Geo_synchronous ago

No No lady. You've fallen for the biggest scam in all of mans history. An all loving God would not threaten his creation with ETERNAL BURNING while letting some fictitious figure roam free to torment this rock flying through space. That theory is ass backwards.

One would think that an all loving god would protect his children and destroy the bad Devil. I would imagine an all loving god would take us into his arms, at the moment of our death, and comfort us, talk to us, Show us where we failed. You know. Like a loving parent would. Not burn them in a lake of fire FOREVER.

You're living a conjured up mind game in your head.

KillerKap ago

wtf are you on about you dumb fuck? cope is real. get fucked

Geo_synchronous ago

Well that wasn't a very nice thing to say from a God fearing Christian fella like yourself.

Praise your hate Bra.

kazza64 ago

i just watched the reboot of the childrens show sabrina on netflix and all i can say is that i hope no children watch it and the references are purely satanic

MilitaryTribunals ago

Very extensive - 74 page pdf

Angelis_Solaris ago

What I posted?

MilitaryTribunals ago


carmencita ago

Thanks for posting this. I meet with parents and will pass this on. They are covering all the bases it seems. They have clubs in schools and now games to entice them. Moms and Dads can’t use iPads as babysitters. Dangerous.

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome.

Vindicator ago

Giving this the "Share!" flair, K9. Watched a video by Fr. Chad Ripperger, an exorcist, a few weeks ago, who warned that multiple exorcists have had to deal with cases of demonic obsession and/or oppression of kids and teens related to real demon-summoning rituals in video games over the past few years. Wish I could remember which video it was. He's got a LOT of enlightening talks on YouTube.

The fact they hid the diabolical elements of this deep in the game is very telling, IMO.

MilitaryTribunals ago

I used to hate It when watching a show on TV when I did watch TV and they start chanting or do a spell, always hit mute as I feel this is a way to bring whatever they are saying into one's space as well.

Vindicator ago

Yes. From what I've been reading, neither angels nor demons can read your thoughts, but they can access your imagination and memory -- faculties based completely in the physical body according to Thomas Aquinas (thoughts are the province of the intellect which resides in the soul, not the body). This is why it's important to be careful about what you allow into your imagination and memory, because demons can use that material to deceive you, tempt you and attempt to create anxiety in order to spur you to sin. It's also why seeking the help of your Guardian Angel is so important -- he can help you remember good things and forget bad. Very interesting stuff.

kestrel9 ago

Will do, exorcism is serious, people should not be attending them spiritually unprepared or they too may end up possessed.

Vindicator ago

Oh, he goes into great detail on that subject. That's mainly what he teaches. The YouTube channel of his order is Sensus Fidelium.

21yearsofdigging ago

Glad you brought this up and I have been screaming about what is in video games for 15 years now,since I discovered something in a game my stepson was playing.I also was a voice actor and did a popular (not going to mention it). I found out a whole lot doing that and these games, many of them, are to indoctrinate your children into their satanic world,warm them up to the idea of trans humanism plus much much ,more. As a parent, always check the games. These games today have more sway than films or TV for many children

kestrel9 ago

Yes the games are more addicting than television.

Vindicator ago

Ripperger says in various of his talks on his experience as an exorcist that drug dealers, porn distributors, game distributors and some pharmaceutical manufacturers regularly use rituals to put a curse on their products, making them more addictive.

kestrel9 ago

Good point, something to look into as well. Satanic people love to cast their spells and enslave others.

Vindicator ago

Yeah...I've been meaning to go back and find the timestamps in the vids and make a post about it.

Geo_synchronous ago

And just think. Satan doesn't even exist and this shit is still being pushed and idiots fall for it.

The human race is RETARDED.

Even Q himself said. "Does Satan exist? Does the thought of Satan exist?"

Why would he say "The Thought" Q knows Satan doesn't exist. This is all a conjured up human created scam for the soul purpose of creating fear in people who think handing over money to a church will save them.

The constant fear of eternal burning.

