says the guy who refused to edit in multiple links which would have satisfied the ruleset and thus warranted the removal of their own 24hr grace flair.

Fuck right off PiG, you never had any intention to contribute legitimately to this sub and anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows it. Your anti- @Vindicator narrative glowed more than your anti- @PuttItOut narrative.

Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

you never had any intention to contribute legitimately to this sub

I did make a legitimate contribution to this sub.

I am not anti-Putt(but I am getting there)

argosciv ago

I did make a legitimate contribution to this sub.

No, you didn't. You made a deliberately rule-breaking post and refused to make even the tiniest effort to include supporting links - of which many were provided by both myself and a suspected ESOTERICshade alt.

You had ample opportunity to display legitimate, non-malicious intentions and chose to ignore said opportunities. GTFO.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

This is proof that you people ARE the pedos hiding behind the Anti just like those antifa fags. Who else would turn away help for the sole reason it was formatted wrong(according to some ridiculous rule)?

You aren't fooling anyone.

argosciv ago

This is proof that you people ARE the pedos

Yeah good luck pushing that one you unoriginal, garbage-tier wanker.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

It is what I've observed. Now you are trying to discredit it because others have seen it too?.LOL. Nice tricks schlomo!

argosciv ago

It is what I've observed. Now you are trying to discredit it because others have seen it too?.LOL. Nice tricks schlomo!

No, it's a garbage narrative cooked up by degenerates you follow like a good little sheep. Further to that point, you're repetition of words like "schlomo" just bolsters the point that you're an unoriginal twat. You have no sway here, especially when you rely on brainless vernacular like that.

You're less than many of the other SBBH tools trying to shit this subverse up; you're just a follower. Next scripted retort, kgo.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I have nothing to do with SBBH. My thoughts are my thoughts. I saw something so I made a post about it. My experience here for that one post I made is what has given me my perspective. I follow no one.

This is the post you say was me trashing your sub. There are 8 links in there. The more words you type the deeper your bullshit gets.

argosciv ago

I have nothing to do with SBBH.

That's a lie and everyone knows it.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I battle them. Like every other legit user. Funny how you don't seem to have a problem with having one(the one) being a mod here. Funny indeed.

argosciv ago

I battle them. Like every other legit user. Funny how you don't seem to have a problem with having one(the one) being a mod here. Funny indeed.

You're so full of shit, it's laughable. It is quite demonstrable that no mod here has an allegiance to SBBH, whereas the same cannot be said for you at all. You push their narratives like, again, a good little sheep.

You refuse to follow the most basi rules of the subverse even when others, including your own cohorts, provide assistance. Instead you choose to bitch at the moderator who gave you more than 24 hrs (contrary to the flair) to rectify the misgivings of your post.

You are only here to stir shit and, again, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that. Your presence here is worth less than a shit stain in a public toilet bowl.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

It is quite demonstrable that no mod here has an allegiance to SBBH

@heygeorge is listed as a mod on your sub.He is also the very top mod at SBBH. LOL. You couldn't be more jew. Jews argue like this! "I KNOW YOU CAN SEE THERE IS AN OBVIOUS CONNECTION BUT I'M GOING TO SAY THERE ISN'T SO YOU ARE WRONG".....LMFAO!

Fuck you.

argosciv ago

[D]eveloper =/= [M]oderator, or [O]wner.

Try again, shit-tier.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

So you are saying that there is no connection to SBBH even though their top mod is listed under moderators on your sub? Really?

And what about this post made by a @gabara alt? Why is it being left alone? No 24hr flair, no demands for links...nothing to see there either, right?

A week ago I couldn't have cared less about what you kid diddlers did here. Now I know your are just another SBBH controlled sub. No a smart move on your part. I know you tards get nervous when I start poking around with a user or sub that I think is bogus, but you could try to hide it better.

argosciv ago

So you are saying that there is no connection to SBBH even though their top mod is listed under moderators on your sub? Really?

To reiterate, because apparently you're too stupid to undersantd: A [D]eveloper is not a [M]oderator or [O]wner, or even a [J]anitor for that matter. Developers have access to the css only, you fucking moron.

And what about this post made by a @gabara alt? Why is it being left alone? No 24hr flair, no demands for links...nothing to see there either, right?

Thanks for outing @CoronavirusPatient0 as another SBBH alt deliberately breaking subverse rules. I'd hazard a guess it slipped past the mods given the amount of shit going on elsewhere. @Vindicator and @EricKaliberhall will be glad for your hissy fit there.

you kid diddlers

Again, good luck pushing that one like a good little sheep. @hojuruku and SBBH will be so proud of your inane efforts.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

I am part of no groups. I operate alone. I do what I want. Also I have absolutely no idea what this big long rambling comment is even in regards to. Dork.

Mumbleberry ago

Commenting on the wrong account again, ghosty?

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

No? Everybody knows who my accounts are. I don't even keep it a secret.

gabara ago

What did I do? I swear I am NOT selling guns to the Emus. Check with @HateCumbuckets.

argosciv ago

Blame PiG for accusing you of running an alt here.

gabara ago

Ah. @PuttitoutIsGone got permabanned from SBBH a month ago and is still upset about. I bet HE'S the one selling the Emu's those guns. Certainly not me.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Why would I be banned from SBBH? I'm just a toy. Couldn't possibly be a threat to what you are doing here.

argosciv ago

@PuttitoutIsGone got permabanned from SBBH a month ago and is still upset about.

