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BrennKommando ago

because the angel investor Putt announced last year "must" be the VPN provider that offered free trials to a few goats, PIA, despite zero evidence of that being true.

Scroll down to How can I contact you? and look up the email address that used to be [email protected] but is now [email protected]. Now scroll down to Technology and there you will find the link to the domain Then have a look around Here. Those are facts!

The part about Voat shutting down or rebranding to a Jew friendly version on the other hand is admittedly still just speculation on my part. Between Putt distancing himself from Voat, cynabuns also disappearing, Voat being overrun by spambots and actual shills no longer needing ccp to post and statements from another PIA related asset such as this, you have to admit something is terribly off with the state of Voat. Something that to me looks very much like by design.

I could be wrong of course, let's hope I am, but if I'm right there are people here on Voat that deserve a fair chance to set up a backup plan.

argosciv ago

Furthermore, why is it that you are using an "about" link which is not the current "about" link used in the site's footer as the basis for this fear of Voat being compromised?

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MadWorld @PuttItOut

Vindicator ago

Furthermore, why is it that you are using an "about" link which is not the current "about" link used in the site's footer as the basis for this fear of Voat being compromised?

On December 12, 2019 someone archived and it looks exactly like it does today -- no "edon". has a bunch of snaps of several different urls

There are also about/ and about/intro urls. Not to mention a bunch of different content/about urls.

So what is the difference between the two about urls? Where does the /about url link from, since it's not the link at the bottom of the page? Who first found it and how did they find it, since it's not the About page linked at the bottom of the screen?

@BrennKommando Thoughts?

BrennKommando ago

Ehh.. I'm about to head to bed shortly, but this was the topic where we stumbled upon the edon thingy. We're a bit all over the place so it might be difficult to read through. One problem we had with finding exact dates was that public access got turned off and hadn't yet set up the camfex account so there are some unknowns in there we simply couldn't find.

I'll have a look at it tomorrow.

Vindicator ago

Wow. That page is cancer. My eyes! o_0

So Nadesha was the first person to find it?

Okay if you want to read how I got here: archive of the thread is here:

There is no archive at that location. I find that highly suspicious. It's also highly suspicious the submission was deleted.

Also, I couldn't see anything on that page that showed where on Voat one clicks to end up at /about instead of /content/about.

What are the odds Putt tweaked a non-used About url just to fuck with the Gangs of Voat? Can't help wondering if maybe this was his way of creeping out nefarious Voat abusers like Kev and EsotericShade so they'd kill their accounts.

Deshy ago

There is no archive at that location. I find that highly suspicious. It's also highly suspicious the submission was deleted.

Naw someone overwrote it:

See here:

This is how I stumbled on it.

@argosciv I believe @sandhog was the first, that I know of, to notice something but I only found this out afterwards.

Searchvoat by term: Edon /oldest indicates that I'm not the only one nor the first one, I think, to notice this.

The post was deleted as a lot of evidence was circumstantial at the time and I was not keen on spreading fires where there wasn't any need.

Putts had made comments shortly after this so kinda left it there as life got busy.

It’s only been two months since he last said something public. @peaceseeker just being curious but what is the longest Putts has been quiet, that you know of?

argosciv ago

Oh and FYI, there's zero mention of "edon" by @SandHog anywhere prior to this submission (and not even one here).

So whoever told you that is full of shit.

Deshy ago

argosciv ago

Not seeing anything related to "edon" or the old about page in that entire chain or what @SandHog linked to.

Deshy ago

Like I said he sent it directly to me in pm, we were trying to iron out some details. Sorry it’s not public.

argosciv ago

I guess that's up to @SandHog to confirm, then.

SandHog ago

@Deshy is correct. I stumbled across it back in November or thereabouts. I'm pretty sure I reached that About page from a link on either the FAQ or the User Agreement page because I was poking around there to see if Putt had updated anything since he had been MIA for so long. I thought it was a little weird at the time but wasn't overly concerned about it (I'm still not) and figured mentioning it publicly would only lead to 'muh Voat is comped' nonsense. There were only two mentions of it on searchvoat at the time I discovered it.

argosciv ago

Okay so we can pretty much rest assured that the "comped" narrative stems from Nomochomo's bullshit, which by no coincidence is linked to ES's bullshit, which by no coincidence is linked to bullshit from other sources one can expect it from, up to and including Amalek.

Go. Fucking. Figure.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MadWorld @PuttItOut