Really ? Why didn't God just snap his finger and make Satan Vanish ?

Why would an all forgiving, unconditional loving God hold the treat of eternal burning over our heads?

"Love me or I'll burn you forever" That's the words of a dictator. Words of a human being. Not a loving god.

Where was God BEFORE the children were kidnapped, rapped, tortured and murdered ? Anyone ?

Wake up you idiots.

KillerKap ago

kill yourself you stupid nigger.

Geo_synchronous ago

Well that wasn't a very nice thing to say from a God fearing Christian fella like yourself. Three negative hate words all in one sentence. LOL. No worries Bra. Some of the worst, rude, utterly crude comments come from you Christian people. Satan doesn't exist. Nor does the magic ole man in the clouds.

Praise your hate bra. Praise it.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Oh, he exists alright. There is positive evidence for his existence everywhere. Anyone who's participated in a satanic ritual or who has been a victim of satanic ritual abuse would tell you the same. But you seem to have subscribed to the non-scientific materialist dogma that forms the philosophical framework for most or all atheists. Your belief that Satan doesn't exist is based upon a naturalistic framework of the world, i.e. that only material causes exist. If there was no evidence for Satan, that would be one thing. But there is evidence everywhere of an adversary's existence.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

The word 'Satan' just means ''adversary' and 'deceiver'. It is a title or description, not a proper name.

This doesn't change the fact that there are many 'Satanists' in this world - people who choose to perform actions aimed at corrupting that which is good or pure.

A great many of these Satanists work toward their goal within the entertainment industry - TV, movies, music, and video games.

I woild be very cautious of criticizing others for belief in a God when you yourself follow 'Q' - an invisible entity within government who tells people to 'trust the plan' and sends out anonymous and cryptic messages.

The 'Love me or I'll burn you' vengeful God of the Old Testament (Jews) was replaced with the 'God is Love' graceful God of the New Testament (Christians). Or did you miss the memo?

OutlawCountry ago

How about you take your kids fishing?

fucking retards letting an electric Jew babysit your children.

sorry, just frustrated by the idiocracy of it all.

kestrel9 ago

I don't know, I didn't ask the father who wrote that.

OutlawCountry ago

he's probably busy playing video games

to answer if you did

TheManyHands ago

You let a 6 year-old play video games on "his ipad". You're the one sacrificing children to satan with shit like that. Imagine pretending to be surprised that giving an ipad to a 6 year-old was a bad idea. The guy obviously hates his child.

kestrel9 ago

The father's complaint was that he wasn't aware of the content. Read @argosciv info (above) on the rating of the game being (17+) but Googleplay rated it PG and no rating was included on the steam page.

You're correct, it's the parents responsibility to vet games and movies before giving them to the kids.

Aasb ago

not just that. A 6 year old shouldn't have an ipad. Its lazy parenting.

argosciv ago

It's also a fair contention that the father let their 6 year old spend so much time on an ipad.

Terrible example of parenting.

Nobody is in the right between the two.

That said, Goat Simulator is a terrible video game and in at least a few ways should be condemned for being a blight on the industry – there's even a mild connection to Activision (discovered while digging further in the time since my comment), which opens the whole thing up to further suspicion.

argosciv ago

For the record, the game is rated M(Mature audiences aged 17+) on the ESRB site for:

  • Blood
  • Crude Humor
  • Drug Reference
  • Strong Language
  • Violence

To some extent, the parent making the complaint could have found the ESRB rating information if they cared that much, but I digress...

However, this information is not present on the steam page. (Search: "Goat Simulator Steam Page")

Moreover, Googleplay rates the phone app as PG. (Search: "Goat Simulator Phone App")

The underlying point here being that distribution platforms for the game are deceptive/conflicting about the game's content.