Funny, he wasn't on the banlist when kevdude banned me for "BTFO[ing]" him over his claim that @Crensch got BTFO by me...

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I was on the banlist. I am on the banlist right now. I'm ghostbanned.( @clamhurt_legbeard. See how cool that looks? )

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's fucking sick. Definitely the way to go.

Send me the screenshot of you being ghost banned.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Here ya go.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


are you for real with this

thats a black image

stop hacking me you sbbh troll

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I couldn't be happier that ghostbanning caught on. I've never named anything before like that. One time I tied to make the phrase " ABRA-FUCKING-CADABRA" a thing but it didn't catch on.

heygeorge ago

I named

You’re all welcome

SearchVoat ago


Thanks again.

heygeorge ago



@deshy a celebrity is speaking to me DIRECTLY!

Anyway, SV, I have no doubt you’d have come to that conclusion sooner or later yourself! Thank you for all that you do, you one of the bright beacons of Voat. Not only to us, but surely to whatever Voat stalkers exist.

Deshy ago

@SearchVoat the hero CIA Voat needs!

Lol, we appreciate you a lawt @SearchVoat, I’m just messing with you... :P

PS: rumor has it that when he speaks to you, you will have a blessed day!

PPS: I think we have spoken once, I hope so as I want to be blessed like you...

PPPS: darnit George why do all the celebrities flock around you? :)

heygeorge ago

They think I’m @PuttItOut ;)

Deshy ago

Your not?

heygeorge ago

Is that relavent?

Deshy ago

Potts are you brigiding me?

heygeorge ago

Only up!

Deshy ago

Woooo, you are the best fren eva! I see why you're favoright, you are mine too!

I have adorable pictures to send to you and umm yeah I guess it’s time to update you on a few things. Urp, yeah gimme a moment with that realization, yeah umm... perhaps you already know... I dunno, I guess I don’t want really want to know either... yeah that!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Here ya go.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Maybe with a picture tho.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

How would I possibly send a pic of me being ghostbanned?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The notification. Screenshot the notification of you being banned.

I can analyze it and backtrace the list from there.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Well if you can analyze it I can analyze it. I'll send to to the lab. ABRA-FUCKING-CADABRA!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ok good luck.

We only figured it out with in depth programming knowledge and attention to detail.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I know the sudo command and I'm not afraid to use it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ok cool

You'll have no .

gabara ago

Yeah, I found a secret ban page you can only access by [REDACTED]. He's on that page. That's why he can't post to SBBH anymore. @PuttitoutIsGone could prove me wrong this instant by pinging us from withing any post on SBBH.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

@PuttitoutIsGone could prove me wrong this instant by pinging us from withing any post on SBBH.

Why would I want to prove you wrong?

argosciv ago

We both know that's not how banning works on this site.

I used to think you were amusing and maybe, just maybe, not part of malicious elements of SBBH, gabara. But it's clear now, if not earlier, that I was wrong. Kindly fuck off and never contact me again.

gabara ago

Look at that, I banned you and you're not on the ban list!

I am waiting for your apology or I start selling guns to the Emus.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Actually, you are behind the times on banning techniques.

Shitposters have ways of banning you without you appearing on the ban list.

PuttitoutIsGone ago


It's called ghostbanning.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

. Developers have access to the css only

Is that all? Well give me access to your css and I'll have you all doxxed within a day. Moron. Please say more stupid shit.

argosciv ago

Is that all? Well give me access to your css and I'll have you all doxxed within a day. Moron. Please say more stupid shit.

Proving yet again that you're in the SBBH camp with your pro-doxxing attitude.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

yawn. This was way too easy. I'll chalk that up to the nervous overreaction due to my poking around here. Good to know I have that effect.

argosciv ago

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, your intentions here have been made inescapably clear. Crawl on back to SBBH/PV. This conversation has borne all the fruit it needed to and you're done here.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Crawl on back to SBBH/PV

Already there.

This conversation has borne all the fruit it needed to

It sure has.

argosciv ago

Already there.

Case in point.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

By there I mean here. This is a SBBH proxy sub. Just like GA. Oops! Nobody is supposed to know that. I wonder what group of people would have an interest in controlling both sides of the argument here on Voat? Hmmm....

argosciv ago

That would be SBBH, evidenced by the fake argument with Joe_McCarthy over porn posting, meanwhile SBBH goons regularly spam their own porn to v/QRV.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You keep pointing the finger at SBBH and I'll keep pointing out the fact that their leader is on your mod list. OK?

argosciv ago

That has already been shot down as a gross misrepresentation. Deliberate at this point, given your sheer ignorance as to the definition/access of a moderator. Keep trying to sell that one, though.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

So what you are saying is that he's on the modlist but he's not a mod mod? That's seriously your argument? All the while you call me ignorant? Hmmmmm...where have I seen this kind of behavior before....?