elephantdoesntforget ago

The mad world of Steven Spielberg ... ties with Oprah Winfrey?

Yup yup, Oprah Winfrey, drug dealer extraordinaire and Spielberg run in the same circles. They attend the same parties where they torture, rape, and murder those that speak out against them.

I've been telling everyone that would listen about Oprah and Spielberg for years. The world's biggest child pornographer Michael Jackson worked with Spielberg very closely while he was alive. Bottom line Jackson and Spielberg financed their works with child pornography. Spacey is another sick fuck who enjoys torturing this victims. Must have lucked on on the blackmail game.

carmencita ago

Very interesting comments. Until they start beating each other up. The SS doubters have never seen the pic with Heather and Drew perched upon his knees? With Heather dead and Drew going through the usual drinking and drug probs that the abused Child Stars go through, well their heads are buried in the sand. Or somewhere else.

Just not enough proof someone says. Oprah interviewed John of God. She and Gayle have been hiding behind the gay curtain for decades while Oprah has helped out so many on her show.

Pictures don’t lie. She and Gayle on DG’s yacht with others that we have posted about here.

So hoping this all finally blows up in her face.

plancktonne ago

Remember how Bill Cosby's drug rapes were an Open Secret and joked about in Hollywood and New York for years? It wasn't until black comedian Hannibal Buress raised the matter and wouldn't let it go.

Also how alleged torturer and murderer of poor black men, Ed Buck, was an Open Secret. He was known in West Hollywood as Dr. Kevorkian. Nothing was done after the first body turned up in his drug house. It was only after persistent efforts by independent black journalist Jasmyne Cannick who refused to drop the story and a second body turned up in Ed's place that authorities were finally moved to investigate and arrest Buck.

So it may be that once the black community gets their teeth into Oprah and Gayle and their friends they will be revealed for what they are.

Interesting aside is that Bill Cosby had a mansion in NYC, either directly across the street from the Wexner / Epstein place or very near to it.

carmencita ago

There is some hope because those black Mamas that rule the roost at home well, they don’t like to be had. They will fry her when they find she had connections to Geffen & Epstein. Fisher Island where both she and Gayle once owned homes is right near Miami known for Child sex trafficking. No wonder they loved it there.

plancktonne ago

Strange you should mention Fisher Island, As of 2015, Fisher Island had the highest per capita income of any place in the United States. A few days ago there was an unusual accident where two women were killed when their car "accidentally" rolled off the ferry to Fisher Island. Recall audio news referred to them as "socialites" same term used to describe Ghislaine. One woman at least worked for or was a benefactor to a child advocacy center which provides treatment for all forms of child trauma, with a 24-year specialization in sexual abuse,

Won't name the women or childrens charity because I can't dig deeper at the moment -- keep going in search circles with MSN videos predominating. And there's likely nothing to it anyway except coincidences.

Found this: "While it is common knowledge that Oprah Winfrey is a media mogul (and philanthropist, though she doesn’t really advertise this fact), you may not realize that she is also quite the real estate tycoon. In fact, with homes all over the country, from a [$90 million] equestrian estate in Montecito, CA to rural farm property in East Maui, HI and a gorgeous, yet over-the-top $14 million mansion in Telluride, CO, she has plenty of places to call home."

carmencita ago

We have a post right now on that charity. Take a look. Also Oprah owns a property I believe in Washington state. Can’t remember where right now.

plancktonne ago

Found the submission by Blacksmith21 from 5 days ago. Marginally interesting are these connections:

Fox News reported that, "In 2017, both Afra and Brahms were pictured at a private opening at the Mnuchin Gallery in New York City."

"Robert E. Mnuchin (born 1933) is an American art dealer and former banker [Goldman Sachs]. He is the founder of the Mnuchin Gallery at 45 East 78th Street, New York. He is the father of Steven Mnuchin, who is the United States Secretary of the Treasury in the Trump administration."

Steven was a Hollywood producer, a partner in RatPac Entertainment with James Packer and Brett Ratner. Steven apparently divested himself of his interests in that company when he became Sec of Treasury.

"Brett Ratner is ... facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct," Though it's likely impossible to do business in Hollywood without connecting to someone with allegations of sexual misconduct.

Otto- ago

Guys, all this stuff is amazing. Can't thank you enough for the work, wish I could contribute more. I hope to share it with the CDAN crowd upon further blinds.