Noteworthy from the wikipedia page:

Goat Simulator as well as 2013's Surgeon Simulator are often considered the first examples of "YouTube bait" games, purposely designed to appeal to an audience watching the game being played but lacking any redeeming gameplay values.[66]

(Formatting and deliberately dud link added for emphasis, see below)

At Microsoft's presentation at the 2014 Gamescom convention in August, Goat Simulator was announced as one of several titles to be coming to the Xbox One platform with the help of Double Eleven studios,[42] and later confirmed to be also arriving for the Xbox 360, with both versions released on 17 April 2015.[43][44][45] Koch Media also distributed a retail version of the Xbox One version, including all additional downloadable content, across Europe for release on 4 March 2016.[46] Coffee Stain Studios also released ports for iOS and Android in September 2014.[42][47][48] PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions, also ported by Double Eleven, were released on 11 August 2015.[49][50]

This is particularly noteworthy for a few reasons:

  • Firstly take a look at Double Eleven Studios' logo – under less suspicious circumstances, I'd shrug this off as no big deal, but reading the history/founding/recent activity of Double Eleven Studios gives at least myself reason to distrust their intention.

  • More importantly though, there's a very particular reason why Double Eleven's involvement in the XBox releases of Goat Simulator is suspicious:

Video showing one way (arguably the easiest) to complete the 'ritual' to become a Devil Goat on the PC version of the game

Video explained:

You first find your way to the Goat Throne, to obtain a special power which allows you to summon up to 7 (or possibly more) Goat Ragdolls at a time. Then you head out to the ritual site, which is just up a short path nearby to a house which represents the game developers HQ with signage reading "Coffee Stain Studios", and then use your newly gained summoning power to appease the ritual using summoned goats (no humans required).

While reading through the comments to this video, I discovered many people saying that they can only summon 4 Goat Ragdolls. As it turns out, someone replied to one of these complaints by informing them that the summoning ability was changed for the XBox releases to only summon up to 4 Goat Ragdolls, thus creating a requirement for the sacrifice of at least one human.

Therefore, the element of human sacrifice was not originally a requirement of the 'ritual' (though it appears that the Goat Ragdolls and human subjects are interchangeable on all platforms), but was actually introduced as an unavoidable requirement for the XBox versions (published by Double Eleven Studios) and likely the subsequent, inexplicably PG-rated mobile app versions (which were published by the original developers, Coffee Stain Studios).

All in all, I'd go ahead and agree that this game, like Outer Wilds, reeks of industry manipulation (potentially even serving to help launder money) and attempts to, on some level or another, mess with people through questionable content.

On the grounds of industry manipulation, there are many notable tangents worth digging into via the wiki pages for Goat Simulator, Coffee Stain Studios and Double Eleven Studios, but I'll leave that part up to those interested for now. Follow the money as they say (and corporate hierarchy/history).


Vindicator ago

Thanks for the added info. They are deliberately pushing this.

argosciv ago

Thanks for the added info. They are deliberately pushing this.

Y'welcome. Normally I wouldn't pay much mind to something like this in such a garbage game, but the discrepancy between PC version and XBox (+ others?) versions, namely the introduced unavoidable requirement, is particularly "wtf?". Given especially that console and mobile app releases are far more likely to fall into the hands of those under the ESRB age recommendation of 17.


MilitaryTribunals ago

The coffee stain looks like a skull

argosciv ago

Ported to consoles by Double Eleven and Lucid Games; ported to OS X and Linux by; GoatZ and Waste of Space downloadable content by Gone North Games

Most of Lucid Games' ten founders were previously employed by Bizarre Creations, which was shut down by Activision, its parent company, seven days prior to the announcement, on 18 February 2011.[3] The founding team also included Pete Wallace, the former senior manager of Bizarre Creations, Andy Davidson and media entrepreneur Paul Morrissey.,[4][5][6] According to Wallace, Lucid Games wanted to return to the roots of Bizarre Creations, and again develop itself to the point when Activision acquired it.[7]

See games table.

Last project prior to their involvement with Goat Simulator:

  • Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions, 2014, published by Activision even though Activision shut down Bizarre Creations ~3 - 4 years prior.

Involvement with Goat simulator (2015):

  • Involved, together with Double Eleven Studios, in porting the game to consoles PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One

SuggarRay ago

I knew it from the start. Why should one create such a game. Voila there is the answer

StankMouth ago

That shits wild, that logo tells you everything though. Thanks for taking the time to post all of that.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So petty, and definitely thinned skinned and cowardly of you. Let's help everyone read that link, shall we?

This is What I said about this little cunt:

Here's a thought.

Quit trying to be something you're not.

You're not insightful, or thoughtful. Not patient, or kind.

You've boasted and bragged about yourself, to the point where no decent person wants anything to do with you.

You Are A Thin Skinned Bullying Blood Drinking Satanist

How about you piss off, and quit making false accusations against people you know nothing about.

Then you won't need to apologize for all the damage you cause.

I told you. Stop accusing without proof, and I don't have a problem with your blood drinking ass.

You really are a pustule.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

We've all played the role of both hater and hated at some point. What matters is whether we continue that trend, or make a conscious effort to break free of the cycle of hating.

argosciv ago

Nope. I don't play roles here. ESOTERICshade does, though. He loves playing roles such as hater/hated/sage/savior/etc via alts to trick people into siding with him... uses one or more alts to hate/harass/defame, then swoops in to defend his target with another alt (or more than 1).

Chad_Stethoscope ago

By your own apology to others starting off your linked post, it's clear that you previously did play the role of hater. And you are now being hated on by others.

I don't mean 'playing an artificial role' as in LARP'ing or pretending via alts, but rather the role that you play in any given situation. Categorically, every person will be both the critic and the one criticized at some point in their interactions with others. We all play different roles in our own lives at different times in different places.

argosciv ago

By your own apology to others starting off your linked post, it's clear that you previously did play the role of hater.


And you are now being hated on by others.

Also nope, in the sense that it's nothing new.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

That's not the whole point of the game lol. It's a sandbox game, you can do whatever you want. Just like in real life, you can choose not to summon Satan. It was never an innocent silly game. It's rated 17+ for a reason.

Rating Summary

This is a simulation game in which players cause as much damage as possible with a goat in an open-world environment. Players earn points by using the goat's abilities (e.g., ramming, jumping, running) to destroy objects and complete challenges/stunts. Several stunts depict acts of violence: characters getting hit by vehicles; players shooting people with baseballs, destroying a gas station, pushing humans off cranes. A handful of challenges involve knocking other goats out of a large blood-stained fighting circle. During the course of the game, players can engage in a text-based mini-game (i.e., “Drug Wars”) that involves the fictional buying and selling of drugs (e.g., crack, heroin, opium). The game also includes instances of crude humor (e.g., characters holding signs that read “No penis shaped foods.”). The words “f*k” and “sht” appear in the dialogue.

KillerKap ago

nothing to see her goyim. fuck off you athiest cunt

BillyBobBoJangles ago


kestrel9 ago

It's true the father didn't see the other activities as being a problem (for a 6 year old to play) as he played the game with his son for a few days. (I doubt he saw the drug selling parts of the game). The game is a parody of other games/movie scenes and has a lot of humor added in it seems, so for a parent who is used to more serious (violent) games, it may not have seemed like a big deal.

RussianGoyBot ago

Ratings are just someone telling me what I can show my kids.

privacy_first ago

The game

is made by

Now, is there a way to know if the owners are Jew ?

Just curious....

kestrel9 ago

It's made by Double Eleven is helping them with Xbox platform.

argosciv ago

Just now seeing this comment (guessing you forgot to ping without the edit lol).

Yep, already looked into the swedish end of things as much as I had the energy to for now (bed soon). Bit of a dead end there for me thus far. As previously mentioned though, the Activision angle keeps suspicion in the air.

privacy_first ago


"©2020 Coffee Stain Studios AB • All rights reserved • Coffee Stain is part of the Embracer Group"

Embracer group is

And I still wonder if they are Jew...

Shillaxe ago

"Koch media distributed the retail version."

Koch = Jewish

For the record Im no fan of religion, Jewish or otherwise.